Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. Many dairymen report massaging of Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down. Dynamint cream was formulated to penetrate by osmosis and not simply to remain on top of the skin like competitive...
Dynamint cream was formulated to penetrate by osmosis and not simply to remain on top of the skin like competitive products. Eucalyptus and calendula oils are known for their anti-bacterial and skin conditioning properties.
Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
Propane tank (not included) and produces a low-temperature flame. Singeing is recommended by veterinarians and dairy scientists to improve dairy sanitation. Hair is eliminated with a quick pass of the wand without causing any discomfort to the cow.
Designed to allow the milker to reach the back teats Accommodates low-uddered cows with ease Uses only 4 cc's per cow per application Significant dip savings Spill proof design Long lasting low density polyethylene plastic
Udder Singe comes complete with 28" wand, 4' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, heat resistant glove, and carrying bag. Udder Singe is the safe and painless way to remove hair from udders and bellies.
The pump unit is supplied with an integral intake filter to protect the pump from dirt and debris. The new pump unit comes in an all plastic enclosure which houses the pump unit and redesigned pressure switch assembly.
AJS1000 JetStream teat Spray System comes complete with power unit, tubing, three Classic Style guns, Blue. An adjustable pressure regulator valve makes the JetStream suitable for teat dips of higher viscosity, and the power unit case features snap-in,...
Carton of 12 - This stainless steel scrubber was made especially for dairy farm use, to scour and clean with speed and safety. Made from one continuous ribbon of metal, it will not rust, scratch or splinter.
This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion, soften udders and heal teats.
Dose: Ready to use 4 gram syringe containing Bismuth Subnitrate in mineral oil. Antibiotic-free paste provides a soft pliable barrier in the teat canal for the entire dry period to prevent bacteria from entering the teat.
Then hold blotter in slanting position so milk stream will first cover dark area and run down over yellow round area. Designed to test cows' milk for signs of mastitis. Simple to use: discard first stream of milk from quarter to be tested.
The JetStream Power Unit also features important improvements over the older model ATS400. The spray guns are operable when they are needed, when the milking machines are running. The high-volume diaphragm pump features Variable Demand technology, which...
Now, a nitrile milking glove that gives a soothing aloe vera treatment with each wearing. Nitrile is more abrasion and puncture-resistant than vinyl or latex but it has the advantage of disintegrating immediately if a puncture does occur, alerting the...
Choose Size: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
Propane tank (not included) and produces a low-temperature flame. Singeing is recommended by veterinarians and dairy scientists to improve dairy sanitation. Hair is eliminated with a quick pass of the wand without causing any discomfort to the cow.
Of tubing, and fittings. It is estimated that clinical mastitis, widely considered to be the most expensive preventable cost to the dairy farmer, can cause up to $100 per cow per year in lost productivity.
Does not include Container or Handle. Service Repair Kit for 97QMA Quartermilker. Includes: 97QMR Rubber hose 3/8" x 20" (2 required), 97QMC Multi-fit connector, 97QML Lid with safety valve, 97QMO O-Ring for lid, 97QMV Ball & cap for safety valve.