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Dairy Udder Health Farm Supplies For Sale In Shreveport

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RJB PowrPump Complete w / Enclosure - 230V
Prices start at : 730.14 USD / each

The new pump unit comes in an all plastic enclosure which houses the pump unit and redesigned pressure switch assembly. The pump unit is supplied with an integral intake filter to protect the pump from dirt and debris.
  • Weight: 28 lbs
28 Oz. KenAg Udder Cream
Prices start at : 14.72 USD / each

Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Dynamint Udder Cream - 500ml Bottle w/Hook
Prices start at : 23.32 USD / each

Many dairymen report massaging of Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down. Dynamint cream was formulated to penetrate by osmosis and not simply to remain on top of the skin like competitive products.
  • Quantity: Each, Case of 12
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Udder Singe w/15\' Hose & 28\'\' Wand
Prices start at : 365.86 USD / each

Hair is eliminated with a quick pass of the wand without causing any discomfort to the cow. Udder Singe connects to a standard 20 lb. Hair can trap dirt and manure, making a perfect environment for bacteria and adversely affecting milk quality.
  • Weight: 6 lbs
Lactometer w/ Celsius Thermometer
Prices start at : 13.65 USD / each

Unit is approximately 12" long. The Quevenne Lactometer is used to measure the amount of water in milk. The Lactometer scale reads from 15 to 40 degrees Quevenne in .5 degree gradations, and the Celcius scale reads from -10 to 40 degrees F in 1 degree...
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs
Dynamint Dispenser Nipple f/4L Bag
Prices start at : 32.86 USD / each

Squeeze Dispenser fits DM4000 and DB4000 four-liter polybag jumbo packs of Dynamint Udder Cream.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Mastitis Detector f/Four Quarters
Prices start at : 419.36 USD / each

Model MD-1 shows one result at a time. The results are compared to a chart which shows expected results for cows of various ages and conditions. The Detector works by measuring the conductivity of milk and displays the results on the readout of the convenient...
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Lactometer w/ Fahrenheit Thermometer
Prices start at : 13.65 USD / each

Unit is approximately 12" long. The Quevenne Lactometer is used to measure the amount of water in milk. The Lactometer scale reads from 15 to 40 degrees Quevenne in .5 degree gradations, and the Fahrenheit scale reads from 20 to 100 degrees F in 2 degree...
  • Weight: 0.25 lbs
Clip f/EZ Milker
Prices start at : 16.80 USD / each

Clip f/EZ Milker
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs
14 Oz. KenAg Udder Cream
Prices start at : 8.32 USD / each

Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
RJB Non-Foaming Side Dipper
Prices start at : 11.28 USD / each

Designed to allow the milker to reach the back teats Accommodates low-uddered cows with ease Uses only 4 cc's per cow per application Significant dip savings Spill proof design Long lasting low density polyethylene plastic
  • Choose Color: Blue, Clear, Green, Yellow, Red
  • Weight: 0.15 lbs
Dynamint Udder Cream - 500ml Bottle
Prices start at : 20.48 USD / each

Many dairymen report massaging of Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down. Dynamint cream was formulated to penetrate by osmosis and not simply to remain on top of the skin like competitive products.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Milk Sampler w/200 ML Bottle
Prices start at : 76.73 USD / each

The design of the Sampler allows collecting across the entire milking so that a true representative sample is obtained. Insertion into the milk line is a simple cut and fit procedure and the device is virtually maintenance-free.Sampling of milk yields...
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs
Express Udder Hair Remover with Straight Wand
Prices start at : 148.44 USD / each

Units come complete with hose, regulator for 14 oz. The soft flame provides a sensation of warmth and is painless to the animal. Dimensional weight is 14 lbs.) Unit is set-up in less than 2 minutes and hair removal is done by drawing a figure-8 pattern...
  • Weight: 17.5 lbs
Stainless Steel Scour Sponge - Carton of 12
Prices start at : 40.73 USD / each

Carton of 12 - This stainless steel scrubber was made especially for dairy farm use, to scour and clean with speed and safety. Made from one continuous ribbon of metal, it will not rust, scratch or splinter.
  • Weight: 4.5 lbs
Ambic JetStream Teat Sprayer w/ 3 Button Style Guns FREE SHIPPING USA48
Prices start at : 765.83 USD / each

The JetStream Power Unit also features important improvements over the older model ATS400 . The spray guns are operable when they are needed, when the milking machines are running.
  • Weight: 15 lbs
Lid w/Gasket for Large Coburn QuarterMilker
Prices start at : 67.50 USD / each

Gasket included. Replacement Lid for Large Capacity QuarterMilker ( 100QMA ).
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Prices start at : 21.76 USD / each

Two are required to operate Quarter Milker. Replacement Rubber Hose for 97QMA Quarter Milker, each.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Palm Abbe PA202X Digital Refractometer w/Protein Scale
Prices start at : 610.27 USD / each

The Palm Abbe Refractometer automatically calibrates itself and is ready to be used in seconds. Simply place a drop or two of colostrum in the titanium well and press the GO button.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Mastitis Detector f/One Quarter
Prices start at : 366.61 USD / each

Model MD-1 shows one result at a time. The results are compared to a chart which shows expected results for cows of various ages and conditions. The Detector works by measuring the conductivity of milk and displays the results on the readout of the convenient...
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Bovivet CMT Test Kit--Test Fluid Sold Separately
Prices start at : 40.32 USD / each

Kit weighs 12 oz. A reliable and inexpensive mastitis-detecting kit, the Bovivet CMT Test Kit contains pump dispenser bottle (test liquid sold separately), one paddle with larger diameter wells for easy viewing, instructions, and a record-keeping booklet.
  • Weight: 0.75 lbs
Dynamint Blue Udder Spray 500ml Bottle
Prices start at : 370.31 USD / each

Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Eucalyptus and calendula oils are known for their anti-bacterial and skin...
  • Weight: 10 lbs
Dr. Naylor\'s Teat Dilators
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Contains no antibiotics. Designed to help maintain normal milk flow through the canal of injured teats. Use immediately after injury is detected to promote healing and prevent scar tissue and obstructions from forming.
Blue Nitrile Gloves - 4-Mill--Box/100
Prices start at : 8.49 USD / each

Thin and strong, co-polymer nitrile has the advantage of losing its "memory" in less than 10 minutes. Sensitive co-polymer nitrile gloves are recommended for dairymen practicing the "once-under" pre-milking procedure advocated by many veterinarians.
  • Choose Size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Stainless Steel Towel Dispenser
Prices start at : 93.60 USD / each

Front-loading dispenser has full length piano hinge. Stainless Steel Towel Dispenser is smooth and sanitary. For Kowtowels or any single-fold paper towel.
  • Weight: 7 lbs
RJB Non-Foaming Top Dipper
Prices start at : 10.88 USD / each

Most teat dips will produce excellent results when used in the new RJB Foamers . Only 4cc's of dip (less than a teaspoon) are needed to produce enough foam to cover 4 teats. The foam will collapse in a short while, leaving the teat entirely covered with...
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Choose Color: Blue, Clear, Green, Yellow, Red
Dr. Larson\'s Teat Tube--Package of 3
Prices start at : 7.09 USD / each

Sterilized package of 3 tubes. Tube stays in until healing is complete. These Teat Tubes stay in place even in badly injured teats because of the flexible non-irritating fingers. Screw-on cap removes for medicating or milking.
  • Weight: 0.25 lbs