Manufacturer: DUX Model: DT22 Serial Number: 858 Size: 22 Ton Engine : Detroit Diesel 50 series 4 cyl serial: 04RE202393 Transmission model: 14.5HR36423-1 Front axle: 16D2149 Clark axles with posi stop brakes Engine Scrubber Serial: 4665R39 Length: 27'2"...
The component hours are as follows: 7,891 Hours on Engine 15,489 Hours on Torque Convertor 4,730 Hours on Rear Brakes & Final Drives Cat 789, s/n 9ZC00154, is a 1987 model. The coal bed is in very good condition.
Operational hour meter - FEPO makes no guarantees as to actual hours; we can only report what can be visually observed. Off-highway dump truck. Some minor leaks showing. Engine oil pump is bad.
Designed/engineered, fabricated(our own full fabrication facility), painted, installed, tested Can custom build to customer spec. New HEC DD8KS 8,000 gallon diesel fuel tanker installed on CAT 740B standard frame chassis 8,000 Gallon Fuel Capacity tank...