In the north, this variety blooms from mid through late summer, but it blooms earlier in the south. Choose a location with excellent drainage. The hybrid Lavenders are sometimes known as Lavandin.
Both foliage and flowers are highly aromatic. It gets its cultivar name from the area in southeastern France adjacent to the Mediterranean and Italy (Provence) where it is commercially grown in large plantings for the perfume industry.
Adding compost or topsoil will help the young feeder roots to spread through the loose, nutrient rich soil, much easier than if you used solely the existing soil which more times than not will be hard and compacted.
Echinacea HARVEST MOON is a new hybrid coneflower in the Big Sky Series from Richard Saul of Itsaul Nurseries in Atlanta, Georgia. It is reportedly the result of 2003 cross-pollination of two unnamed hybrid selections.
It will bloom sporadically throughout the summer if faded flowers are cut back. Salvia May Night is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Flowers bloom in 2-6 flowered verticillasters arranged in dense terminal racemes...
That is why we do not recommend planting in a hole any deeper than the soil line of the plant in the pot. Espoma products are easy to use, just sprinkle around the base of the plant and water it in.
Features large, cup-shaped, rose-like, usually nodding flowers (3-4″ diameter) with center crowns of conspicuously contrasting yellow stamens. Hellebore Orientalis blooms late in winter, bearing nodding, 2-inch flowers in shades of whitish green, soft...
It also provides cover and feeding sites for quail, turkeys and other ground nesting birds. A great plant for mass plantings. It can reach up to 3-4' and has a silver bluish hue to the leaves during the growing season.
Color is brilliant and of even tone with a silky luster. Peony Sarah Bernhardt is a shrubby plant that will typically grow to 3′ tall by mid-spring, bloom, display attractive foliage throughout the summer and early fall, and then die to the ground after...
, commonly called Japanese iris or Japanese water iris, is a rhizomatous beardless perennial iris that grows in slowly expanding clumps to 2-4' tall. Flowers (typically 3-6” across) have a distinctively flattened appearance.
It is heat tolerant and needs moist soil. Since it has been an old fashioned garden favorite for many years, it is a must in any landscape! * Disease resistant * Fast growing * Heart-shaped flowers
The reddish bronze blooms appear in the fall which adds visual excitement to shrub borders. It is quite attractive as the green blades have added highlights of creamy-white margins and mid-veins creating a shimmering silvery appearance.
Fall pruning, especially in colder climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly. Slow-release fertilizer can help prevent rapid soft growth that is vulnerable to diseases and insects.
Provides bold texture and color contrast in mixed containers or borders in bright or dappled shade. Cut back Heuchera Fire Alarm to within 6 inches of the ground after it has finished flowering.
Forms a dense clump of grassy green foliage, with upright stems of fragrant, golden-yellow trumpet flowers. In colder climates, cut it back as one of the last chores in your garden before the snow flies.
Plant 2-3' apart in full to partial sun. Strong, field-grown plants shipped. Huge, exotic flowers up to 8'' across. Deer resistant. Easy to grow, needs little care. Blooms mid summer to frost with up to 50 flowers on a single plant.
Maiden Grass' foliage even turns gold for fall, yet another decorative feature of an already beautiful plant. Maiden Grass cultivars have long been beloved by gardeners for their beauty and hardiness, and Little Kitten Maiden Grass is no exception.
Northern Sea Oats Grass is pest and disease free and it is drought tolerant when it is established. Birds love the seeds! Use this plant in beds, cut flowers, borders, for fall color, and as an ornamental.
A 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch. Achillea Strawberry Seduction reliably blooms on the seasons new growth, so prune to the ground during late winter or very...
Each plant will flower for approximately 7-10 days. Peony Felix Crousse is a bright deep red peony with some silvering. Once they're established, they're as hardy and dependable as oaks, creating a fantastic season of bloom in your yard year after year.
, commonly called northern blue flag, is a clump-forming iris that is native to marshes, swamps, wet meadows, ditches and shorelines from Manitoba to Nova Scotia south to Virginia, Ohio, Illinois and Minnesota.
Excellent ground cover. Sedums are commonly called stonecrops in reference to the fact that many of the sedum species plants are typically found in the wild growing on rocky or stony ledges.
Prune the central stems of the yarrow if they begin to die back. Fall pruning, especially in warmer climates, can result in a quick flush of new growth that prevents dormancy and makes winter freezes potentially deadly.
Aster divaricatus does prefer drier soils in the winter so if there was ever a plant that we would recommend not adding topsoil or compost this is one. Espoma products are easy to use, just sprinkle around the base of the plant and water it in.
Golden Variegated Sweet Flag has a typical philodendron flower that can be used fresh or dried. * Yellow Non Invasive Grass * Deer Resistant * Container Plant or Border * Fragrant butter-yellow blades
The common name of pink for plants in the genus is in probable reference to the flower petal margins (they appear to have been cut with pinking shears) and not to flower color. This is a plant you will love for many years.
Follow this up with another early summer application of , this will again provide the necessary nutrients to promote a flush of beautiful flowers. Remove any brown stems and leaves to give your plant a healthier and more attractive appearance.