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Are Lemon and Lime Poisonous to Dogs?
This will flush the fruit out of its system. Withhold food for 24 hours and allow the dog to only drink water. Long-term effects can include depression and liver failure, resulting in the animal's death.For dogs that have consumed the fruit or juice of...
Santa Monica
Are Tomatillos Acidic?
Typically, a pressure canner is used only for fruits of low acidity, but that canning process also is recommended as the best way to prevent spoilage in tomatillos. Tomatillos may be canned using a boiling water bath or a pressure canner.
Santa Monica
How Aspirin Water Helps Plants
The standard recipe is one aspirin per 1 gallon of water. The aspirin solution can also be applied to garden compost to prevent fungus and bacteria.Stick to the basic recommended recipe and space out applications.
Santa Monica
Garden Plants That Animals Will Not Eat
They're after grubs, worms or other "tasty" critters eating the roots of your plants. But nearly every such list comes with a "no guarantees" caveat. Here are some plants that should remain fairly safe in your garden.Irene Shonle, writing for Colorado...
Santa Monica
A List of Several Adaptations of Land Plants Significant for Terrestrial Survival
Aquatic plants have minerals and water all around them, but land plants have to obtain these substances from the ground. However, plants also need to grow taller to get more sunlight and block sunlight from competing plants.
Santa Monica
Companion Planting List
Some plants grow well together. All of these herbs and vegetables are good companions to each other as well. The squash family of vegetables also benefits from neighboring borage, nasturtium and radish, and the nasturtium repels aphids, asparagus beetle,...
Santa Monica
List of South African Plants
King proteas can grow well anywhere the soil is drained well and the atmosphere is warm and dry.Lithops are unusual plants that generally grow in the western areas of South Africa.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Perfect & Imperfect Flowers?
Species with staminate flowers on one plant and pistillate flowers on another include asparagus, spinach, willow and cottonwood. Flowers grow in a variety of shapes, sizes and scents.
Santa Monica
List of Plant Diseases Caused by Bacteria
Trees and plants that are infected with fire blight will display tan-colored, bacterial ooze near the points of infection. The bacterium begins its growing season as your plant enters its growing season.
Santa Monica
Is the Lucky Bamboo Plant a Good Clean Air Plant?
Lucky bamboo has "luck" in its name for a reason but that reason has nothing to do with purifying air. The plant is a member of the Dracaena genus, some of which have air-cleaning qualities, which accounts for the misconception.Lucky bamboo is known scientifically...
Santa Monica
What Plants Live in Rivers & Streams?
The plant produces no berries or flowers, but provides a dense habitat for fish. Spikerush grows primarily along the shallow marshes of rivers and streams, and it is frequently transplanted for use in home aquariums.
Santa Monica
List of Edible Aquatic Plants
Found in ponds, wetlands, marshes, oceans and rivers around the world, aquatic plants spend the majority of their lives either fully or partially submerged in water. The plant's strong peppermint flavor makes it a useful herb for sauces, healthy drinks,...
Santa Monica
Tree With Blooms That Look Like Carnations
Its flowers come in colors similar to carnations -- white, red and pink -- and they have a round but flattened shape like a carnation when fully open. Yulan magnolia (Magnolia heptapeta) is one example that can grow to 40 feet tall.
Santa Monica
List of Monocot & Dicot Flowers
The leaves have numerous auxiliary veins, which reticulate between major veins. Grass has over 9,000 species and it is one of the largest members of the monocot group.The sunflower family includes coyote brush, sunflower, daisy, asters and dandelions.
Santa Monica
List of African Rainforest Plants
The tree gives a wide array of goods, from soap, candles and lubricating grease to chocolate and iron plates.Aucoumea klaineana, often known as okoume, is a tree that solely exists in central Africa's rainforests.
Santa Monica
How Do Plants Survive in a Terrarium?
Among the plants that National Geographic Kids lists as good for terrariums are: begonias, spider plants, miniature ferns, African violets and baby tears. The terrarium atmosphere can successfully provide for all the plant inhabitants.Bottle gardens,...
Santa Monica
List of Diseases in Plants Caused by Viruses
Unlike humans, plants never recover from a virus.In plants, viruses cause stunting of growth, discoloration, distortion and abnormal formation of flowers or fruit.The first plant virus discovered, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), attacks members of the nightshade,...
Santa Monica
List of Plants Used for Clothing
Designers currently use hemp, blended with other textiles, to make fine cloth, in contemporary designs. The seeds are separated from the cotton fiber mechanically. Cloth made from Ramie is resistant to stain and has a slight sheen that reflects light.
Santa Monica
Unusual and Bizarre Plants - A Contender for Strangest Plant in the World
One aspect of these plants that I found particularly interesting is the underground parts (see photo to right). I hesitate to describe them as "roots" because they look much more like specialized underground stems.
El Segundo
List of Protected Plants in Florida
The silky hair-covered leaves are parallel-veined, silvery-green and grass-like. The fronds are green at the top and silver-blue below. The tree is slow-growing and reaches a mature height of about 15 feet.
Santa Monica
A List of Flowers With No Smell
The red, purple, yellow, white, pink, orange vibrant flowers grow in the hottest time of the year. Gardeners grow the unscented flower in nontropical climates and bring them into greenhouses or indoors for colder months.
Santa Monica
Plants Toxic to Animals: The Lipstick Plant
Regardless of the reason, these rumors are not true. Or maybe there had been a case of an animal getting sick and a lipstick plant was thought to be the cause of the illness. Perhaps it's the plant's exotic look.
Santa Monica
List of Organic Fertilizers
Just because a fertilizer is labeled organic, though, doesn't necessarily mean that its free from pesticides or genetically modified materials. Bone meal has a high phosphate content, although the phosphate may not be available to plants when soil pH...
Santa Monica
List of Fruit Bearing Trees
This gives the tree time to get established. The life expectancy of plum trees is 20 to 30 years. The USDA hardiness zones are 4 through 10 for these trees. The tree has a rounded crown of slender branches and green foliage.
Santa Monica
List of Flowering Trees
Many have a pleasing fragrance, but some, like the Bradford pear tree, have an unpleasant smell. There are over 100 types of dogwood trees. The flowers of the crabapple tree have five petals and range in color from white to deep pink.
Santa Monica
Problems With Weeping Willow Trees
Regular pruning is necessary to remove unhealthy branches and to promote a strong structure for the tree. The amount of debris under the tree also makes it extremely difficult to garden under, which may be unacceptable for those with limited yard space.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Trees With Berries in Texas
Leaf shape is the usual starting point for identifying a species of tree, but the geographic location and type of fruit is useful for making a final identification.The first step in identifying a tree is to look at the leaf shape.
Santa Monica