Strong running machine with excellent power steering. Really a nice tight machine. Very tight machine with good tin. Have to pull start but that isnt a problem. I have pics if anyone is interested.
Comes with all orginal JD equipment including Harrows, Double Bottom Plow, Planter on Frame w/ 4 feet, Fertilizer, Draw Bar, Cultivators, et al. Several years ago generator rods found bare so coverted to Alternaor w/12 Volts.
Sellling it all - low, low hours (200) on the Deere - even lower on the other equipment - sold as package John Deere 4219 (28 hp, eHydro), mid PTO, rear PTO, 60\" belly mower, 60\" brush hog, Ameriquip 6600 backhoe (20 hours), Deere front loader.$23,000...
I used this tractor for agricultural purposes only. Call Mitch if any questions. Maintenace has been kept up properly on this tractor. This tractor is in great shape and ready to move.
Only 550 hours. 4x4 Front-end loader, bush hog, box blade, 7' x18' dual axel trailer w/ hydro-trans, sync shift, and i match quick attach hitch. Must sell!! John Deere 4310 with many attachments, and solid trailer.
Just used around the Ranch. Comes with a John Deere 400X Front End Loader with 72" bucket and IMatch Quick Hitch and Land Pride 72" Box Scraper with Rippers and IMatch Quick Hitch Has 3SCV Valve Tires are 90% +, Front Loader Forks, John Deere MX-6 Rotary...
Works great for handling and feeding big bales. 20.8 x 38 rear tires 80% and 16.9 x 26 front tires 65%. It comes with a 280 John Deere loader and grapple. The tractor runs good and has no major problems.
NICE John Deere M, recent restoration,runs great, many new parts, located in belleville indiana 1950 John Deere M, recent restoration, runs great,many new parts,new paint/decals,new tires,new seat/frame,new gages,new battery/boxserial number- M29248...this...
John Deere 6715; Year 2006; MFWD; 325 hours; excellent condition; 105 Horse Power John Deere 6715; Year model - 2006; MFWD; Low Hours - 325 hours; Excellent condition; 105 horse power
1&2 Deluxe SCV & Del Couplers, Vertical Exhaust, Air Comfort Seat, Front Fenders, Tool Box, Cold Start Package, Re-wiper with Front and Rear Washer, Front Tires 13.8 R28 and Rear Tires 18.4 R38.
I cannot get in touch with you if you will use the \\"\\"email this seller\\"\\" option from my listing because my email address is full so please e-mail me directly I did not order a radio but it is wired for one.
120', clean, chemical inductor, 15\" centers, high flow, HID lights, auto air 120' clean, SS chemical inductor, 15inch centers, high flow, Hid lights, auto air, 2300 hours, well maintained
Market cross and fill auger and spring tooth harrows; J.D. adjustable rate controllers and scale. Photos available. 20 foot drill; 2-point hitch; markers; augers; harrows; rate controllers and scale.
I have John Deere parts for sale,private seller,money orders or cashiers check only Bushings#T105988/71110DY415 of themRetail$27...sell for $20 each Arm or swivel pins4 of them @ $80.00 each Misc.washers and cotter pins$100.00...
Original rubber, paint/decals stored in shed. As a bonus comes with these John Deere implements 5ft blade, 6 1/2 foot disc, 5 ft mower and 33\\" 2 bottom plow. This gem has 1800 hours (speed hour meter has just been replaced), is an original unrestored...
This machine is barn kept during the off season. I am asking $65,000. 1998 John Deere CTS combine that has a W125 cable and header. It has 1,096 Fan Hours.
Very nice antique tractor that has been sheltered under a shed and has been taken care of for the past 30 years. +Still runs well .Original wheel weights, Commercial wide front end, Fenders and hood in good condition, Tires fair condition -Weak clutch,...
Tractor has remaining warranty! Free shipping any where in the us and Canada. John Deere 2004 model 6420 mfwd tractor with a John Deere 640 loader with 7' bucket and joystick controls and only 203 hours.
Using skidster and not the tractor so, am going to sell the tractor. John Deere 4710 Tractor for sale380 hours With loader, belly mower included $ 19,900.00 John Deere 4710 Tractor for sale380 hours With loader and belly mower included.
One runs, one doesn't. I am selling these for a friend, so I don't know a lot about them. These tractors are a labor of love, and to cover only half the cost of recondition are for sale at $5,000 each.
Lancaster Silo, Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17602 visit website. Air Compressor and cooler for a JD 5830. If you have a catalog we would like to receive one.
This tractor is in premium condition and is ready to work for you! See Above1280 Hours, 18.4R46 rear tires and duals, 14.9R34 front tires, 4 remotes, HID lights, Front weights, 2 cast rear wheel weights, Powershift Transmission, JD Activeseat.
JD 720 Wide Front End Antique Tractor; Serial #7215532; Very Good Condition; Less than 200 hrs on fresh engine. JD 720 Wide Front End; Serial #7215532; Very Good Condition; Less than 200 hrs on Fresh Engine $8,500.
12 row ridged corn planter fair condition complete with steel side load farm trailer on removablr axel Save thousands of dollars over dealer prices cut time and expense over smaller planters 85% ready requires minimum shop time for making field ready...
Asking $16,500 plus delivery. This tractor has approximatly 158 hours on it and has served me well. 2002 JD 4115 tractor with attachements listed below. If not for a divorce I would never seel this unit, make my loss your gain.