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Dairy Udder Health Farm Supplies For Sale In Brownsville

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Replacement Adapter Assembly
Prices start at : 30.48 USD / each

Replacement Bottle Adapter Assembly for Ambic Milk Sampler AMS200 .
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
N-Dex Blue 4-mil Nitrile Glove--Box/100
Prices start at : 17.28 USD / each

Wearing gloves prevents milkers from introducing the bacteria found in the deep fissures of their hands to the udder. Thin and strong, nitrile has the advantage of losing its "memory" in less than 10 minutes.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Choose Size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Double Extra Large
Mirofiber & More Waffle Weave Towel - CS
Prices start at : 246.05 USD / each

Made in the USA. Microfiber & More 80/20 blend 16" x 24" blue waffle weave.
  • Weight: 40 lbs
ImmuCell CMT Starter Kit
Prices start at : 18.64 USD / each

Complete kit consists of 4-cup test paddle, squeeze bottle reagent dispenser, directions, and 16 oz. Bottle of CMT concentrate, enough for 1 gallon of reagent. Simply collect milk from each quarter into the four cups of the paddle and squirt in the reagent...
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Microfiber & More 500gsm Towel
Prices start at : 158.13 USD / each

25 towels per case. Made in the USA. Available in 2 sizes. Microfiber & More 80/20 blend.
  • Weight: 50 lbs
  • Size: 30" x 24", 50" x 30"
Lactometer w/ Fahrenheit Thermometer
Prices start at : 13.65 USD / each

The Lactometer scale reads from 15 to 40 degrees Quevenne in .5 degree gradations, and the Fahrenheit scale reads from 20 to 100 degrees F in 2 degree increments. The Quevenne Lactometer is used to measure the amount of water in milk.
  • Weight: 0.25 lbs
14 Oz. KenAg Udder Cream
Prices start at : 8.32 USD / each

Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Dynamint Blue Udder Spray 500ml Bottle
Prices start at : 370.31 USD / each

Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. The non-greasy water-based spray allows the essential oils to penetrate by...
  • Weight: 10 lbs
Cellulose Sponge--2-Pack
Prices start at : 4.50 USD / each

Even withstands sodium hypochlorite or quaternary ammonium sanitizers. Exceptionally strong and tough, yet soft and gentle when wet, Coburn Cellulose Sponge rapidly removes the heaviest grime and manure.
  • Weight: 0.44 lbs
Colostrum Densimeter w/ Graduated Cylinder
Prices start at : 34.28 USD / each

Includes graduated sampling cylinder and complete instructions. Good quality colostrum is necessary for developing immunities in calves, and this colostrum densimeter helps evaluate the quality by measuring specific gravity.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Microfiber & More 12\
Prices start at : 92.08 USD / each

12 per bag equals 144 per case. Made in the USA. These cloths are field tested and proven to outperform our competitors towels in quality and life/washings. 12"x12" microfiber cloths.
  • Weight: 15 lbs
  • Color: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Orange, Purple
Udderly EZ Cow Milker
Prices start at : 187.95 USD / each

Because only the teat tip needs to make a connection with the unit, even cows with mastitis can easily be milked. Once placed on the teat, you simply pump three to five times to create a vacuum, and milk will start to flow into the container.
Teat Bandage
Prices start at : 17.70 USD / each

2-1/2" band comes in a 5 yd. Roll for cutting to the proper size. Our teat bandage is made of cohesive polyester, which molds to the shape of the teat and really stays in place, giving maximum protection from dirt, moisture and reinjury.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
X-Spurt Mastitis Test w/ Paddle
Prices start at : 30.96 USD / each

With one squeeze, an equal amount of reagent enters all four paddle sections at the same time. CMT liquid sold separately. The X-Spurt bottle holds the reagent and also acts as a handle.
  • Weight: 2 lbs
Milk Tubes--Pkg/3
Prices start at : 8.16 USD / each

Nickel-plated and self-retaining, Dr. Naylor milk tubes readily adapt to long or short teats.
  • Weight: 0.25 lbs
Dr. Larson Plastic Teat Tubes
Prices start at : 5.69 USD / each

Packaged individually to maintain sterility. Retaining fingers hold tube gently in place. Designed to maintain milk flow in injured teats.
Dynamint Udder Cream - 500ml Bottle
Prices start at : 20.48 USD / each

Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Dynamint cream was formulated to penetrate by osmosis and not simply to remain on top of the skin like competitive products.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Strip Cup w/ Screen Insert
Prices start at : 18.56 USD / each

4 inch diameter. Aluminum cup in 1/2 pint capacity with stainless steel screen insert.
  • Weight: 1 lbs
Ball & Cap f/ Safety Valve f/Coburn QuarterMilker
Prices start at : 2.98 USD / each

Ball & Cap f/ Safety Valve f/Coburn QuarterMilker
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Prices start at : 21.76 USD / each

Two are required to operate Quarter Milker. Replacement Rubber Hose for 97QMA Quarter Milker, each.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
Microfiber & More No-Edge Towel -CS
Prices start at : 129.80 USD / each

Available in 4 colors. Made in the USA. Case of 144 towels. Edgeless 16"x16" towel.
  • Color: Blue, Green, Yellow, Gray
  • Weight: 29 lbs
Udder Balm--9 oz. tin
Prices start at : 8.40 USD / each

The same soothing, softening ointment in which Dr. Naylor's Medicated Teat Dilators are packed. This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion,...
  • Weight: 0.56 lbs
Udder Singe w/4\' Hose & 28\'\' Wand
Prices start at : 329.76 USD / each

Hair can trap dirt and manure, making a perfect environment for bacteria and adversely affecting milk quality. Udder Singe connects to standard 1 lb. Udder Singe comes complete with 28" wand, 4' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, heat resistant...
  • Weight: 6 lbs
Bovivet CMT Test Paddle
Prices start at : 4.30 USD / each

Plastic Paddle is used with a reagent such as 170366 ready-to-use Mastitis Test Liquid for testing all four quarters of the udder simultaneously for mastitis.
  • Weight: 0.75 lbs
Nozzle f / RJB MT2 Teat Spray Gun--Narrow Spray Pattern [ clone ]
Prices start at : 7.75 USD / each

Nozzle f / RJB MT2 Teat Spray Gun--NARROW Spray Pattern
  • Weight: 0.25 lbs
RJB PowrPump Complete w / Enclosure - 230V
Prices start at : 730.14 USD / each

Branded PowrPumptm it is compatible with all RJB PowrDippertm and PowrSprayertm systems as well as offering a reliable retrofit pump unit which is suitable for fitting to other brands of electric teat spray and teat dip systems.
  • Weight: 28 lbs
Prices start at : 10.95 USD / each

Twin-blade, 3-ring quality teat slitter is 8" long and equipped with set screw and spring.
  • Weight: 1 lbs