The Fight Strong for Cow Stress capsules help overcome stress in cows so you don't have stress! Get cows back on feed with Fight Strong for Cow Stress capsules. This is a natural capsule that stimulates rumen function to get cows on feed fast for superior...
✓ Weight: Approximately: 10.48 pounds
✓ 32 g. capsules (130 ct.)
✓ Helps overcome stress in cows
✓ Stimulates safely & naturally
✓ Administer 2 capsules orally during time of stress
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 10 x 9.9 x 7.9 inches.
Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft. It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses.
Treat calcium deficiencies in cattle, including milk fever, with AGRIpharm Calcium Gluconate 23%. It can be administered intravenously at 8-12 hour intervals.
Calves that keep drinking mature faster and are better able to respond to stress. Get ahead and stay ahead with Stay Strong for Dairy Calves. It is the next generation milk additive that promotes immunity, stimulates appetite, and eases the transition...
The usual dose in cattle is 500 ml per 800-1000 pounds of body weight, given by IV. Cal-Dex CMPK Injection contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium in a dextrose solution.
In addition, this product has been proven effective against even those mastitis strains that are known to be penicillin-resistant. One key to successful mastitis control is to catch it early.
✓ Made in the USA
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 13 x 12 x 11 inches.
Economically priced, up to 50 percent savings over competitor brands. Color-coding located on side panel. Urine Reagent Test Strips are the “dip and read” test that is an integral part of every urinalysis.
✓ Qualitative and semi quantitative identification is useful regarding the general evaluation of the health and is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only
✓ This fast dip and read test will diagnose and monitor any metabolic or systemic diseases
✓ Screening for ketosis in cattle and sheep
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Clinically tested for accuracy
✓ Used to detect Ketone, pH, Glucose, Blood, Leukocytes, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Protein and Nitrite in the urine
A healthy gut leads to a healthy immune system to help combat disease and stress. Animal Health Solutions Chick Boost introduces a beneficial bacteria which assists the chick in developing a positive bacteria culture in its digestive tract.
✓ After 8 weeks chicks can be switched to Egg Boost
✓ Chick Boost contains probiotics, vitamins and electrolytes to aid in the health of hatchlings
✓ Mix with fresh clean water and provide everyday for the first 8 weeks
When the stress is on, Fight Strong for Cattle Pellets are a natural feed additive that gets cattle eating, boosts immunity and doesn't require a VFD. Patented Microbial Catalyst technology stimulates and gets the most energy out of the feed.