It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses. Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft.
This easy-to-apply products maintains natural skin moisture while relieving soreness. Minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn all contribute to cow discomfort.
✓ Antiseptic, emollient ointment
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 3.18 x 3.18 x 2.6 inches.
✓ For minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn
Start Strong for Fresh Cows is a high-performance stress pack that rapidly restores vital nutrients, stimulates appetite, and promotes immunity immediately. Getting fresh cows on feed is one of the toughest challenges a dairy producer faces.
✓ Repeat after 12-24 hrs. if needed
✓ May be administered through water, as a drench or in feed
✓ Helps overcome fluid loss
✓ Helps restore vital nutrients to ease calving stress
They are made from 95 percent total recycled content, making them economical as well as handy. Envision Singlefold Towels are the fastest, most sanitary and trouble-free means of drying hands in washrooms.
✓ Most economical singlefold towel
✓ 4,000 count case
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Ideal for light clean up around the house or on the job
Used daily on the udders of dairy cows, Dynamint helps prevent udder edema, mastitis and infections. The non-greasy water-based cream is smooth, light and applies quickly and easily.
We use this around our Dairy Farm, I also have horses and the flies are attracted right to the bait and we end up having a cement sidewalk that's covered in black of all dead flies! I plan to keep using this product especially when fly season is really...