We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. *All sales are to be made in person Unit is subject to availability. Pictures may not represent the actual item in some cases and is a representative photo only.
$10,000.00 Longview,Tx. 17 ft. $8,500.00 Longview, Tx. 12 ft. Bought for ranch project that fell through this year. New 17' folding finish mower WDFM1017RTMFM new 12' folding finish mower WDFM1012RTMFM
Disc is in very good shape. Email for pictures or to ask any questions. Seller is selling off all farm equipment. Priced at $2800. Model 1907 Krause Disc Hydraulic Fold 26\". Ask about our other equiptment.
Krone disc mower You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase. Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: Appointment Only Please contact us for item location & availability.
Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3 pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move from premisis
Have purchased different vineyard with different row spacing. Bushog heavy duty model, ideal for farm use, vineyards, mowing grass or weeds. Good condition, used in vineyard for mowing grass-weeds need to sell for $1500.00 Located near Lodi, CA
2010 CLAAS 3100FC 9' 10" working width * Nice used front mower * This is the right choice for those seeking a powerful front mounted mower * This mower is virtually unrivaled on the market *
12' 6" - 20 in blades - new tires - good scrapers - 8.5 in spacing - straight disk - Several other BWA disks available - Check our website frequently, were always adding and rebuilding John Deere disks as well as many other brands and sizes as well.
We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. *All sales are to be made in person Unit is subject to availability. Pictures may not represent the actual item in some cases and is a representative photo only.
Atlas 500 Series Adjustable Ball Bearing Disc Atlast 500 Series Adjustable Disc. (Implement) The 500 Series disc is designed for rugged and dependable use. They are offered with ball bearings andd 20" notched disc blades.