In hugelkultur, logs or other wood are buried beneath a hilled garden which slowly benefits from the wood's decomposition. Logs and untreated boards need replacing every few years, but this is part of their value in a terraced vegetable garden.
Cool-season cover crops are a beautiful and bioactive way to increase your soil's organic matter content during the off season, and you won't need a tractor to chop down the plants when the time comes.
If temperatures remain below this for much of the day, chances are the fruits will simply fail to ripen. This odorless, tasteless gas is the vital catalyst that turns under-ripe green fruit to red, yellow and many a color in between.
Or why not make your own liquid feed from fast-growing, nutrient-rich plants such as comfrey? Remove covers during the day to enable pollination, then replace it in the evening to provide a little warmth and protection against lower temperatures.
Improve the Garden Environment Many pest predators, such as hoverflies (syrphid flies) are also nectar lovers and pollinators, so grow battalions of flowers near – or even in – your vegetable patch.
Savoy cabbages are exceptionally hardy Where to Grow Cabbage Many cabbage varieties are incredibly hardy and will tolerate below-freezing temperatures. Cabbages can be started in pots under cover for an earlier start Their roots prefer firm soil, so prepare...
Well-considered seating is the answer. LED lighting is low cost, versatile and doesn't use much electricity. Then feed more sand in between the pots right up to the rims, before pouring in water to thoroughly wet the sand.
There is some truth here, in that a review of studies from around the world concluded that compounds in daikon radishes may help prevent diabetes, cancer and disorders of the digestive system.
For flavor add a big fat clove of crushed garlic, 250g (9oz) of dark brown sugar, 280ml (half a pint) of white wine vinegar, plus some grated ginger, a few chopped chillies, mustard seeds and a generous pinch of salt.
By any name, they are a top storage crop to grow in the fall garden. Harvesting and Storing Rutabagas Rutabagas make rapid growth once they become established, producing a profusion of leaves that show the plants' crossed genetic heritage.
The flowers are beautiful though, and provide welcome food for local bees and other pollinators. Fava beans can cross-pollinate with other varieties, so only save seeds from these beans if you are growing just one variety.
Branches infected with silver leaf will have a tell-tale dark stain at the centre. Cut through a branch for a certain diagnosis. Make sure your tools are sharp and sturdy enough for the job; hand pruners can be used for very small twigs, but anything...
Using a Dehydrator to Dry Chili Peppers An alternative to air-drying is to use a dehydrator set to a suitable temperature. Photo by Christopher Holden Fine, smooth fishing line is the best thread for your ristra because it offers least resistance, enabling...
Again, take care to water well before laying it. Now lay the mulch so it's at least an inch (2cm) thick around your plants. Suspend it over plants to help them keep their cool. You can speed things along by adding a splosh of water to the top of the pot...
Now prepare to unearth your spuds – a joyous moment indeed! Container-grown spuds can be upturned and the compost torn apart to reveal the tubers. You should have no problems holding them back for an extra month or two provided conditions remain cool...
Apples and other trees are already full of young fruits, which will grow on to give a delicious crop towards the end of the growing season. It also stops trees from cropping heavily one year, only to produce very few fruits the next – a phenomenon known...
And it gets worse. With an initial assault complete, it's now time to apply an organic insecticidal soap, again taking great care to cover all areas of the leaf including, crucially, those undersides.
Troubleshooting Onion root maggots can cause plants to collapse. Notes Used in place of onions for concentrated flavor. Companions Beet, Chamomile, Carrot, Strawberry, Lettuce, Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage.
Tips: Most conventionally grown cucumbers and melons are grown with dangerous systemic pesticides, so organic pest control is worth the time and effort. On cool mornings, place a piece of cardboard beneath plants to catch beetles you knock to the ground.
Large plants produce edible, starry blue flowers that attract bees in droves. Position A sunny spot where bumblebees and other large pollinators are desired. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for...
Beneficial nematodes are the only effective treatment for this pest. At the end of each season, be sure to pull all onions from the garden. Preventing Problems: Floating row covers (fleece) are an effective way to prevent egg laying by adults.
After two years, valerian will grow into a 18" (45 cm) wide clump. Store in airtight container. Dried valerian roots are used to make a bedtime tea that promotes sleep. Plants die back to the ground in winter and re-emerge in spring.
Gather stems for drying or steeping into tinctures in early summer, just before the plants bloom. Notes Lemon balm is very easy to grow. Spacing Single Plants: 1' 11" (60cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 1' 11" (60cm) with 1' 11" (60cm) row gap (minimum) Sow...
Fertilize established clumps with a balanced organic fertilizer in the fall. Notes Tulips will return for several years where winters are cold, but may rot when grown in warm, moist climates.
Spacing Single Plants: 7" (20cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 11" (30cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow tiny ageratum seeds atop moist seed starting mix and gently press them into the surface.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Troubleshooting Watch for leaf-eating tomato hornworms, and pick them off. Position Full sun.
Germination often takes up to 2 weeks. Harvesting Use a digging fork to loosen soil along outside of the planting before pulling roots. Position Sun or partial shade. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Parsnip Aphids...