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Corn Plant Care

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The Three Sisters
After her two younger sisters seem to disappear, the oldest girl mourns their loss, but the three are finally reunited at harvest time. The prickly hairs on the surface of the squash leaves also act as a deterrent to foraging pests.Not only do these three...
El Segundo
Corn, A Crop of Many Uses
Corn starch is used as a binder in products such as energy bars. It's just regular sweet corn picked just a few days after pollination. However human consumption of corn is low on the food chain as far as uses for this valuable commodity.
El Segundo
How Much Sun for Corn?
Corn types that must fully mature and dry kernels and cobs may need a sunny garden plot free from frost for upward of 120 to 150 days after planting. Conversely, grain field, popcorn and Indian corn must fully mature and then dry on the cob to be ready...
Santa Monica
How to Freeze and Preserve Sweet Corn
There is a bit of a learning curve here that may take a bit of practice to perfect, so take it slow and don't get frustrated. There are also reusable plastic freezer boxes that are cost-effective if used over several years, that those of you with large...
El Segundo
Popcorn Plant Facts
Water often enough to keep the soil slightly moist. Sow the seeds in spring, after the last frost date in your area, when air temperatures remain above 61 degrees Fahrenheit. It bears seeds prolifically and the seeds travel and infest waterways, woodlands...
Santa Monica
Machines Used to Harvest Corn
Machines used for harvesting corn have gradually become more complex and more expensive. According to the website for the Environmental Protection Agency, many of these devices are self-propelled, meaning the machine has its own engine requiring a driver.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Euphorbia Ingens Plant
Make sure the container has ample holes at the bottom for drainage, as well as a saucer.Provide your euphorbia with the proper growing medium. A south-facing window, with the euphorbia located no more than 2 feet from the glass, is ideal.
Santa Monica
Sweet Corn Charcoal Rot Control – How To Manage Corn With Charcoal Rot
Soils can be infected from residual pathogens from previously infected crops or from tillage of infected soils. As infected plants fall and die, fungal pathogens remain on their tissues, infecting the soil below.
Yellowing Corn Leaves: Why Corn Plant Leaves Turn Yellow
I chalked it up to our generally cool summers and the fact that the huge pine trees in the backyard are blocking most of our sun in the veggie garden. This involves covering the garden with clear plastic during the 4-8 hottest weeks of summer.
Corn Seedlings Are Dying – What To Do With A Sickly Sweet Corn Seedling
Cold soil temperatures, less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius), and wet soil also promote disease and make seeds and seedlings more vulnerable.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Caring for...
No Ears On Corn Stalks: Why Is My Corn Not Producing Ears
This year and it's sort of awe inspiring. Pollen from the male flower adheres to the end of the silk, which grows a pollen tube down the length of the stigma to reach the ovary. These microscopic worms feed on the roots and disrupt their ability to absorb...
Mosaic Virus Of Maize Plants: Treating Plants With Dwarf Mosaic Virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) has been reported in most regions of the United States and in countries around the world. However, when nights are cool, affected plants display reddish blotches or streaks.may take on a bunchy, stunted appearance and usually...
Growing Popcorn – Popcorn Growing Conditions And How To Grow Popcorn
Pearl popcorn has round kernels, while rice popcorn kernels are the same garden produces disappointing results because of. You can also order popcorn from reputable seed companies, andcan offer advice on those that perform well in your area.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Problems With Corn: Information On Early Corn Tasseling
Let's learn more about what may be causing early corn tasseling and what, if anything, can be done about it.The male flower of the corn plant is known as a corn tassel. However, early corn tasseling usually results when plants are stressed.Corn that is...
Poor Kernel Production: Why Are There No Kernels On Corn
The biological process is very much like that of most animal species, including humans.Each tassel is the male part of the corn plant. Each silk is a potential kernel. If the silk does not catch any pollen, it does not become a kernel.
How To Grow Corn – How To Grow Your Own Corn
If you want to grow corn from seed, be sure you plant the seeds in well drained soil, which will increase your yield dramatically. Just wait for the temperature of the soil to reach 60 F.
Sweet Corn With Downy Mildew – Tips On Treating Sweet Corn Crazy Top
However, how downy mildew presents itself can depend on the specific host plant. The plants affected are oftentimes young plants, only 6-10 inches (15-25 cm.) high that have been exposed to standing water or over watering.While treating sweet corn crazy...
Corn Pollination – How To Hand Pollinate Corn
The female parts of the stalk are the ears located at leaf junctions and the female flowers are the silks. Pollination will continue for another week under ideal conditions. How wonderful it would be to reap a bounty of corn if all we needed to do was...
Common Smut Of Corn: What To Do For Corn Smut Fungus
Everybody knows that the sweetest corn comes straight off the stalk, and that's why so many home gardeners set a little spot aside for a few dozen ears of this golden vegetable. The spores can live up to three years, making it very hard to completely...
Tips For Harvesting Corn: How And When To Pick Corn
Gardeners are willing to devote time and garden space tobecause fresh-picked corn is a treat that tastes much better than grocery store corn. The lower ears are usually smaller and mature a little later than the ones at the top of the stalk.Before you...
Fixing Knocked Over Corn: What To Do When Corn Is Bent Over
If this is the case, the stalks should be straightened.If the wind blew corn over rather spectacularly, the roots of the corn may be pulled from the soil. Plants that are root lodged can often regenerate new roots and orient upright on their own, hopefully...
Sweet Corn Rust Treatment – Learn About Corn Rust Fungus Control
The pustules may be circular or elongated and can be found in bands or patches. Spores land on foliage and within 3-6 hours of optimal conditions, germinate and infect the plant. Even light dew will allow the spores to rarely afflicted with...
Southern Corn Leaf Blight Treatment – What Are Symptoms Of Southern Leaf Blight
In some areas, the loss was estimated at 100 percent, and it amounted to a monetary loss of around a billion, but the fungus lingers. Without any biodiversity, it is easy for a fungus to move in and wipe out a crop, and that is exactly what...
Native Gifts
Pumpkins and winter squash are being picked, corn is getting heated, and the last of the summer garden is being gathered in for winter. The wonders of corn were born out ofMayan legend and were eaten from the Inca north into areas ofNew England.
El Segundo
Corn Plant Tillers: Tips On Removing Suckers From Corn
They aren't harming the plant and natural selection may do the work for you.Also, if you try to prune them, you risk causing damage to the main stalk, which can open it to insects or disease.
What Is Dent Corn: Planting Dent Corn In The Garden
The starches within the kernels are of two types: at the sides, a hard starch, and in the center, a soft starch. But what are dent corns uses? Dent corn is used primarily as animal feed, although it is grown for human consumption as well; it just isn't...
Corn Plant Problems: Reasons A Corn Plant Is Wilted
Obviously, to control the spread of this disease, it's important to either rake up and properlyor till deep enough to encourage decomposition. Water stress during vegetative growth stages reduces stem and leaf cell expansion, resulting in not only smaller...