I am interested in purchasing either bulb or plant. I have seen these plants full grown at a nursery selling for $75. Elwes\" and Crinum 'White Prince' Full sun to light shade Bulbs, up to 18 inches tall (45 cm) Regular to abundant water
I have over 150 large Crinums for sale. The names are unknown but half of them are the deep pink flowers(Fushia) and the other type look similar to the Peduncalutum. If anyone would like more pictures to confirm the types, please call or e-mail me anytime.
We have also wateprlants to offer. Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Waterplants, Aquariumplants, Pondplants, Waterlilies, Nymphaea, Aponogetons, Crinum We are looking for waterplants, Crinum, Aponogeton, Nymphaea.
New gardeners wanting to try a rose can not go wrong by choosing an alba. The cardinals that frequent my birdfeeders in the winter find them especially tasty, so the alba is a good choice for a wildlife garden as well.Albas are trouble-free roses with...
Crinum lilies mixed, unlabeled colors in small ( min. Others are probably in there that I did not see. X 'JC Harvey', C. 3\" dia.) and large (Min. X Digweedii and unknown white which is probably C.
Please sugest me what is the prosess of supply to buyers. Crinum lily mixed variety size of plants 1 feet to 1.5 feet poly bag size 4\'x5\' and also loose supply i shall supply by your prosesse
Drought tolerant once well established with few pests or diseases to bother them. Crinums are very long lived slowly multiplying clump forming bulbous perennials that will provide years of enjoyment in any well-drained soil.
Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
Salt Tolerance: Moderate
Native To / Origin: US - Garden of Marcia Wilson, discovered by Scott Ogden
This dwarf Crinum is grown more for its foliage than for its flower production and makes a statement when planted near contrasting colored garden companions. Grow it as an interesting container specimen or as part of the garden and landscape.
Grows To: 16-24''H space at 6-8" apart
Soil & Moisture: Average moist, moist, to moderately wet soils.
BLACK BLACK very fine and dense fleece with unbelievable shine. We will watch this boys progress closely. VERY strong bone, great topline and his fleece is extaordinary. ONYX is the son Of RR Lorenzo and Su Jen two of our best quality animals and they...
Big boned, perfect conformation, and fleece fleece fleece. Super fine very uniform very happy for FIRST fleece.Big sister Jade had a clip of 7.8 # with 5.8 blanket this year Opel should be bit better next year!
Second Place, Gold Counrty Gathering 2014 ZUES will be one to watch. Silly is one of our two Neversummers US Steel girls very fine black with lots of shine. Very fine grey male that shows great promise as a junior herdsire.
It is excellent in floral arrangements and makes good dried flowers. Plants form a low clump of grassy looking leaves, bearing tall spikes. This very reliable performer features snow white bottlebrush-like flower spikes that attract both butterflies and...
So what did we do??? Bred her to grey NS MAGIC FLIGHT will be her first date 11/30/2017 UPDATE Eclipse is ultrasound confirmed and back home at ALBA This girls pedigree is grey on grey on grey.
We have pet class puppies and show-breeding class puppies. For more information please contact us by e-mail. High quality russian borzoi puppies for sale. Puppies are healthy, well socialized, calm to other dogs and friendly to people.
ZEUS DOES IT AGAIN First out of eleven silver gray yearlings and RESERVE CHAMPION OF 26 grey yearlings walking fleece at TXOLAN !!! very happy with this boys progression. Silhouette a very fine non fading black with a very grey pedigree was in turn bred...
I remarked at the time that it looked just like the lily seen blooming in streams and boggy places along the banks of the Mitchell River in Walton County, Florida. A boundary within which to grow might prove beneficial and keep them from spreading where...
Camellias prefer an acidic, humus rich soil with an organic mulch and average moisture. For more information about growing Camellias see our Camellia Growing Guide or any of the excellent resources below: Camellias Brighten the Winter Landscape - Get...
Pruning: Once the Camellia flowering season has ended in mid-late spring, before buds set in summer.
Grows To: 8-12'H x 6-10'W
Fertilizing: Use a balanced, slow release, nonburning fertilizer for acid loving plants.
pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
Outdoor Light: AM sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade, Light shade
Indoor Light: Early or late direct sunlight, Cool sunlight, High
A real value for the money! Thrives in many types of soil. They make an excellent groundcover or border plant. White Alba is dazzling white and grows 12'' tall. These little plants are smothered in blooms all summer long! Blooms begin in June and continue...