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WFAN Helps Women In Agriculture & Food \
Leigh Adcock, former executive director of WFAN and current communications specialist at Iowa State University's Extension and Outreach Local Foods Program, addresses the ways WFAN provides resources.
Fermenting Success: California Farmers Create Artisan Vinegar
“We have cherries, so we did a 50-gallon vat, only to find out people told us it tasted like cough syrup,” Bourquin-Clark says. But, midway through each summer, we remind ourselves: This is it, the season.
The Real Costs of Starting a Small Organic Vegetable Farm
Here are 10 basic aspects to consider and price. You will probably want a couple harvest knives. Depending on your context, the above list might cost you a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars.
4 Tips On Evaluating Your Growing Season & Preparing For The Next
So I would first recommend getting out a pen and paper (or a Word or Excel document) and jotting down every crop you grew and how it went. This is the time of year to collect and evaluate your data as well as organize and list the fall and winter projects...
5 Reasons Every Market Farmer Should Consider Growing Parsley
The first is that you put it into small bunches at a low price and encourage customers to add a bunch with their produce as they pay—it's nutritious and literally goes with everything.
5 Beginning Farmer Tips From Sleeping Frog Farms
Much like in California , there are few places in Arizona that aren't reliant on out-of-state water, and when a 15-acre vegetable plot is at the heart of your business, that can be a problem.
Aquaculture: An Open Frontier In Farm Entrepreneurship
Hopefully, this article pushed you in the right direction to begin your research into whether commercial aquaculture would be beneficial to your small farm. It's a lush vision—but it's not the only vision.
5 Reasons You Should Consider Running A Winter CSA
Maybe you want to offer some eggs or meat from one neighbor. There will be an expense involved, but it could be a good investment. Maybe some goat cheese or apples from another. Income, marketing and networking with other farmers in your area are among...
How To Make Your CSA Stand Out In The Crowd
Finding Your Location Few things will make you stand out more than being the only CSA in town, so it's worth looking at the outskirts of saturated markets: the suburbs. These places often have a lack of good farms and farmers markets, and they might be...
6 Ways To Find Midsummer Inspiration On Your Farm
Here are ways to find inspiration that will help you regain enthusiasm. For some people, seeing a well-established farm in the middle of the season might be disheartening, but I have always found it to be an inspiration.
Leaping Lamb Farm: A Mountain Farm Getaway
This farmstay is positioned perfectly in Oregon's Coast Range, so that after a little sheep time, you can follow your heart along trails into the Northwest wilderness. This is also the spot of a great swimming hole on the Alsea River.
Farm Startup Advice From McKenzie Inn Bed-and-Breakfast
Appreciate The Simple Pleasures After being laid off from an aircraft manufacturing job in California, McKenzie vowed “to live more simply and to never put work before family.” He began to picture himself as a farmer and rancher and immediately started...
How This Farm Used Kiva Zip To Expand Their Business
Third, you have to set out on a social-media campaign like you probably haven't done before. “They really want you to follow up with community updates,” Adam says, though he admits he hasn't done a great job of this.
Off-Grid Cattle Ranching At Cold Creek Ranch
If it doesn't rain, nothing happens,” he says Clifton been the heart of the cattle and mining region since the 1880s. “It's a good life, close to the land,” he says. They also get to try Jean's prickly pear syrup, a well-known treat in the ranch...
Organic Farm Business: The Natural Trading Company
Specialty: Year-round organic vegetable and pastured-egg CSA; specialty greens If sunny California seems like the perfect backdrop for growing a gastronomic spread of organic vegetables and eggs from pastured chickens, Bryan Kaminsky would surely agree.
8 Tips to Make Any Farmer a World-Class Salesman
You don't want to call people by the wrong names or remember them by the wrong preferences, but every market has regular customers and getting to know their names—even if it takes keeping a notebook where you maintain a list—will impress them.
4 Lavender Tips from Los Poblanos Inn
The farm keeps many active hives on the property to pollinate crops and produce honey for meals served at the inn's award-winning restaurant, La Merienda. « More Farm Traveler » Tags lavender , Lists
Q&A With Neva Hydroponics
In Canada, some have turned to hydroponic greenhouses as the solution for year-round growing. Soil is simply the holder of the nutrients, a place where the plant roots traditionally live and a base of support for the plant structure.
Having flipped and watered piles many times myself on a small scale, it seems like the kind of activity that without the proper equipment could be incredibly wasteful and burdensome.
A Peek At Maple Syrup Making From Vermont\'s Sugarbush Farm
More than $60 million worth of maple syrup is produced each year in Vermont, accounting for 41 percent of the entire country's production. A tradition of making some of Vermont's best maple syrup has turned this working farm into a top travel destination...
Farm Business: Farm n\' Wild Wellspring
“My initial intrigue to farming had everything to do with a desire to truly know a place and to belong to a place,” she says, “and what better to achieve that than to tend to a piece of land, and watch the way it changes throughout the day, the...
Get Off The Beaten Path At Sojourner\'s Homestead
“Building is a form of relaxation for me,” she says. Tags Arizona , bed-and-breakfast , farm stay , Sojourner's Homestead Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, a significant but little-known bird sanctuary, is 2 miles from the farm.
4 Considerations Before Opening a Bed-and-Breakfast
Where might your guests be coming from to visit your farm? If your dream is to open a bed-and-breakfast on your farm or a future property, think through these things before diving in to the farm-based business.
5 Steps to Getting Your Dream Farm
Find Some Capital Farms are perhaps not as expensive as other businesses to start, but they do cost money. I know this because I was you 10 years ago. If you spend any time looking at land or thinking about your dream farm with goats or veggies or whatever...
Farm Business: Cane Creek Farm
These are not the most fun jobs on the farm, and we have to discipline ourselves to pay attention. Grow incrementally, leverage your successes and minimize impact from your mistakes.
Gone Fishin\': Plan A Summer Vacation That Your Farm Can Survive
Children off from school, summer holidays, related family gatherings and outdoor festivals and events are all joyful reasons farmers might need to leave their homesteads for a few days.
How To Keep Livestock And Make Money
Livestock Options Jannis/Flickr Here's a run-down on some of the most popular livestock for hobby farmers. Because hair (meat) sheep shed their fleece, they don't require shearing —and they breed out of season, producing marketable lambs at just the...