Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Eucalyptus and calendula oils are known for their anti-bacterial and skin conditioning properties.
The design of the Sampler allows collecting across the entire milking so that a true representative sample is obtained. The Ambic Milk Sampler is a stand-alone representative milk sampling device which is inserted into the milk line of each milker.
WinterSet Out Performs Other Formulas and Contains the "Most Effective Bacteriocidal Formulation"! The original powdered formulation which has an additional bacteriocidal agent in the compound.
Unit is approximately 12" long. The Quevenne Lactometer is used to measure the amount of water in milk. The Lactometer scale reads from 15 to 40 degrees Quevenne in .5 degree gradations, and the Celcius scale reads from -10 to 40 degrees F in 1 degree...
Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. Dynamint Blue Udder Cream contains a temporary blue coloring agent which makes it easy to see which cows have been treated. Many dairymen report massaging of Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection...
Wearing gloves prevents milkers from introducing the bacteria found in the deep fissures of their hands to the udder. Sensitive co-polymer nitrile gloves are recommended for dairymen practicing the "once-under" pre-milking procedure advocated by many...
Dynamint is now approved for organic use. Dynamint Jumbo-Pack is the economical, labor-saving pack for easy dispensing on large dairies and where Dynamint is used daily. Many dairymen report massaging with Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection...
Extension Kits may be ordered for additional drops, up to 50. The PeraSpray has the advantage of delivering fresh solution at each spray and avoids the need to invest in expensive flushing systems.
Udder Singe is the safe and painless way to remove hair from udders and bellies. Udder Singe with Cart includes 28" wand, 15' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, and heat resistant glove.
Handle design allows one-hand dispensing with a press of the thumb. Heavy-duty pump may be added to the 2 liter Dynamint jug to make a handy dispenser.
Bottle of 50 grams of test powder. KETOCHECK is a test material which detect the presence of ketone bodies in a sample of milk, urine or plasma. Ketosis or the presence of ketones ( acetones ) in lactating cows occurs within a few days to 6 to 8 weeks...
The same soothing, softening ointment in which Dr. Naylor's Medicated Teat Dilators are packed. This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion,...
Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
Extra large 4 inch opening for cleaning Heavy duty stainless steel bail holds lid in place Extra large 2 gallon capacity 90 degree elbow allows inflation to hang upright Large bore, very flexible silicon rubber hoses
Plastic Paddle is used with a reagent such as 170366 ready-to-use Mastitis Test Liquid for testing all four quarters of the udder simultaneously for mastitis.
Designed to allow the milker to reach the back teats Accommodates low-uddered cows with ease Uses only 4 cc's per cow per application Significant dip savings Spill proof design Long lasting low density polyethylene plastic
The molded body of the gun has a spark (slightly textured) finish and ergonomic shape for improved grip. Twelve month limited warranty. A liquid-pressure reservoir is incorporated within the unit to ensure a constant and stable supply of chemical to the...
The Draminski is a hand-held device with a cup for receiving a small sample during the forestripping of each quarter. Improves returns by unmasking mastitis in its earliest invisible stage Enables early treatment and prevents permanent damage to the udder...
The non-greasy water-based cream is smooth, light and applies quickly and easily. Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics.