These dogs are brother and sister so they cannot be bred together , the female would be good show dog the male is show quality also both are very large dogs,beautiful coat on them they have been kept indoors and cords are white ,they are housetrained...
Health and hips gauranteed. Male Komondor born 1/27/2005. Male komondor born 1/27/2005. He has seven champions in his pedigree. We are asking $800 plus shipping.
They're living with a small flock of sheep, and are socialized with other stock, cats, people, and children. We have 1 male and 1 female Komondor puppy, 5 months old March 28th. We are not a puppy mill, but have been providing quality lgd's for over 10...
Raised on family farm with sheep and poultry. English Shepherds are practical and versatile workers for farmers who are interested in working ability. We are not a breeding kennel\\" but a working family sheep farm.
We have three prior litters of full-siblings who have proven abilities in herding, hunting, and guardian of the family and stock nature. Our dogs are our farm tools and our companions on a large dairy.
English Shepherds have been selectively bred for an upright, loose-eyed herding style, and for all-around abilities, such as guarding and hunting. Males and females, black/tan and tricolors available.
Good to kids!! I`m ask 450 for each. They have been raised with Llama, Alpaca, and other animals. I`m ask 450 for each. 2 famale and 1 male ready to breed. Dogs is 3 years old. They are a very loyal dog.
Registered golden retriever pups for sale. Puppies are golden tan and dark red. Sire is a descendent from the dog in the movie Homeward Bound. Males 350 and females 400. Born 8/27/2007.
Purchased her in Ohio from a breeder, she is wonderful with both my kids and the other animals we have. Looking for a good home for her perferably in the country as we live in the country and she stays in our yard or fields and is unleashed most of the...
Good with other dogs/kids. Her pedigree can be viewed and clicking on the Started Dogs button. She has 150 to 200 yard outrun on her, a good stop and decent flanks. She would be a good dog for somebody that doesn't want to wait for a pup to grow up as...
She is very biddable, stylish with medium eye. Coon placed 6th in the national nursery finals in 2007 (was owned and run by Alasdair MacCrae) and is now owned by Steve Kunkel of Chicago, Illinois.
Champion Blood Lines out of Cosmo's Concerto Charlie. NO issues with gun fire. Started 3 1/5 Year Old Male Black Lab. Superior Disposition Good looking Very Birdy Superb hunting dog.
All pups will be vaccinated, and evaluated before leaving. They have been raised in the house and exposed to many visitors. Beautiful & healthy English Shepherd pups available.
AKC registered. Parents are both on the farm working. 8 Australian Shepherd puppies bred to herd. Mother is Blue Merle. Father is Red Tri. Eight 6 week old Australian Shepherd puppies AKC registered.
The litter will go fast so call early, taking orders on a first come first serve basis. All the paperwork to register your puppy in the Field Dog Stud Book will be included. Pups are from proven hunting lines, Sire is Berils Upland Juneau and Dame is...
Due to the economy only $200 this year. These gorgeous Great Pyrenees pups are already working with parents. Hurry - still a few left! Some pics at our website, Working with parents on alpaca farm, born 1/24/09 and 1/28/09 - ready now! No papers.
In the litter are Liver and White, Orange and White, and Liver and White Tri-Color. From field trial Champion Bloodlines. All my dogs come with a lifetime health guarantee-if ever develops a life threatening genetic defect, I will replace the dog.
Beautiful and well-trained female choco lab named chula. Looking for a farmer/hunter to give her the love and running she deserves. Bred at donnybrook. Amazing pheasant hunter, and athletic-but unfortunately our circumstances prevent us from giving her...
Call early for best selection. Additional litter due soon. Pups were born on 12/27/07 and will be ready end of February. Pups have loads of attention and will be excellent guards or pets.
Pups will be ready to leave the beginning of March. Please visit our website for more pictures and information. They could be introduced to cattle, camelids, or sheep as well. We have several available working livestock guardian dog puppies to protect...
Strong prey drive, love water, and scenting abilities of a bloodhound makes them EXCELLENT HUNTING DOG! Average price $1,000.00 The Only Deutscher Wachtelhund (DW) Club (with member kennels) breeding based on strict German Hunting Breeding & Performance...
7 1/2 year-old German Shorthair, female, AKC registered, 1 litter, housebroke, liver and white, used primarily for bird hunting, selling due to moving, used to other dogs, very dependable, contact Russ
Trained hunting dog - 3 year old male Springer Spaniel Relocating and must sell Contact Randy Adamowicz Phone: 262-914-0901 Price: $400 AKC Field Bred Hunting Dog - Liver and White- Shots up to Date Trained for game birds.
I buy all brands & types, usually for the products that provide coupons. This light wet food, however, is a tad too drygood for the health aspects, but very hard to mold around the pills, as it tends to crumble and not adhere to the pills.
✓ Not recommended for puppies, adult dogs not prone to gaining excess weight, and pregnant or nursing dogs
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Protein-rich liver helps maintain strong bones and muscles and promotes ideal body weight
✓ Nourishing fatty acids help maintain proper nervous and immune system functions and promote healthy skin and coats
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 4 x 3 x 3 inches to 11.75 x 9 x 4 inches depending on size selected.
✓ Contains 50% less fat, 12.5% fewer calories, and higher fiber to help control weight and keep dogs lean and healthy
I feed my dogs Purina Pro Plan Sport 30/20 during hunting season. Hunts through duck and goose seasons and this food has kept him at his best. Very high energy one year old lab. Our dogs continue to run well and maintain a nice looking coat.
✓ Antioxidant-rich nutrition nourishes the immune system
✓ Concentrated nutrition helps optimize oxygen metabolism for increased endurance
✓ EPA and glucosamine help support joint health and mobility
✓ 30% protein and 20% fat helps fuel metabolic needs and maintain lean muscle
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 31.5 x 18.5 x 5.5 inches.
✓ Amino acids help nourish muscles including the crucial time immediately following exercise