Crocosmia (Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora), also known as montbretia, is a sturdy summer bloomer that produces thick, strappy foliage topped with masses of bright, funnel-shaped flowers in shades of orange, yellow or red.
Crocosmia is a cheerful South African perennial flowering plant that grows from a bulb, or corm. Sow your crocosmia seeds in late winter in indoor seed trays. This hardy plant can even become invasive.
Unlike hummingbirds, butterflies are also attracted to a flower's scent, so choose the most fragrant perennials to lure butterflies. Even so-called safer pesticides can eradicate butterflies.
The best conditions are those areas that allow the clumps to mature to a regal size. They don't have to be watered often, if at all; if it rains, the clumps keep coming back bigger year after year.
At first, I carefully harvested the seed pods one at a time and cracked them open to collect the seeds on an open newspaper. The big news this week is the little jar full of red poppy seeds that I've collected.
So far, I've gotten one from Park Seed, one from Bluestone Perennials, and I know more will follow. Look, all theseviburnums live in zones 3 - 8. Neither did those exciting crocosmia!)
A glint of green, a flash of red. To prevent spoilage, the nectar should be changed every three or four days; even more often in very hot weather.National Wildlife Federation: Ruby-Throated HummingbirdCornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds - Ruby-Throated...
Growing freesia yourself, from corms, is not as hard as you might think. Imagine if some of those I had purchased from specialty companies had grown!: wait and water, wait and water, then maybe wait a little more and you'll see sprouts.
But when I said "this tree needs to be pruned" and my darling husband said "but I did that last year," this reporter resolved to learn more about why we need to prune our plants and trees.
Remember to bunch them up as well. Simply grab some containers and begin planting. One large container can still provide you with the same tropical-like effect. Some bamboo varieties like shade, others enjoy sun.