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Daisy Flower Information

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Crazy Daisy Shasta Daisy Seeds
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 100-seeds

18,000 seeds/oz.; 10-14 days, 60-65ºF, seeds need light to germinate. Plant in full sun to partial shade. (Leucanthemum x superbum) Perennial Zones 4-9. (24-28”) Crazy Daisy Shasta Daisy features fully double flowers that are creamy white with a yellow...
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Zulu Prince
Prices start at : 2 USD

Native to Africa, Zulu Prince Daisy ( Venidium fastuosum ) offers beautiful silky white blossoms — 4-inches wide — that are accented with dark purple and yellow-orange inner rings.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
Star of the Veldt
Prices start at : 2 USD

( Ursinia anthemoides ) This beautiful daisy-like plant from South Africa has showy, long-lasting, 2-1/2 inch golden flowers, atop silvery foliage. Plants should be cut down to the ground in late fall.
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
Orange Prince
Prices start at : 2 USD

Silver-tinged foliage is finely lobed and silky in appearance. Specialized varieties are popular among florists and those selling cut blossoms at farmer markets. Planting and Growing Tips: When other flowers are fading in late summer, daisies stand long...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
Container Grown Shasta – Caring For Shasta Daisy Plants In Pots
If you live in a colder area, you should overwinter your plant in an unheated garage or basement and water it only very keep it from getting root bound. Are beautiful, perennial daisies that produce 3-inch wide white flowers with yellow centers.
Learn About Blackfoot Daisies: How To Grow Blackfoot Daisy Flowers
Also known as Plains Blackfoot daisy, Blackfoot daisy plants are low-growing, bushy perennials with narrow, grayish-green leaves and small, white, daisy-like flowers that appear from spring until the first frost.
Marguerite Daisy Flowers: How To Grow Marguerite Daisies
The blooms are fullest in the fall and spring months depending on your climate zone. Regardless, it is certainly a fact that when the thermometer dips below freezing, it is time to say goodbye to the plant until the following spring.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Pests And The Painted Daisy Plant: Painted Daisy Growing Tips And Care
As summer blooms fade, cut the plant back for more blooms in autumn to help protect fall garden crops.As you become more confident with growing painted daisy perennials, you'll find yourself growing painted daisies in new areas of the garden to protect...
Gloriosa, Daisy Seeds
Prices start at : 175.00 USD / 5 Pounds

