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Crassula Jade

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Blue Chalk Sticks - Senecio serpens
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting. Known for its distinctive blue-green to grayish coloring, Blue Chalk Sticks are tall grass-type succulents that will grow in dense mats when allowed to spread.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
  •  If placed in full sunlight, watch the leaves for burning if the light is too intense. However succulents can adapt very well to new locations.
  •  If repotting, use a fast draining soil mix. This will prevent the development of root rot.
Narrow-Leaf Chalk Sticks - Senecio cylindricus
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Ground or base covers are essential when creating a terrarium or arrangement. Like most succulents, they thrive in dry conditions, but will grow faster if kept moist. Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting.
  •  Succulents can be easily overwatered which can lead to root rot. Water your succulents only when they are dry.
  •  If repotting, use a fast draining soil mix. This will prevent the development of root rot.
  •  If placed in full sunlight, watch the leaves for burning if the light is too intense. However succulents can adapt very well to new locations.
String of Buttons - Crassula perforata
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Crassula perforata is an upright-growing succulent that can grow to about 18 inches tall. If the String of Buttons can be easily pruned if it grows too tall. Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting.
  •  If repotting, use a fast draining soil mix. This will prevent the development of root rot.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
  •  Succulents can be easily overwatered which can lead to root rot. Water your succulents only when they are dry.
Sedum \'Little Missy\'
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Popular for hanging planters and fairy gardens. Ground or base covers are essential when creating a terrarium or arrangement. Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
  •  If placed in full sunlight, watch the leaves for burning if the light is too intense. However succulents can adapt very well to new locations.
  •  If repotting, use a fast draining soil mix. This will prevent the development of root rot. Sedums root easily to soil on their own. Simply lay the plant where you want it to grow and cover with a light sprinkling of soil.
Black Spots On Jade Plant: Reasons A Jade Plant Has Black Spots
Causes could range from rambunctious toddlers to inquisitive cats, but however the injury occurs, usually the plant will defoliate the damage and no remedy is necessary.More frequently, when a jade plant has black spots it is due to excessive humidity...
Separating Jade Plants – Learn When To Divide Jade Plants
That leads to the question, can you separate a jade plant? They can be propagated from either. About the only thing they can't withstand is boggy soil. After a week or so, lightly moisten the soil but still keep it a bit on the dry side.
Pruning Jade Plants: Tips For Jade Plant Trimming
Pruning jade plants is not necessary for the health of the plant and is done only for aesthetic reasons. Below you will find tips for how to prune a jade plant properly.The first thing to consider when deciding if you should trim your jade plant is to...
Growing Jade Vines: Care Of Jade Vines Indoors And Out
If you're interested in growing jade vines, you may have success growing the vine in the ground if you live inJade vine plants are also well suited for growing in. ) are so extravagant that you have to see to believe.
Propagating Jade Plants – How To Root Jade Plant Cuttings
Snip the leaf from the plant. The branch should be 3 to 4 inches long for rooting a jade plant. The next step in propagating jade plants from leaves is to lay the jade leaf onto a potting mixture of half vermiculite or perlite and half soil.
White Spots On Jade Leaves: How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Jade Plants
One cause has a quick fix and the other requires some cultural adjustment and treatment. It may be a natural phenomenon or a bit of a fungal disease, but either way, there are easy methods to define and deal with the problem.The few times I have discovered...
My Jade Plant Won\'t Bloom – Tips On Getting A Jade Plant To Bloom
Getting a jade plant to bloom requires mimicking its native growing conditions. Even in their native habitat, the plants need to be very mature before they form flowers. We often hear, “my jade plant won't bloom,” and strive to provide information...
Limp Jade Plant: Help When A Jade Plant Is Drooping
The plant takes a rest break in winter and needs less water.Overwatering in winter is the most common reason for a dying jade plant. The tree-like structure of a jade plant sets it apart from other succulents.
Succulent Assortment - Ground Covers
Prices start at : 24.95 USD

Set includes four ground cover succulents, in a varying mix of colors and textures. Ground or base covers are essential when creating a terrarium or arrangement. Succulents arrive in 4" growers pots ready for potting.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
  •  Succulents need natural sunlight to stay healthy so make sure to choose a bright location.
  •  If repotting, use a fast draining soil mix. This will prevent the development of root rot.
String of Pearls - Senecio rowleyanus
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Popular in hanging baskets. Ground or base covers are essential when creating a terrarium or arrangement. Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting. String of Pearls forms long, trailing strings up to 3 feet in length and grow very well...
  •  If placed in full sunlight, watch the leaves for burning if the light is too intense. However succulents can adapt very well to new locations.
  •  Succulents need natural sunlight to stay healthy so make sure to choose a bright location.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
Crassula rogersii
Prices start at : 6.95 USD

Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting. Crassula is a genus of succulents that vary in shape and size, but we tend to refer to them as "grass" succulents. Crassula rogersii is a tall, bushy species that grows to up to 12" tall and is...
  •  If placed in full sunlight, watch the leaves for burning if the light is too intense. However succulents can adapt very well to new locations.
  •  Succulents need natural sunlight to stay healthy so make sure to choose a bright location.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
The Stacked Crassulas- Introduction to these ornamental succulents
And it just grows through it all.Full, hot sun does make it look sad and can really damage it if it's not acclimated to such abuse.It is a plant that seems to prefer a bit of protection in mid summer in a hot, dry climate.But it still looks good enough...
El Segundo
Crassula Pagoda Plants: How To Grow Red Pagoda Crassula Plant
Red Pagoda Crassula is an easy-to-grow plant that will add punch to any succulent display or as a stand-alone specimen. Once you get over the color, the geometric arrangement of the leaves will astound and amaze.
Worm Plant Care: How To Grow A Jade Necklace Worm Plant
Jade necklace is resistant to drought and all but the coldest weather, so it makes a perfect patio plant for most regions. If you are lucky, the plant produces tiny starry clusters of pinkish blooms.The jade necklace worm plant is also a very easy plant...
Jade Vine Plants: Information On Growing A Red Jade Vine
Warmth is critical and red jade vine plants are likely to turn yellow and drop leaves if temperatures drop below 55 F. Also known as flame of the forest or New Guinea creeper, red jade vine () is a spectacular climber that produces incredibly beautiful...
Crassula ‘Campfire\' (Crassula capitella hybrid)
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 2.5" Pot Size

Don't over-water and grow in a clay pot for best results. Crassula ‘Campfire' (Crassula capitella hybrid) This showy succulent makes an ideal container plant or it can be used as a ground cover in southern zones.
  • Hardiness Zone: 9
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 60
  • Plant Type: Easy Grower
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun, Partial Sun
Crassula Ovata \'Gollum\'
Prices start at : 7.95 USD

Easy to grow in a container, taking care not to over water. Also called Gollum Jade or Trumpet Jade, Crassula ovata 'Gollum' is a shrubby succulent that grows in long tubes with a reddish tint.
  •  Succulents can be easily overwatered which can lead to root rot. Water your succulents only when they are dry.
  •  Fertilize if the color seems off or is too yellow.
  •  Succulents need natural sunlight to stay healthy so make sure to choose a bright location.
What Is the Meaning of a Jade Plant?
Evergreens are tied to the symbols of youth and growth.The most recognized jade plant is the crassula ovata.This true jade is found in South Africa. Practitioners believe that the "money tree" brings balance to the southeastern corner of a home.
Santa Monica
Jade Bonsai
Prices start at : 29.00 USD

Originating from South Africa, this Jade bonsai is from the Crassula Species. Infamously known as the "money tree" of bonsais, the Jade bonsai is an evergreen succulent that must be grown indoors, however during the summer months it can be beneficial...
  •  When repotting your Jade bonsai, make sure to use a mixture of gritty soil and compost that allows for good drainage.
  •  Fertilize the Jade bonsai about once a month in mid-spring to the fall.
  •  The Jade bonsai can hold a large amount of water within the leaves. Water lightly to avoid root rot and fungi. When watering, allow the soil to dry between each watering. During winter, water every 2-3 weeks.
  •  If you decide to train your Jade Bonsai Tree, be careful as the branches can be broken easily.
The Different Types of Jade Plants
The smooth leaf margins may turn reddish if the plant summers outdoors in direct sunlight. This variety and Crosby's are easily trained as small bonsai.Although several dozen varieties of jade plant are readily available, new cultivars are developed by...
Santa Monica
Newfoundland Jade
Prices start at : 1000 USD

Call or txt David-marybeth @330-473-9142, look forward to hearing from you if your interested! Father is a standard poodle, mother is a Newfoundland, with the poodle its less shedding and hypoallergenic.
  •  Health certificate
  •  Veterinarian examination
  • Sex: Female
  • Shipping: International
  • Breed: Newfoundland
  • Shipping included: No
Boxer Jade
Prices start at : 575 USD

We as a family are looking for someone to give her a home, love her and care for her. Jasmine is mostly black with alittle white on her chest. She's a sweet little pup.Friendly and playful.
  •  Shipping included
  •  Champion sired
  •  Health certificate
  •  Veterinarian examination
  • Breed: Boxer
  • Shipping: United States
Jade Pothos
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / Hanging Basket 8"

For that reason, Pothos does well in hanging baskets or plant stands where the foliage can vine freely, covering space other plants can't. It generally takes a long time, but Pothos will wilt if not watered enough, making it clear when the plant absolutely...