Active ingredient is 0.3% 8 Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a soothing petrolatum and lanolin base. Massaging with Bag Balm also helps relieve minor udder congestion. Popular Bag Balm antiseptic ointment in the classic green and red tin has been used for...
Inflations and claw are not included. When used properly, bulk tank bacteria and somatic cell count may be reduced by preventing affected milk from mixing with good milk. QuarterMilker is used to milk out an infected or injured quarter without interfering...
Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Many dairymen report massaging of Dynamint to be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down.
Plastic Paddle is used with a reagent such as 170366 ready-to-use Mastitis Test Liquid for testing all four quarters of the udder simultaneously for mastitis.
Eucalyptus and calendula oils are known for their anti-bacterial and skin conditioning properties. Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell.
Water-soluble, non-greasy KenAG Udder Cream is readily absorbed into the skin, softens and soothes chapped teats and helps protect skin against the harsh effects of weather and sanitizers.
Made in the USA. 12 per bag equals 144 per case. 80/20 300gsm blend udder sense microfiber cloth. These cloths are field tested and proven to outperform our competitors towels in quality and life/washings.
Eucalyptus and calendula oils are known for their anti-bacterial and skin conditioning properties. Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell.
Includes graduated sampling cylinder and complete instructions. Good quality colostrum is necessary for developing immunities in calves, and this colostrum densimeter helps evaluate the quality by measuring specific gravity.
KETOCHECK is a test material which detect the presence of ketone bodies in a sample of milk, urine or plasma. Ketosis or the presence of ketones ( acetones ) in lactating cows occurs within a few days to 6 to 8 weeks after calving and can result in a...
A range of shades gives a semi-quantitative result in about 40 seconds. When ketosis is present, strips turn purple after contact with a urine sample. 100 test strips per bottle. Instructions included.
Exceptionally strong and tough, yet soft and gentle when wet, Coburn Cellulose Sponge rapidly removes the heaviest grime and manure. Even withstands sodium hypochlorite or quaternary ammonium sanitizers.
Clinical mastitis is indicated by the visible deposits of clots on the stainless steel back screen. The detector inserts into a 9/16" or 5/8" ID milk hose between the claw and the milk line.
This modern antiseptic ointment for udder and teats is in a formulation which stays in prolonged antiseptic contact to relieve soreness, reduce congestion, soften udders and heal teats.