Get ahead and stay ahead with Stay Strong for Dairy Calves. It is the next generation milk additive that promotes immunity, stimulates appetite, and eases the transition to a grain diet.
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Promotes a balanced gut microflora
✓ Add directly to milk or milk replacer (0.34 lbs. per calf total over 42 days)
Get cows back on feed with Fight Strong for Cow Stress capsules. This is a natural capsule that stimulates rumen function to get cows on feed fast for superior health and productivity.
✓ 32 g. capsules (130 ct.)
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 10 x 9.9 x 7.9 inches.
✓ Stimulate appetite for optimal feed intake
✓ Stimulates safely & naturally
✓ Repeat after 24 hrs. if needed
✓ Stimulates rumen function to provide more energy for production
Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics. Dynamint is a true oil and water emulsion which quickly delivers healing and...
It can be administered intravenously at 8-12 hour intervals. Treat calcium deficiencies in cattle, including milk fever, with AGRIpharm Calcium Gluconate 23%.
Included are heavy poly bucket with handle, poly lid with two stainless steel nipples, lid gasket, air tube and milk tube. Inflations and claw are not included. QuarterMilker is used to milk out an infected or injured quarter without interfering with...
Minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn all contribute to cow discomfort. Dr. Naylor Udder Balm combines an antiseptic with an emollient ointment to keep teats and udders soft and healthy.
✓ Weight: Approximately: 2.46 pounds
✓ Antiseptic, emollient ointment
✓ Keeps teats and udders soft and healthy
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 5.05 x 5.03 x 5.03 inches.
Bifidus Regularis, available only in Activia, is a live "friendly" bacteria that's beneficial when eaten daily. Because Activia is made by Dannon, you can be assured that it's a delicious way to do something good for your body.
Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell. Many dairymen report a Dynamint treatment to be as good as an oxytocin injection...
Every Activia probiotic yogurt is designed to taste good, and help you feel good inside by helping regulate your digestive system. And with our wide variety of textures and flavors, you'll be sure to find an Activia that delectably suits your taste.
It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses. Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft.
Dynamint is now approved for organic dairies. The non-greasy water-based cream is smooth, light and applies quickly and easily. Others report fewer and milder cases of mastitis which reduces the need for antibiotics.
22 oz.) treats about 300 cows. Experts agree the single most important procedures in preventing mastitis is proper teat disinfection, and Fight Bac provides several improvements over traditional dipping.
Wearing gloves prevents milkers from introducing the bacteria found in the deep fissures of their hands to the udder. 4-mil Blue Disposable Ambi-dextrous Milking Gloves are made of co-polymer nitrile, a new non-latex process that has better tensile strength...
Cart adds convenience especially in large parlors with many cows to treat. Singeing is recommended by veterinarians and dairy scientists to improve dairy sanitation. Udder Singe with Cart includes 28" wand, 15' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker,...
Unit is set-up in less than 2 minutes and hair removal is done by drawing a figure-8 pattern 4-7” below the udder for 2 – 4 seconds. The Express Udder Hair Remover provides an easy, fast, economical and safe alternative for removing udder hair.
Every Activia probiotic yogurt is designed to taste good, and help you feel good inside by helping regulate your digestive system. And with our wide variety of textures and flavors, you'll be sure to find an Activia that delectably suits your taste.
Front-loading dispenser has full length piano hinge. For Kowtowels or any single-fold paper towel. Stainless Steel Towel Dispenser is smooth and sanitary.