Frontline Plus for dogs and puppies is a convenient spot-on treatment for fast-acting, long-lasting control of fleas, ticks and lice in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age or older. Kills all stages of fleas and ticks.
Zonk-It! 35 insect control spray provides up to 35 days protection from face flies, horse flies, horn flies, mosquitoes and gnats. Kills fleas, ticks, lice and louse eggs. Zonk-It! 35 insect control spray contains 0.50% Permethrin.
Advantus Soft Chews contain imidacloprid, and begin to kill fleas within 1 hour of treatment. Advantus kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment of flea infestations. Fleas in your dog's environment can re-infest your dog, therefore you may...
Pleasant smell. Per gallon of water, to be sponged on or used as a dip. Contains Pyrethrins to kill fleas & ticks, lice, gnats, mosquitoes and flies on dogs, cats, puppies and kittens over 12 weeks of age.
It is EPA registered and provides long-lasting protection. Machine washable. Perfect for picnics, camping trips, ball fields, and more. Portable, comfortable, and lightweight. The effective, odorless, built-in bug repellent is woven into the fabric.
Stops existing flea infestation and re-infestation for 30 days. Effectively kills fleas, ticks, and chewing lice. ShieldTec for Cats is a convenient spot-on treatment for cats and kittens over 8 weeks of age.
Sentry FiproGuard Plus Cat Flea & Tick Spot-On is a convenient treatment for fast-acting, long-lasting control of fleas, ticks, and lice. For use in cats and kittens 8 weeks of age or older.
It contains an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) along with other ingredients to kill the adult fleas and prevent flea larvae from developing into biting adults. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Carpet Spray breaks the flea life cycle for 7 months with just one treatment.
Directions for use: First, determine how many droppers full are required based on the size of your dog: small dogs under 15 lbs.: 2ml (2 droppers), medium dogs 15-40 lbs.: 3.5 ml (3.5 droppers), large dogs over 40 lbs.: 5 ml (5 droppers).
Collar will kill ticks including Brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), and deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus) which may carry the Lyme disease.
Innovative active ingredient and mode of action with no known resistance in fleas. Activyl Spot-On for Dogs and Puppies is a once-a-month topical flea treatment for dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age or older, and weighing at least 4 lbs.
Fogger for each 375 sq. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Indoor Fogger contains 0.50% etofenprox, 0.09% s-methoprene, 0.40% tetramethrin, and 0.50% n-ocytl bicyclohpetene dicarbomixide. For best results, treat entire dwelling, with particular attention to kitchens...
Protects vehicles from debris and protects from pests! Made of durable, scratch-resistant material. Fits most station wagons and SUV's . Insect Shield Repellent Gear repels mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and fleas.
Safari Flea Comb for Cats Size:Pack of 2 Safari Flea Comb for Cats Size:Pack of 2 Safari Flea Comb for Cats Size:Pack of 2
Brand: Safari
Features: Effectively removes fleas, and monitors the condition of the skin and coat Best suited for cats, kittens and small animals To maintain a healthy coat, brush and comb your pet regularly Recommended by professional groomers Ideal to use after flea powders or shampoos
Protects vehicles from debris and protects from pests! Made of durable, scratch-resistant material. Fits most vehicles. Insect Shield Repellent Gear repels mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and fleas.
Cheristin for Cats is a once-a-month topical flea prevention for cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older. Cheristin contains spinetoram to start killing fleas within 30 minutes. Continues killing fleas for a full month after application.
Virtually 100% of attached ticks are detached after 48 hours. Active ingredient Amitraz. Preventic Tick Collar for Dogs prevents attachment of ticks. Cut off and dispose of excess length.
Bio-Groom Repel-35 is a gentle, water-based insect control formula. Provides up to 35 days protection from face flies, horse flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, ticks and lice.
Bio Spot Active Care Flea and Tick Spot On for Cats kills fleas and deer ticks and kills and repels mosquitoes for up to 28 days. An unique applicator helps to assure that the right dosage is applied.
Consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals, or animals on medication.ACTIVE INGREDIENTSPyrethrins. Do not repeat treatment for one week.
The smart and safe way to remove ticks from people and pets. If you live, work or play in any area where ticks live, you could be at risk for contracting diseases such as Lyme Disease.
✓ Remove ticks in a few seconds without pain
✓ It doesn't leave the mouthparts of the tick in the skin
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 7.00 x 10.00 x 5.00 Inches
They are applied to a small area of skin but soon spread. Activyl Spot-On is efficient monthly flea control for your pet and can be used safely. It stops fleas from biting to give your pet quick relief, and breaks the flea life cycle to prevent new fleas...
BTI trading was established in year of 2012.We are allocated at US WA.The transportation to our store is very convenient.we are selling only high quality products we also selling our products world wide .At BTI we sure you can find all the product that...
✓ Waterproof Fast acting, long lasting
✓ Kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease
✓ Stops the flea life cycle and kills flea eggs and larvae for up to 12 weeks
SENTRY Fiproguard Plus has the same active ingredients as Frontline Plus but costs less. SENTRY Fiproguard Plus stops the reinfestation cycle by killing flea eggs and larvae and also helps to protect your pets and family from illness by killing ticks...
ULTRAPEX Anti Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs and Cats- One Size fits All Universal Looking for the perfect protection for your best four-legged friends-dogs, cats, and pets?The ULTRAPEX Anti Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs and Cats provides premium protection,...
Woof! Woof! Dogs make fun pets. Some are tiny and some are tall. Books : DOGS DOGS Woof! Woof! Dogs make fun pets. Some have curly hair and others have straight hair. Young readers will learn about the appearance behaviour and abilities of pet dogs and...