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My Farm Truck
I love my farm truck. « More La Dolce Vita » This little scooter James-Bond-cool, amazingly reliable, and perfect for the incredibly tiny streets here. I left the sacks of concrete on the scooter, pushed the whole thing a few blocks (it rolls very easily,...
Body Condition Scoring In Sheep
“Some individual animals may not perform as well on the same feed and may need a little more TLC in the way of feed—better quality hay or more grain, for example,” Glazier says.
Why Body Condition Score Your Cows?
This is especially helpful during winter grazing or times of drought . “While the technique of measuring BCS is relatively similar [in dairy and beef cattle ], a body-condition-score-5 beef cow is not the same as a body-condition-score-5 dairy cow,”...
Basic Herbal Body Care For Winter
While there are many herbal products on the market, it's easy, cost effective and fun to make your own body-care products. Label before storing. Cold Oil Infusion The folk method of preparing an infused oil cold infusion.
No Body Can Be Prevented from Farming
For more information on the National AgrAbility Project and to find the nearest AgrAbility project in your area, head over to the NAP's website . Tags agriculter , assistive technology , disabled farmers , farm , farming , National AgrAbility Project
My Waterfall and My Truck
This whole area is riddles with creeks, so much so that several centuries ago, there were many dozens of water powered mills in the area. The Vespa is more than 30 years old, and I'm planning to take it apart, paint everything and then put it back together.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
Well, it probably depends on who you ask—the definition is a bit vague, though in my home state of Wisconsin, it's possible to officially register vehicles as farm trucks for a reduced fee, though restrictions on the vehicles' usage will then apply.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I like veggies, especially those grown in my garden. And for good reason: when you eat only vegetables you're always hungry! A roasted meat, some fried eggs and a good chunk of cheese, followed by a big piece of cake, with lots...
El Segundo
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
According to AFBF president Bob Stallman, some states currently exempt farm vehicles from federally imposed regulations while others do not, presenting complications for farmers who must cross borders to haul their products locally.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The receiver hitch slides into the receiver on the truck (see photo above right) and is held in place with a pin for easy removal. They cost less and use less fuel than their bigger siblings, so this class is a good candidate for a truck that will double...
UF Hack: Prevent Illegal Dumping In Your Community Garden
Five years ago, when we started the urban farm I worked at in Baltimore, our planning focused on the traditional agricultural concerns of planting crops, purchasing compost, figuring out water access and writing grants.
What is the Life of Valerian Root and How Long Does it Stay in the Body?
It has been used as a sleep aid and anxiety remedy since at least the second century A.D. Valeriana officinalis is the herb's Latin name.Valerian is a tincture and a powder that has been prescribed as a remedy for insomnia for centuries.Valerian root...
Santa Monica
Take Advantage of Free Compost
You can do this either after or before seeding (I prefer after so it helps protect the seeds from marauding birds and holds it in place until germination). I do think this is a valid concern, but when composting on such a large scale, the temperature...
Where Urban Meets Farm: Cooking Up Community
The designated grocery shopper(s) collects the money in good faith to purchase supplies. “The political food agenda and desire to ‘go green' are pushing the community-kitchen movement forward,” she says.
How Are Oranges Harvested?
The size of the orange grove to harvest is one of the biggest factors to consider. The owner of a small orange grove typically will choose to hire workers to manually harvest the oranges, while a large orange grove is more likely to depend on one of the...
Santa Monica
Traveling with Livestock
Last week, Dad and Fayre, our Portuguese Water Dog took three of our young sheep, Aliss, Dixie Moon and Gunnar (his name used to be Carrot) to their new home in Glencoe, Okla. Reinforce latches with strong bungee cords or rope ties.
The Anatomy Of A Honeybee
The abdomen contains the bee's respiratory organs, reproductive organs, cardiovascular and digestive organs, and not one but two stomachs. Antennae on what we might consider the bee's forehead contain thousands of olfactory sensors used to process myriad...
Get Cultured in Kefir
Yes, you may make a batch that is too sour for your liking, but that is hardly a tragedy. If you are a bit confused, you have good reason. Continue this until the milk is thick and sour.
Got Adrenal Problems? Grow Borage!
In fact, borage is also a well-known mood lifter. It's an excellent companion to strawberries and tomatoes, and it's an annual that's easy to direct-seed. When the temperature changes, when our thought-life becomes angry or depressed, when our blood sugar...
Growing Rhodiola
Rhodiola rosea is a plant that grows in mountainous regions. Now, back to the Olympics tie-in. My second-year herb students were studying it last month, and when we got together to talk about what everyone had discovered I sort of fell in love.
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
A chainsaw milling attachment, a personal weather station and a body roller for sore muscles are among items our editors found. Netatmo Personal Weather Station Know what your ultra-local weather is before ever rolling out of bed with the Netatmo Personal...
How to Sell Pine Straw
Pine straw is a popular mulch in the southern United States.Contact your county extension office to find pine straw producers in your area. Pine straw mulch remains loose and allows air and water to infiltrate the ground below, unlike firmer mulches that...
Santa Monica
Gather Cleavers for Springtime Medicine
For this reason, it was often referred to as bedstraw. Cleavers has successfully been used in the circulatory system to clear cholesterol deposits, in the liver, and in the urinary tract to remove stones and calculi.
Thin Cows Equal Poor Beef Production
Thin cows also tend to have lower colostrum quality, which means calves aren't don't receive the passive immunity they need to guard against disease, cold stress and other stress factors.
Win Over Native Bees with These 5 Hospitality Secrets
(Decidedly not included here are the many species of ground-nesting wasps that are capable of stinging and need not be encouraged!) Early-emerging, ground-nesting bee species are of particular value to orchardists because fruit trees are among the earliest...
Ensure Livestock Health With Midwinter Weight Checks
Keep in mind that there isn't one perfect score for all horses. One final tip: If you have a hard time determining whether an animal is a 4 or a 5 on a scale, particularly on a 9-point scale, take a step back.
Fiddleheads should never be eaten raw, too many uncooked can cause a stomach ache. They have a taste unlike anything else. I drove away from there, rubbing my hands together in anticipationStart scouting your secret patch a few weeks before Mother's Day.
El Segundo