The blooms are impressive and large, measuring 4-9″ in diameter. Gloriosa Daisies love full sun and are very heat and drought tolerant. The Gloriosa Daisy flower burst forth in shades of brick red that turns to golden orange-yellow.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1697000
  • Seeds Per Gram: 3788
  • categories: Flowers
  • Weight: N/A
  • Zones: 3
  • Botanical Name: Rudbeckia hirta "Gloriosa"
Shasta Daisy Not Flowering: Reasons Why Shasta Daisies Won\'t Bloom
You may need to move them to a sunnier location, but it it's hot, wait until early autumn, about six weeks before the first average frost date in your area.– Shasta daisies are tough, drought-tolerant plants that aren't happy in soggy soil.
Growing Dahlberg Daisies – How To Care For Dahlberg Daisy
Thereafter, caring for dahlberg daisies is easy-peasy.The plant requires no pruning and is generally disease and pest resistant. These annuals have a plethora of small, ½ inch wide golden flowers.
Gerbera Houseplants: Tips For Growing Gerbera Daisies Indoors
Also known as Transvaal daisies or gerber daisies, gerbera daisies are attention-getters with showy, long-lasting blooms, short stems and impressive, bright green foliage.Gerbera daisies are relatively simple to grow outdoors, but growing gerbera daisies...
Angelita Daisy Care: Tips On Caring For Angelita Daisies
Although the plant tolerates filtered shade, blooming is reduced.Keep in mind that in its natural environment, angelita daisy does just fine with no human interference, so caring for angelita daisy basically involves just leaving the plant alone.
When Can I Divide Shasta Daisies: Tips On Dividing A Shasta Daisy Plant
This gives the plant time after bloom to collect energy which will be used in its sprouting and blooming period. For this reason, dividing a Shasta daisy every 3 to 5 years to rejuvenate the colony and promote more vigorous growth and blooms, is recommended...
Shasta Daisy Pruning – Tips On Cutting Back Shasta Daisies
Gardeners with large patches of the plants also know to divide them every few years to increase the number of plants and create a healthier clump.The Shasta daisy reseeds prolifically and, over time, a small crop of the plants will become a large stand.
Growing African Daisies – Tips For Growing Osteospermum
Do not use heat to germinate them. Because these are African plants, many people wonder “what is the planting time for African daisy seeds?” They should be started indoors around the same time as your other annuals, which is about 6 to 8 weeks beforeAfrican...
Deadheading Shasta Daisies – How To Deadhead Daisies
However, one thing common to nearly all daisy varieties isOne of the most commonly asked questions in the gardening realm refers to daisies, specifically, which seem to be one of the more popular varieties grown.
Blue Daisy Plant Care: Tips For Growing Felicia Daisy Plants
Once the plant is established and shows healthy new growth, an occasional watering is sufficient. ) is a bushy, South African native valued for its bright masses of miniature blooms.
Do You Trim African Daisies: When And How To Prune African Daisy Plants
Cut the plant to the ground in late fall or early spring. ) delights gardeners with a profusion of brightly colored flowers throughout the long summer blooming season. Otherwise, the plant is grown as an annual.
English Daisy Information: Caring For English Daisies In The Garden
This can be a somewhat difficult thing to do, as English daisy flowers grow from a taproot plunged straight down into the ground. Add a frilly, old fashioned touch of color in spring, and sometimes fall, by planting English daisies in the garden.
Planting Shasta Daisies – The Growing And Care Of Shasta Daisy
Shasta daisy flowers provide perky summer blooms, offering the look of the traditional daisy along with evergreen foliage that lasts year round in many locations. New leaves soon appear to produce another show of white daisy blooms in early summer.When...
Montauk Daisy Info – Learn How To Grow Montauk Daisies
As summer passes, bloom cycles end and many spring or early summer plants may go dormant, leaving us with holes or bloom lapses in the garden. Wet or damp soil, and too much shade will result in rots and fungal diseases.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Gerbera Daisy Care – Tips On How To Grow Gerbera Daisies
They originate from South Africa and come in various sizes and colors including pink, yellow, salmon, orange and white, with flower sizes anywhere from 2 to 5 inches across.There are many gerbera daisy cultivars available, bred for their color and flower...
Becky Shasta Daisy
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

‘Becky Daisy' will easily add beauty and sunshine to any sunny spot in your garden! * Easy to grow * Dark green foliage * Long Blooming This daisy should be grown in full sun, but can tolerate some afternoon shade, in well-drained soil.
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Foliage: Deep Green
  • Botanical Name: Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky'
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Flower Color: White
Daisy-like Flowers In My Garden
For the same reason I even let the wild chamomile grow and bloom in my garden, but not for long because it grows too much and takes over. According to some sources, daisies symbolize innocence and purity, andalso new beginnings, "loyal love" or " I will...
El Segundo
Chocolate Scented Daisy: Tips For Growing Chocolate Flower Plants
Care of chocolate flower is simple and worthwhile, as the plant provides bright blooms with chocolate stripes underneath the petals and interesting, ornamental brown seedpods.Try growing chocolate flower plants in your garden or flower bed.
Montauk Daisies, Nipponanthemum nipponicum
Montauk daisies, Nipponanthemum nipponicum never heard of them. Only after I came home and started researching did I fully appreciate my new acquisitions. Thumnail shows my first Montauk bloom on September 23, 2008.
El Segundo