Champion bloodlines. Parents OFA & CERF. Second litter was born 6/17/10. 1 red merle male, 1 black tri male & 1 red tri female. First litter was born 6/2/10. 1 blue merle female available.
Our brittanys are raised on our farm .They are hunted here in southern IN . We have three male brittany pups born on 12/23/2006,thier colors are orange and white. We are asking $300.00 for them
6 male/2 Female. 8 puppies whelped 5/16/07. Parents excellent hunters on game preserve in Grass Valley, OR. Trade options available for payment. 6 males/2 females available. Breeder can email pictures of puppies, answer any questions regarding breeding.
Parents have champions in their back grounds. Handled daily! Pictures & more $600 1-black tri male male $500 Very cute & sweet with outgong personalities. 1-female red merle w/ copper & white markings.
Both parents eyes were checked and cleared normal. 1 blue merle male w/ copper & white $600 2 black tri females $400 each 2 black tri males $400 each Sire's hips OFA Good. Great family pet, show/performance potential or working! Great temperments.
$500 each for picture & more info check out our website. 2 red tri males. They will be vet checked and have current shots & de-worming before going to new homes. Very nicely marked.
We are in bham,alabama His dad is rebs rustic sioux chief and grandad is 3x grand nat'l ch nolans last bullet need new home he is 2 yr old and has started but hsb never finished with him he is a prospect will point on a dime asking 100.00.
Serious inquiries only please. 3 out going confident, and intelligent pups are available. All shots and dewormings have been done. We breed for health, intelligence and temperament, and only breed every two years.
704-776-2221 Located in Jefferson SC. Come with age appropriate shots and worming. Visit our website, Call or text for more info. AKC AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Parents are tested for genetic diseases, great temperaments.
704-776-2221 Located in Jefferson SC. Come with age appropriate shots and worming. Visit our website, Call or text for more info. AKC AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Parents are tested for genetic diseases, great temperaments.
704-776-2221 Located in Jefferson SC. Come with age appropriate shots and worming. Visit our website, Call or text for more info. AKC AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Parents are tested for genetic diseases, great temperaments.
704-776-2221 Located in Jefferson SC. Come with age appropriate shots and worming. Visit our website, Call or text for more info. AKC AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Parents are tested for genetic diseases, great temperaments.
You can email me at ,or call at 573-301-2210, ask for sandi He is the most energetic pup in the litter.tiny is very out going and cuddly puppy.SINCE HE IS SO SMALL I WOULD PREFer that you drive to pick him up.
Akc registered female pug. Great personality. $1100.00 cash due when you pick up your puppy.Please call or text Erna 608 217 3835 if interested. All shots, wormed, dew claws removed.
Cute and cuddly AKC registered little girl would like to find her 4ever home. Located in Jefferson. Please call or text Erna at 608 217 3835 if interested. We require a $100.00 cash deposit to hold a puppy with the $1100 cash balance due when you pick...
AKC REGISTERED Pugs.Fawn. Please text or call at 920-988-4569 or 920-723-2710 I stink at email. Shipping a possibility with additional fee. Super spoiled and ready to join your family.
Will be ready November 3rd. Wormed, dew claws removed and first shots given. We have been raising pugs for over 30 years. Located in Jefferson. Please call or text Erna @ 608 217 3835.
AKC registered pugs.Fawn. I stink at email. Please call or text me at 920-988-4569 or 920-723-2710 Super spoiled and want to join your family. Both parents on site.UTD on shots,dew class removed,dewormed.
AKC Registered This energetic little sweetie is looking for her 4ever home. We have been raising pugs for over 30 years. Please text Erna at 608 217 3835 if interested. Will be ready November 3rd.
Tuffy is a very handsome young pup. He's a great puppy. If you want to talk further email me at or call me at 573-301-2210 ask for sandi He will come to you with his shots up to date and in perfect health.
Pups will be started with goat kids. Can help with delivery to surrounding states. Great working parents. Taking reservations for AKC Great Pyr puppies that will be born Feb.
Blue merles & red tri. Champion Bloodlines. They will have first shots, dewormed and be vet checked before going to new homes. Sire is a blue merle with copper white. 6 blue merle females, 1 blue merle male, 1 red tri female 1 black tri male.
Beautiful Charcoal Female pup available now! All pups are up to date on vaccinations, de-worming and well socialized with other dogs and children. Family pet, therapy or hunting companion homes only! Ask me about offering delivery to Sutter, IL, Hamilton,...
7 1/2 year-old German Shorthair, female, AKC registered, 1 litter, housebroke, liver and white, used primarily for bird hunting, selling due to moving, used to other dogs, very dependable, contact Russ