She is 1 1/2 yrs old. Sweet and playfull. She is a house dog, she has some training. She tends to be shy but she warms up quickly. She has brown eyes and a pink nose. We have all her paper work and her family bloodline.
Willie de Chesapeake is a beautiful brown male. Willie de Chesapeake at stud to select bitches. He is powerful and graceful please visit for more information Bitches must have hips tested, current CERF and brucellocis test prior to...
White long haired german shepherd puppies available to approved homes,big boned,loving,calm gentle giants. White german shepherd dog puppies ,AKC,OFA parents.hip and health guarantee,large boned family bred for the family companion.
We need someone with a yard or good piece of land so he can run and play like his breed loves to do!! He is hip certified, and from K-9 Police parents. All 3 kids are so busy with traveling sport club we don't have enough time or enough land that this...
CKC & WSDWR registered working Australian Cattle Dog pups aka Blue heeler. Extremely loyal and devoted family dogs, extremely healthy breed. For more information visit website 300.00
Beautiful Aussie with two blue eyes. Tons of energy. Loves to play fetch and get belly rubs. Would be great with an outdoorsy family. Knows sit, come and in for crate.
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
And they have all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings.we have been breeding bullies for over ten years and one of our main priorities is to make sure that we find a safe and confortable home for each of them.
All our puppies are home raise with lot of love and attention. They are registered/registerable, current vaccinations and a 6 months health guarantee. We have been breeding bulldogs for over 13 years and one of our main priorities is to make sure we find...
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
✗ Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam
✗ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller