Environmentally Responsible. Compliments Very Well the Timber-Frame Style Construction. Readily Available!. Planks are Pre-Sanded Creating a Surface Ready for Staining & Finishing = Installation Savings.
It's once you transform those tomatoes into salsa or soup that food regulations come into play. I'm continually amazed at how two different state employees can look at the same regulation and interpret things differently.
Package: After spinning, pack lettuce into vented plastic bags or clam shells, or leave it loose for free-choice. If space is not available, keep them as close to cellar temperature as possible.
Just as you organize all your jars, produce and ingredients before you start canning a batch of pickles, assemble the key ingredients for your business' success. Develop Your Canning Niche Think out of the strawberry jam and dill pickle jar.
Here are some things to investigate. Customers hate to waste food just as much, if not more, than they hate not getting enough food. Customers might like to see a little dirt to know their food is coming from a real farm, but too much dirt might make...
These worthy souls were working for one farm during the Keeneland horse sales here in Lexington, Ky.; the idea behind the catered meals was that they wouldn't have to leave their posts in search of food; and they'd be around when potential clients might...
Schroeder also talks about the calorie load required by farm workers and why traditional farm meals, with their huge portions of protein and carbohydrates, were so vital. Between the heavy lifting required by the male farm workers and the women's day-to-day...
Yes, it's unfortunate to waste, but as long as you are taking notes and learning, that excess produce can simply go back into the garden via the compost and you can try again next year.
An experienced grower might feel comfortable providing a CSA for 25 or 30 weeks, or even year-round. Or, you might decide to decrease the amount of money the CSA needs to make and instead lean heavier on one of your other outlets such as the farmers market...
Not enough watering? If I told you to think about all the things you wanted to remember from this season, you would probably reply with a blank stare—there is a lot to remember in a season.
So in theory, a 100-foot bed, with three rows of parsley, could be worth $600 wholesale to more than $2,000 retail per cutting per bed. Curly parsley has become synonymous with buffet garnish, but that doesn't mean it's not delicious.
For instance, a lot of your crops will come not from the fields, but from storage—potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, garlic, rutabagas, carrots, beets and other storage crops can be harvested in the late fall and stored for months.
If what you grow is better than everything around you, then standing out is not going to be a big problem. You should let your own personal style influence your farm brand, but knowing who you are selling to can guide just how far to take it.
It's hot and maybe there's a drought setting in (or, just as easily, a flood). But as the saying goes, the cure for exhaustion is enthusiasm. It might be refreshing to have some people over and talk about what you've been up to.
They nailed the pitch: In just one week, they had the loan they needed to start work on the packing shed. “It's all on the internet, and Kiva wants to involve you in their internet community.
Greet Everyone You would be surprised by how many sales come from simply saying “How's it going,” or “Good morning,” to a passerby. On the flip side, if someone is quieter and more reserved, even if you are louder by nature, adjust your voice...
For the past few years, I've followed Hartman's implementation of lean manufacturing principles in agriculture with great interest. So where does farming come in? You get a little more of Ben's backstory in The Lean Farm Guide —how he and his wife went...
The Writing Room at Inn Serendipity has a private attached bathroom that's connected directly to the room, while the Music Room has a private bathroom that's located across the hallway.
Perhaps you could land a job on a local farm—that would be a great option for education. Really think it out, even do some market research to understand how in demand the product you hope to raise will be and what competition, if any, you will have.