Udder Singe includes 50" wand, 15' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, and heat resistant glove. Singeing is recommended by veterinarians and dairy scientists to improve dairy sanitation.
Unit is set-up in less than 2 minutes and hair removal is done by drawing a figure-8 pattern 4-7” below the udder for 2 – 4 seconds. Dimensional weight is 17lbs.) Express Udder Hair Remover helps reduce the spread of germs and risk of mastitis by...
Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
Massaging with Bag Balm also helps relieve minor udder congestion. Active ingredient is 0.3% 8 Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a soothing petrolatum and lanolin base. To use, apply Bag Balm liberally and allow a coating to remain on the surface.
The same soothing, softening ointment in which Dr. Naylor's Medicated Teat Dilators are packed. This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion,...
Included are heavy poly bucket with handle, poly lid with two stainless steel nipples, lid gasket, air tube and milk tube. Large Capacity QuarterMilker will hold 10 liters (2.5 gallons).
It also features a special safety valve in the lid which prevents milk from backing up to the claw should the unit be knocked over. The 97QMA QuarterMilker features a larger jug, a wider easier-to-use and more durable lid, a more reliable comfortable...
Dynamint is a true oil and water emulsion which quickly delivers healing and anti-bacterial properties through the skin and into the soft tissue. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell.
The new pressure switch assembly comprises an electrical switch and specially designed servo type buffer unit protects and prolongs the operating life of the electrical switch – a known point of weakness for many other brands of teat pump systems on...
Nitrile gloves are especially recommended for dairymen practicing the "once-under" pre-milking procedure advocated by many veterinarians. Gloves fit both right or left hands and are sized using the "global" standard.
Weight: 0.5 lbs
Choose Size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Double Extra Large
Dynamint Blue Spray contains all the same therapeutic qualities of Dynamint but in convenient sprayable form to save labor. This is especially useful on large dairies where the spray can be applied quickly and the temporary blue coloring agent makes it...
Contains the high quality essential oils of calendula, peppermint, and eucalyptus for rapid absorption. Dynamint Mint Udder Cream helps reduce udder edema. Gently massage a generous application of Dynamint to the udder, as needed.
The design of the Sampler allows collecting across the entire milking so that a true representative sample is obtained. Milk Sampler provides a sample that can be used with a wide variety of diagnostic or recording applications.
Glycerine is useful as an emollient for burns and ear problems; also used to reconstitute some teat dips and to condition leather. Product is 99.5 percent glycerine.
Emptying and cleaning is simple and quick. Snap-in screen can be removed with a simple flick of the thumb, eliminating contact with potentially inflected milk. The genuine Ambic Strip Cup must be used to be appreciated! This ultimate strip cup has a 50%...
Contains humectants which assist in frost protection and in maintaining the moisture balance of skin on the udder and teats. Apply daily or as needed after milking to help reduce dryness and aid in soothing and softening.
Because of the unique patented shape of the cup (the PowrDipper Principle), the teat completely fills the cup, causing dip to be pushed up and around the teat, giving completecoverage from the tip to the base of the udder.
Complete kit consists of 4-cup test paddle, squeeze bottle reagent dispenser, directions, and 16 oz. Bottle of CMT concentrate, enough for 1 gallon of reagent. Simply collect milk from each quarter into the four cups of the paddle and squirt in the reagent...
For Kowtowels or any single-fold paper towel. Front-loading dispenser has full length piano hinge. Stainless Steel Towel Dispenser is smooth and sanitary.
Unique "semi-immersed" design eliminates problems and reduces down-time Very high performance, very long life Works with most modern dairy chemicals Rugged construction resists wear and tear No springs to break or diaphragms to perforate or leak No priming...