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Crinum Lily

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Lollypop Lily
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Outward facing flowers show off their stunning color. Plant in April and get tons of blooms in June and July. 10-12 cm bulbs. Grows 30-40'' tall. The Lollypop Lily has hot pink petals that accent a creamy white speckled throat.
  • Max Height (feet): 40"
  • Spread: 6-8''
  • Colors: Pink, White
  • Season Color: Summer
Tiger Lily
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Even a few of these lovely Tiger Lilies will bring welcome color excitement to your garden, starting this next summer. Blooming size bulbs, 12-14 cm. As they mature, each one is capable of producing up to 25 flowers, 3 to 5 inches across on stately stalks...
  • Deer Resistant: No
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 6
  • Colors: Orange
Ceres Double Lily
Prices start at : 5.49 USD / each

Can be planted in the sun or partial shade. Shipped 12-14cm bulbs. For people who love dark pink flowers, Ceres is a must-have lily! Another pollen-free Asiatic Lily reaches for the sky at 3 1/2 feet tall.
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Genus: Lilium
Sangria Crinum Lily
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

3-4'' wide deep purplish-red strap-like foliage arches from the base and is topped by clusters of fragrant rosy-pink trumpet shaped blooms in summer. The Sangria Crinum was a chance discovery by noted bulb hunter and author Scot Ogden.
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Grows To: 30''+H x 24-36''W
  • Native To / Origin: US - Garden of Marcia Wilson, discovered by Scott Ogden
Victorian Veltheimia
At first glance, veltheimia is one of those flowers that might be called more interesting-looking than beautiful. They didn't experience a summer dormant period here in Pennsylvania, but our climate -- where nighttime temperatures are hovering in the...
El Segundo
Baby Burgundy Crinum Lily, Menehune Crinum Lily
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

Grow it as an interesting container specimen or as part of the garden and landscape. Baby Burgundy or probably more correctly Menehune Crinum Lily produces loads of offsets and quickly creates a mass of foliage and once mature produces clusters of starry...
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9,10,11
  • Grows To: 16-24''H space at 6-8" apart
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Native To / Origin: US Gardens - Sean Callahan
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate
Summer Bulbs for Southern Gardens: Crinums. Zones 7 through 11.
Crinums have been grown in Southern gardens for more than 200 years. The stillness is broken by the songs of Carolina wrens in the thickets, by the insistent voices of leopard frogs, by the calling of rain crows on slow summer afternoons.
El Segundo
Caring For Voodoo Lilies: Growing A Peony-Leaf Voodoo Lily Plant
In many Asian countries, like Indonesia, these tubers are eaten – lending to its alternate name of elephant foot yam, not to be confused withsharing the same alternate name. Container grown species are reported to grow 5 feet tall and wide.Peony-leaf...
Alstroemeria, Summer Breeze
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Plant

Flowering from June to November, the compact plant habit produces tall upright stems that look stunning in a vase. This Peruvian lily is winter hardy to US zone 6 and will bloom for up to 5 months.
  • Spread: 20-24 inches
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers
  • Genus: Alstroemeria
  • Height: 26-30 inches
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
Lilies that aren\'t lilies after all- Blackberry and candy lilies
Soak the seed overnight before mixing with a small amount of moist potting mix. While the leaves remind you of bearded riris, individual flowers are not as substantial: about an inch or so on blackberry lily, larger on candy lily.
El Segundo
Peace Lily Plants – Care Of Peace Lilies
These lovely plants not only brighten up a living space, but are also excellent at cleaning the air of the room they are in. Signs that a peace lily plant has outgrown its container include drooping less than a week after being watered and crowded, deformed...
Peace Lily And Dogs – Is Peace Lily Toxic To Dogs
Read this article for the answer and tips on how to protect your pet.As glorious as peace lilies are when they are blooming, there is an underlying menace in these hooded flowering plants.
Drooping Peace Lily Plants: Tips On How To Revive A Wilting Peace Lily
One of the most common is droopy leaves on peace lily. Good watering practices can quickly revive a wilting peace lily.Correct cultural care needs to be given to peace lily plants.
Voodoo Lily Info: Information On How To Plant A Voodoo Lily Bulb
Brush off the soil and set the bulb on a shelf until spring. The flower is actually a spathe and spadex arrangement similar to a. The problem with bringing it inside is that the bulb will come to flower while indoors, and the smell is overpowering.Voodoo...
Tips On Watering Peace Lilies: How To Water A Peace Lily
If this happens, water the plant well, then clip off the yellowing foliage. Pour water slowly onto the soil until liquid drips through the bottom of the pot. Your plant should soon be good as new.
Peace Lily And Cats: Learn About The Toxicity Of Peace Lily Plants
Is peace lily toxic to cats? The damage can be extremely painful to the animal's mouth, even if the plant isn't ingested.Fortunately, peace lily toxicity isn't as great as that of other types of lilies, including.
Alstroemeria, Indian Summer
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Plant

