We are located on the north outer road between exit 137 and exit 144. These must clear our bank before the item leaves. Call or email us first before you come so that someone can be here to meet you.
It seems to be in good shape structurally but it needs little things like air in the tires, possibly a new tire, etc. This item is a utility reel trailer for gas lines, electric cable, etc.
Everything is nice and tight. This machine doesn't use any oil. This machine is a real beauty. If you need any further information feel free to email. Not much more that I know to say.
Specifications are believed to be correct but may contain errors and/or omissions. Carrying Capacity; Hydraulic Self-Loading; New 18 HP Briggs Vanguard Gas Engine W/Electric Start DISCLAIMER: Price quoted is Ex Works and does not include any freight or...
Does everything it is supposed to, just not being used anymore. 2010 Sweetwater Metal Products CT2710C self loading coil pipe trailer with McElroy Line Tamer, BRAND NEW HONDA MOTOR for the hydraulic unit (Only 3 hrs on motor), hydraulic winch and crane.
Thanks for looking! We also have a loading dock. CONTACT Feel free to call the shop at (573) 642-6395. We accept cash and checks. We believe it is a Ferguson. All forms of payment other than cash must clear our bank before the item is considered paid...