Very straight-no breaks-7 inch spaced-21 inch blades-field ready-located at Sikeston Mo -can be dismantled to deliver Disk paint weathered-no bad rust-blades-hoses-tires good-32ft wide-no breaks or welds on frame--hook on and go to field
For a full price list on new and used, you can check out our website at www. We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. As part of our agreement with Kubota, we are unable to advertise our prices on independent websites.
This is a used mower conditioner #469, (9ft. It is too long for my use, willing to sell a low price. Bar) in good working condition. I will take $1500.00 or the best offer.
The products export to Europe, America, Australia, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, all the year round and enjoy good fames in the user. Made of steel 65Mn different shapes, sizes, thickness and center hole punches There is an existing...
Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3 pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move from premisis
Shipping: i will make the shipping to your door. There are no weights included.The front rims are not the same. So, they split the tractor, replaced the rear main seal along with a new drive gear, and also put on a new vibration dampner on the engine...
For a full price list on new and used, you can check out our website at www. We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. As part of our agreement with Kubota, we are unable to advertise our prices on independent websites.
Please contact us for item location & availability. Email us with your zip code for a quote. Shipping is available for most items. Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: Appointment Only Krone disc mower You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a...
International Harvestor model 990 10 foot haybine. Tires in good condition. Has new sickle that was just rebuilt. This haybine still has a lot of life left for a hobby farmer, or can be used for parts.