Ambic has added a new, improved Teat Dip Pump to the RJB range. The new pump unit comes in an all plastic enclosure which houses the pump unit and redesigned pressure switch assembly.
Unit is approximately 12" long. The Lactometer scale reads from 15 to 40 degrees Quevenne in .5 degree gradations, and the Fahrenheit scale reads from 20 to 100 degrees F in 2 degree increments.
It also features a special safety valve in the lid which prevents milk from backing up to the claw should the unit be knocked over. The 97QMA QuarterMilker features a larger jug, a wider easier-to-use and more durable lid, a more reliable comfortable...
The soft flame provides a sensation of warmth and is painless to the animal. Express Udder Hair Remover helps reduce the spread of germs and risk of mastitis by removing unwanted udder hair; leading to faster and more thorough udder cleaning and easier...
Udder Singe includes 50" wand, 15' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, and heat resistant glove. Udder Singe is the safe and painless way to remove hair from udders and bellies.
The user interface consists of two buttons, one to take readings and the other to step through various menu options. The Palm Abbe Refractometer automatically calibrates itself and is ready to be used in seconds.
Front-loading dispenser has full length piano hinge. Stainless Steel Towel Dispenser is smooth and sanitary. For Kowtowels or any single-fold paper towel.
Snap-in screen can be removed with a simple flick of the thumb, eliminating contact with potentially inflected milk. The genuine Ambic Strip Cup must be used to be appreciated! This ultimate strip cup has a 50% wider diameter (6 1/4") and a larger capacity...
The same soothing, softening ointment in which Dr. Naylor's Medicated Teat Dilators are packed. This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion,...
In addition, this product has been proven effective against even those mastitis strains that are known to be penicillin-resistant. Fort Dodge ToMORROW Mastitis Treatment is used at the first sign of inflammation or any alteration in milk, and it stops...
Green spun nylon pad is 6" x 9" x 3/8" and packed two per poly bag. Safe with any detergent, sanitizer or acid cleaner, Nylon Scour Pad holds it shape, rinses clean, and is reusable and long-lasting.
These cloths are field tested and proven to outperform our competitors towels in quality and life/washings. Made in the USA. 12"x12" microfiber cloths. 12 per bag equals 144 per case.
It is a natural oral drench that stimulates appetite, promotes gut health and immunity, and provides newborns with the energy they require. Start Strong for Calves stimulates a calf's appetite to get them up and drinking quickly.
✓ Colostrum based oral drench
✓ Promotes superior growth & immunity with vital nutrients
Used daily on the udders of dairy cows, Dynamint helps prevent udder edema, mastitis and infections. Many dairymen report a Dynamint treatment to be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down.
Contains glycerin, lanolin, and mineral oil. Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
To use, apply Bag Balm liberally and allow a coating to remain on the surface. Active ingredient is 0.3% 8 Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a soothing petrolatum and lanolin base. Popular Bag Balm antiseptic ointment in the classic green and red tin has been...
In addition, this product has been proven effective against even those mastitis strains that are known to be penicillin-resistant. Fort Dodge ToMORROW Mastitis Treatment is used at the first sign of inflammation or any alteration in milk, and it stops...
✓ Made in the USA
✓ Effectively treats mastitis in dry cows
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Weight: Approximately: 10.04 pounds
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 13 x 12 x 11 inches.
Calves that keep drinking mature faster and are better able to respond to stress. It is the next generation milk additive that promotes immunity, stimulates appetite, and eases the transition to a grain diet.
Packed in Dr. Naylor's Udder Balm, dilators come 40 to a package. Teat dilators stay in large or small teats and act to keep the end open to maintain free milk flow.