Of course, he forgot to tell me about this. When the worker saw the forsythia and the small stake near it, he asked my husband what he should do, since there seemed to be something planted there; he knew how much I cared for my plants.
They do need the other three months off as a rest period. Continue to remove the dead, dying or unhealthy blooms as soon as possible to keep your plant looking in excellent condition.
Spraying the rosebushes with a good insecticide that has the culprit listed will help to gain control of the situation. With cutter bee damage, I just leave them alone and treat it like a badge of honor.
These cows, goats and pigs are hitting the beach in style. #beachlife #sheeplife A photo posted by Havard Vingsand (@hvingsand) on Jul 6, 2015 at 11:54am PDT Hemera/Thinkstock Airwolfhound/Flickr This guys kinda ripping #surfgoat #tandemsurf #teameffort...
Rather than build upon a sub-par roof and try to repair the extensive damage, we elected to remove the whole shebang. Bald patches were partially covered with shingles turned all different directions—my best guess is that the previous owners didn't...
The video is available at Garedenworks.cc in VHS or DVD format. But I've discovered that Canadian thistle will often find its way through the straw no matter how thick the mulch is.Ruth Stout mentions "witch grass" in "Gardening Without Work" and says...
Additionally, it can increase the number of blooms and length of bloom season by preventing the plant from expending energy on setting seeds.Established pansies can reach a height of 6 to 8 inches and a width of about 8 to 12 inches.
If the nail is really stuck, you can use a piece of wood between your pliers and the back of the wood to provide leverage as you work the nail out. Once the moulding is off the wall, you need to remove the old nails.
All of my Boer girlfriends are in heat! They line up by my buck run and pose and prance and purr because they want me to help them make babies. When we read what it said, our hair stood on end! Imagine this: “Unlike insects which surreptitiously puncture...
My wife's mother tells us how all the neighborhood women used to do their laundry in the creek. I'm always surprised how many fish there are in the creek (hundreds) seeing as there are a lot of fish eating birds, like herons, kingfishers, seagulls and...
A nice December treat, for sure! I have managed to tackle the perennial-garden chores . No more pesto, please! A few plants went a long way this summer. I love this time of year. I pulled out the basil before it got frosted for the first time ever.
That's what we do, dream about the future and grow until we get there. Replace some of them with ever-bearing varieties. (Ugh…) So here goes. Another year bites the dust. The good news is that much was accomplished in 2009's garden: The perennial beds...
Seeds form in the bulbous area between the flower and its stem. Use a clean set of gardening sheers or scissors to cut the stem off as close to the main stalk as possible. At the very least, ensure that the dead bloom and bulbous area are detached from...
Although Boston ivy has many benefits, it has nearly as many negative qualities. Be sure you're buying Ivy is renowned for adorning quaint cottages and centuries-old brick buildings on university campuses—thus the moniker “Ivy League.”This distinctive...
Here we have only one generation of asparagus beetles, but gardens in warmer climates can host two or even three generations! Asparagus-beetle adults and larvae feed on the developing asparagus spears by chewing ragged rips into them.
Leave them in there for a day to kill them. Spray your plants diligently with insecticide, as sucking insects can breed so rapidly a single application often isn't enough. These can normally be controlled by making the area less comfortable for them,...
What to do with overgrown shrubs? Instead, prune neglected, overgrown shrubs over three years. If you just trim the tops of the shrubs, they will grow even leggier and taller.Another option is to prune an overgrown, neglected shrub into a small tree.
This article will introduce the reader to some of the more popular and common species of Brachychiton in cultivation (primarily in Mediterranean climates throughout the world). Seed pod of this genus are large and filled with dozens of ovoid 1cm seeds...
Discard the roots, as they are not edible.Put the leaves and stem pieces in the bowl of a food processor. Although it is commonly considered to be a weed, it is popular in some Mediterranean--particularly Greek--cooking.
Baasha was a little Classic Cheviot and weighed 85 pounds, so when she felt creaky and needed help getting up, Mom could give her a boost. Her legs were badly crippled with arthritis.
You can either measure 15degrees or use the measurements in the drawing. Step 5 Screw a 24-inch strip of wood 16 inches up on each side of the sawhorse. Step 7 (optional) Lay a sheet of plywood across the bottom end supports to make a shelf to hold tools...
Many factors can result in small fruit, from cold damage to inadequate nutrition. Other little cherry symptoms include the taste. They can also be spread by propagation and grafting.All three pathogens of this disease occur in the Pacific Northwest, among...
You probably won't be able to tell the potatoes with hollow heart from the perfect potatoes until you cut into them, but at that point it will be obvious. Stress is the number one cause of potato hollow heart, so make sure that your potatoes are getting...
If weather permits, go outside to garden, brush your horses, take a country walk/bike ride, or do anything else that you enjoy doing and keeps you busy enough to tone down the worry chatter in your head.
Make an omelet with the 2 eggs in vegetable oil, chop it and add it to the soup.We're usually using a special sour juice for souring our soups (instead of lemon), which we call. Wash red orach leaves well and rip them offfrom the stem.
A couple of individual flower stems will then appear on each plant, with the spectacular 5" red flower opening soon after.While the foliage is nice and tidy, the flower is, of course, the main attraction.
This makes plants growing in this area even more susceptible to salt damageThere is also the immediate risk of plants being submerged in salt water after a flood such as frequently occurs with hurricane force winds.