This I a 1947 John Deere model H. Asking 800 dollars O.B.O It is not running and would make a good project. Asking 800 Dollars O.B.O. I have all the parts and this would make a challanging project for somone or a good parts tractor.
LV4710H270063 used by Timothy McGrath of Titusville, PA in general construction until November 2009. 2003 JD 4710 tractor, 650 loader and 48 backhoe us in the general contracting business since 2003 located at 1066 Cherrytree Road, Titusville, PA 16354
2005 john deere 5425 2wd with a john deere 522 loader for sale low hours syncro transmission Super clean john deere 5425 2wd syncro transmission (9/3) 16.9-30 rear tires 9.5l-15 front tires dual mid svc's dual rear scv's john deere 522 loader 400 hours
2001 John Deere 9400 tractor 3340 hours Used primarily in construction good shape JD 9400 4WD Tractor Located in NE Iowa 3,340 hours Dealer rebuilt engine, 2518 hours 710/70R38's Duals 4th remote
JD 720 Wide Front End Antique Tractor; Serial #7215532; Very Good Condition; Less than 200 hrs on fresh engine. JD 720 Wide Front End; Serial #7215532; Very Good Condition; Less than 200 hrs on Fresh Engine $8,500.
Motor rebuilt two years ago. 1957 John Deere 420C Crawler. Located in Central Maine. Crawler is in very good shape for the year. Needs left front idler arm and clutches need to be adjusted, may need to be replaced.
For sale 2004 John Deere 8420 - 6355 hours - $US 35,100.00 - Let me know if you are interested John Deere 8420 all wheel drive tractor 2004 model year with only 6355 hrs This tractor is Green Star ready with all the wiring in place Quick Hitch 4 Remotes...
On warmer days the front window opens and locks to get a nice cool breeze in the cab. For sale - 2006 john deere 4x4 diesel gator - $2900 - fast sale - $2900 - $2900 - $2900 2006 John Deere 4x4 Diesel Gator HPX with 279 HOURS on it.
DETAILS: 450 Hours 39 Horse Power R4 tires 4 Wheel Drive 460 Loader 72 inch Bucket Power Reverser Transmission One Hydraulic Remote in back Diesel Price: $6000 DETAILS: 450 Hours 39 Horse Power R4 tires 4 Wheel Drive 460 Loader 72 inch Bucket Power Reverser...
35 hp Diesel E-Hydro 4 w/d p/s approx 320 hrs 3 pt - quick hitch or also called I-match John Deere 4410 - compact tractor. Asking price $15000. This is a great compact tractor. Tractor is in good condition, stored in barn at all times, will send additional...
Note this price does not include headers. This John Deere 7700 Combine is extra nice and field ready. Priced to sell at $6900. Used to Cut beans and corn this season.
Seller changing occupations and is motivated for a sale. Financing available. Seller changing occupations and is motivated for a sale. JD 440C with Barko #40 loader, 200 hrs on new engine, tires 85%, new hoses & cylinder, new center pin, adjustable...
I believe the motor has been rebuilt but I have no documentation on it. It has the Quad range transmission that shifts good and does not slip at all. The tractor has a strong running 125 hp 6 cylinder diesel engine that has very little to no blow-by.
Tractor 192 PTO H.P Tractor, this tracor is ready to go to the field. John Deere 4850 4wd. It has 3 sets of Hydraulic remotes, front weights, 1000 RPM PTO, and has a Quick Hitch on the 3 point hitch.
Front cracked and reapaired very good. Has pto and remotes. It's way to much tractor for my use. Wheels in xcellent shape and tin good. I have used this machine in the fields discing and it never misses a lick.
Floating hitch, Heavy Duty Frame, Excellent Trash Clearance, Little Slack in Shanks, 2 bar Wako drags with hard faced teeth, Single-Point depth control, Good Condition, Vernon, TX $35,000
I am able to load this for shipping. It has a 6 cylinder John Deere engine and is rated at 95 PTO HP. The tractor runs and operates perfect. I may be able to provide delivery at an additional charge depending on the destination.
Don't miss this one. John Deere LI Or LA. I am asking 3500.00 John Deere LI This Tractor runs Good! Has new tires good paint and starts right up. This tractor is hard to find now days.
There is a 12 inch bucket attached. I have a Model 48 John Deere backhoe for sale. This is not a three point-hitch attachment but mounts easily to belly hookups (supplied). John Deere model 48 backhoe for sale.
Photos available. Paint is in excellent condition. Market cross and fill auger and spring tooth harrows; J.D. adjustable rate controllers and scale. Boots and blades replaced in 2004 - less than 1,000 acres.
Comes with Front end Bucket, Drag Box, Front Forklift, and a 72in Rear Finish Mower Comes with Front end Bucket, Drag Box, Front Forklift, and a 72in Rear Finish Mower PERFECT CONDITION
I'll tell you what I know about them if anyone is interested. This 1936 John Deer \"D\" has been restored. I inherited several tractors from a friend that passed away in June.
1981 John Deer 4440 Tractor - $2 (Pagosa Springs, CO) Engine is in excellent shape, rear tires are good, runs really strong. 1981 John Deer 4440 Tractor - $2 (Pagosa Springs, CO) Engine is in excellent shape, rear tires are good, runs really strong.
Nice little tractor! Located in Bradford, Arkansas on Highway 167, between Batesville and Ball Knob. Nice JD; fires right up, restored, new paint, tires, battery, fenders included.