18" X 45' Conveyor Hopper 7'x8' Ramsey Microtech 2000 Scale Eriez Magnetic Separator s/n-T009730, Style- 18x48, Model- HVF-18 Max V Belt Cleaning System Fully Shielded Conveyor 275/70Rx22.5 Tires At 95 % Good 7.5 HP Motor 575 Volt Conveyor Electric Drive...
Potato Planters, Potato Harvester, 3 row scuffler for sale, please call Brad or email for pictures All in good condition: Potato Planter $1500, Potato Harvester $3500, Scffler $250.00 also Mobile Hydraulic plant $1000.00
3-Head Crown Capper: $5000 OBO Make: Quaglia & Giuso 575 Volt Stainless steel with base IN GREAT SHAPE!! 3-Head Crown Capper: $5000 OBO Make: Quaglia & Giuso 575 Volt Stainless steel with base IN GREAT SHAPE!! Contact Colio Estate Wines for more...
We have been given direction from the bank to sell this item without reserve to the highest bidder. Final sale date is tentatively booked for December 1st, 2009. This item has been respossessed by the bailiff.
Living room 6 pieces and dining room 8 pieces for sale both of sets are just 1 year old. Reason for sale...moving Both of sets are in very good condition look completly new just 1 year old.
Discount available on orders over 100. We have lots of food quality 55 gallon plastic barrels available. Email for further details. Have both open and closed top barrels available.
Operating plants available for touring. Turn-key biodiesel plant available, 3m - 40m gal / yr, full engineering services, availble for export worldwide Turn-key biodiesel plant available, 3M - 40M gal / yr, full engineering services, availble for export...
Operating plant tours available upon request. Financing arranged if required. Complete engineering serivices, and consulting services including feasiblity studies, site selection, safety and training.
1997 and 1999 Decloet Classic Tobacco curing Barns. White and Black with 13 32\" big boxes and pins.Complete with updated Busek controls 2 Decloet Tobacco Barns, 13 box, 32\" Propane fired with Busek automated controls
2 Harvestore Silos for sale---One is 90 feet high & one 60 feet high.Cost negotiable.Please call for more info if interested. 2 silos for sale---farm no longer in operation. Silos approx twenty five yrs old.
Decloet Tobacco Bins, in excellent shape, clean. Wheels are all in good working condition on bins. 28\" Bins, quantity of 150 for sale, call for more information. Would like to sell in multiples of 13 or 15 at a time.
Great for planting tobacco, cabbage, peppers, and many other vegetable transplants. Ready to go to work. Finger pockets with double seats, direct drive and water valves. 6 used mechanical transplanter - 1000 units.
Its a baumalight pto driven tx31000 on trailer it only has 20 hrs runing time. It only has 20 hrs runing time on it asking 3500.00. The trailer is black single axle,and the baumalight is black and silver in color.
When cooling is not required, simply switch off the water dispersing unit and run the fan to circulate room air only. \\"Aircool\\" centrifugal cooling system- * centrifugal spraying system without nozzles * easy installation * separate control of fan...
A wide variety of hydroponic and aquarium lighting and accessories. Single and dual metal halide and high pressure sodium ballasts. We also carry reflectors and all supplies. Dealer and distributors are welcome.
Most pipes in good condition. Would make a good deal if you buy the lot. Wade Rain system. The Rain Bird sprinklers were used for frost protection and irrigation. 21- 6 inch pipes 70 $ ea 46- 5 inch pipes 60 $ ea 250- 2 inch pipes 40 $ ea 125 Rain Bird...
Like new, less than 5000 km. Large space for box stalls. 102 inches wide (8 foot 6) maximum width allowed by law. Large space suitable for box stalls, extra lights mounted inside and outside.
Excellent condition, heavy, hard working hoe. Hitch to tip length is 14 feet. When stabilizers are in the support position, the tractor weight rests on the attachment, giving excellent stability.
I have just invested $1,600 into updating the truck. Ford Ranger ('87) $1,500 obo. 100% Certified. Can be flexible with delivery if paying cash. Brand New: -Brakes -Exhaust(all parts new) only 60,000 miles on the odometer!!!
Never before in the farming industry, has such a profitable opportunity for Growers and Processors ever been attained until Now! This combination of products and processes are so close to nature and yet its benefits are not known to the industry.
Send me an email Prices will decrease dramatically for orders over 100. $20/barrel for the 55 gallon, $15/barrel for the 30 gallon. I've got lots of two-bung barrels available for pick up or, for the larger orders within the GTA, delivery can be arranged.
Send me an email to order your barrels. I've got 1,000 30-gallon plastic food-quality recycled barrels available a month. Price decreases significantly for orders over 100. Pick up only unless you're ordering over 100 barrels within the GTA, where I can...
I can email pics and more info as required. Straight load, step-up-18 feet long, 6 feet 6 1/2 inches high, 5 feet wide. This trailer is too large for what I require. Asking $3500.00 obo.
For more info contact, lucky @ Ford f350 8ft dump truck, 118 km, excellent condition, gas engine, 8ft bucket, new paint job. Ford f350 8ft dump truck, new paint job, excellent condition, gas engine, 118 km.