Whiteness stood for qualities like purity, faithfulness, fragrance, and love." At Oxford University in England, and at several American universities, white carnations are traditionally worn to every first exam.
Some of the common effects of ingesting marijuana are due to the fact that THC directly interacts with the central nervous system and, when introduced to the brain, releases a neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
The findings, published in Allelopathy Journal , mark the first report of Myrothecium ‘s bioherbicidal activity against a weed species with glyphosate resistance. To make matters worse, some biotypes of the weed have become resistant to glyphostate...
These beautiful flowers grow in the Venezuelan cloud forests and lowland marshes. With nearly 2,000 miles of coastline along the Caribbean Sea as well as vast rain forests and rugged highlands stemming from the Andes Mountains, Venezuela has a diverse...
As it turns out, rich minerals from forest soils are carried across the state via rivers that eventually flow into the delta region of the oldest tilled farmland in America, Jamestown.
Bright yellow, single, daisy-like flowers with a contrasting black disk are about 2.5 inches in diameter. Old plants can easily be pulled up to expose seeds to sunlight and encourage growth of new seedlings.Pests and diseases are usually not of concern,...
Everyone knows it's increasingly difficult to deal with herbicide-resistant weeds—especially Palmer pigweed and waterhemp. Dow AgroSciences is confident the agency will allow Enlist Duo back on the market in time for 2016 planting.
Folks born and raised in zone 9 are rather inured to the fact that they can easily pluck citrus from trees in their backyard. Probably the most well-known orange grown in zone 9 is the Valencia.
Nicolaus.'Teeny Bopper' is a micro-miniature AV. Check out the bonsai section of your local nursery. Recycled take-out containers are often a perfect fit. You can find them in a wide range of leaf shapes, foliage types, and blossom colors, just as with...
Let's take a look at this issue & some of the controversy that surrounds it. In the words of the, "GMOs are a legal minefield for both growers & their neighbors". Notably, the Australian government supported it until 2006 when public opposition resulted...
In spring delicate 1½-inch rosy-lavender to soft pink, five-petaled flowers are held on upright stems above the foliage. Propagate by division or from cuttings. It appreciates rich, well-drained soil and full to partial sun.
Some growers cover the rows with plastic film to warm the soil and encourage earlier sprout production. When the plants start getting larger, growers often pile soil up around the stems, in much the same manner as regular potatoes are “hilled.” This...