Enter shade loving ornamental grass. Similarly, Hakone grass, which produces blades in a soft, gentle yellow, will brighten dark corners.is one of the better options for a shady pond or consistently wet area.
The most common species for use in containers are the true grasses and members of affiliated families such as sedge, rush and bamboo. You can leave them until late winter to early spring and then cut them back to a couple of inches above the crown.
Replant the healthiest chunks with good root growth. Cut back the plants in late winter to early spring to allow air and light in to the new growth. These are important components for photosynthesis, the plant process that harvests solar energy and turns...
The lovely variegated green/gold foliage looks great in either full sun or partial shade settings.varieties can get somewhat large, but this one only attains a height of 8 inches (20 cm.) with a 12-inch (30 cm.) spread.
While some genera are desirable landscape plants, others areBrownish insignificant flowers emerge from my Japanese sedge in late winter. During the winter the plants may look a bit tattered, but if trimmed in early spring, new foliage emerges and renews...
Spores are produced in sharp-pointed cones (strobili) about one-inch long on the tips of fertile stems.The giant equisetums went the way of the dinosaurs but can be found in fossil records, and they are a constituent in the coal we use for fuel.
This way you can plant dwarf mondo grass that is exactly like the parent and you will have a much more uniform look to your plants.For division, dig up a well established clump of dwarf mondo grass.
Dig it into a depth of at least 8 inches (20 cm.) to add porosity to soil and encourage drainage.to remove excess salt build up which can harm roots.It is not necessary for the plant's health to remove the older grass, but it does improve the appearance...
It is not a true grass but does have strappy leaves and a clumping habit. Serious damage by any of these is unlikely.There are numerous cultivars from which to choose, with variant flower colors and size.
The seed head also resembles a bottle brush, hence the common name for this grass.The grass is green but turns brown as it matures, typically beginning in late summer. It works well as a backdrop in beds with shorter plants in front of it, or along walkways...
This grass produces best in moist soils or even boggy riparian edges but established grasses can tolerate short periods of drought.USDA zones 5 to 9 are ideal for zebra grass planting.
Once you're sure the grass is free of critters, you're ready to begin.Cut through the leaves near the base of the plant to leave a tuft of foliage 6 to 8 inches tall. These showy plants require little care except for the annual pruning, which isn't a...
In hotter climates, it may get burned by harsh sun rays and lose color on the tips of the leaf blades. A fountain grass turning white is the plant's response to the cool temperatures as it readies itself to slumber until warm season temperatures return.Any...
If you are purchasing a “citronella plant” that has lacy foliage instead of grass blades, it is probably a citronella scented geranium, which is often sold as mosquito repelling plants but actually ineffective at repelling these insects.Citronella...
While the plant may rot out in boggy soils, it needs consistent moisture. Keep mulch away from direct contact with the base of the plant to prevent mold issues.One of the most important aspects of moor grass care is water.
Be sure to water after applying fertilizer.To keep the plant neat and healthy, cut the grass down to a height of 3 to 4 inches before new growth emerges in spring. Dig 2 to 4 inches ofinto the planting area if the soil is poor or doesn't drain well.Water...
Dig up the root mass and cut the plant into 2 or 3 sections, each equipped with roots.Adagio is useful in large containers, mass plantings or as single specimens. Growing Adagio maiden grass provides winter interest as well as drought resistance and erosion...
This is a monster of a plant to divide but it is necessary for best plant health.The best time to divide maiden grass is when it is dormant. Oldercan get many feet wide and may grow 5 to 6 feet in height.
Excess food can also cause an unstable plant with limp blades.In the first year, fountain grass can benefit from someapplied at planting time. It is not necessary to fertilize the plant every year.
It is a slender creeping grass with flat leaf blades that bear rough margins. The plant needs little extra nutrition in boggy soil but in container situations, feed once per month with a diluted plant food during the growing season.site with plenty of...
Botanically, stipa feather grass is referred to as. While the plant prefers moderately soil, it is adaptable to nearly any type of well-drained soil, including sand or clay.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
And what steps are involved in cutting back fountain grass? This is just to make the chore of cutting back fountain grass a little easier because you won't have to clean up all the fallen stems.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Have become very popular with landscapers because of their ease of care, movement, and the graceful drama they bring to a garden. This is not strictly necessary but is aesthetically more pleasing than new green growth poking through old brown growth.Porcupine...
The gray-green foliage burnishes with color in fall and the pink flowers become a silvery accent in winter.Decorative plume grass requires watering to the depth of the roots every two weeks during the growing season.
, although both names can commonly be found in literature. In the landscape, ravenna grass makes a lovely, makes a soothing barrier plant, or may be part of a. It is an outstanding specimen but does have the potential to naturalize and become a nuisance...
Keep the soil in the flat lightly moist and place the flat in a warm area at least 60 F. This group of grasses has added appeal in late summer with spectacular plumes and in fall with bronze to burgundy colored foliage.5 to 9.
If you have a spot, try some this spring! If so, consider brightening it with Hakonechloa macra, or Japanese forest grass. Of all hakonechloas, 'Aureola' is the one most often sold at garden centers.