Flowering from June to November the compact plant habit produces tall upright stems perfect for a vase. This Peruvian lily is winter hardy to US zone 6 and will produce long lasting cut flowers for up to 5 months.
  • Spread: 20-24 inches
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Genus: Alstroemeria
  • Height: 26-30 inches
Lilies, Perennial Mixed
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 10 Bulbs

The lilys' vibrant flower heads show various flower forms, some star shaped others rounded but when grown in a mass grouping, a very powerful display. Growing to almost 3', this rainbow of mixed colors provides vertical accents to nearly every garden...
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Resistant To: Cold, Disease, Drought, Heat, Humidity
  • Height: 26-34 inches
  • Zone: 3-8
Peace Lily Pruning: Tips On How To Prune Peace Lily Plant
Peace lilies produce their flowers on stalks that grow up from the base of the plant. Peace lily pruning should be done at the base of the plant. This may be due to under watering or too much light, but it can also happen just because of old age.
Brown Peace Lily Tips – Reasons For Peace Lilies Getting Brown Tips
If you see brown tips on peace lily leaves, review your cultural care immediately. Generally, experts recommend that you wait until the lily wilts slightly before watering it.When you give the plant too little water, the leaf tips may turn brown.
Peace Lily Repotting – Tips On Repotting A Peace Lily Plant
Avoid planting in a larger container, as the moisture retained in the excess potting soil may cause the roots to rot. Use just enough so that once repotted, the top of the plant's root ball will be about ½ to 1 inch below the rim of the container.
Peace Lily Not Blooming: Reasons A Peace Lily Never Flowers
It is bet to use distilled water, as these plants can be sensitive to some minerals and chemicals found in tap water.Try feeding your plant a balanced houseplant fertilizer every 2 to 3 months.Keep the plant in a low light situation out of direct sunlight,...
Diseases In Spathiphyllum: Tips On Treating Peace Lily Diseases
On the other hand, the better your cultural care matches the plant's needs, the less peace lily plant problems you are likely to encounter.Peace lilies need indirect light, never direct light.
Do Peace Lilies Need Fertilizer – When To Feed Peace Lily Plants
Look for a product with a balanced ratio, such as 20-20-20, diluted to one-half or one-quarter strength.Be sure to water after feeding your peace lily to distribute the fertilizer evenly around the roots.
Peace Lily Repotting – Learn How And When To Repot Peace Lilies
However, if you notice roots growing through the drainage hole or circling around the surface of the potting mix, it's time.If the roots become so compacted that water runs straight through the drainage hole without being absorbed into the potting mix,...
Voodoo Lily Propagation : Tips For Propagating Voodoo Lily Plants
Plant tubers 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm.) deep. Use seed immediately, as it does not store well.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The fastest way of propagation for voodoo lilies is from the large tubers.
What Causes Peace Lily Leaves To Turn Yellow Or Brown
This browning can be caused byfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });There is a good chance, however, that it is due to a buildup of minerals.