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Making an Olla, Utilizing Ancient Technology in the Garden!
The original ollas, thought to be brought from Spain to South America were unglazed clay earthenware urns which are still used today in the Southwest. It dries very quickly.Apply your glue to the other pot rim.
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Promote Healthy Waterways On Your Farm
“ Riparian areas are the [areas of] green, specialized vegetation that extend from both sides of a stream or river that serves as important habitat for many plants and animals,” Dictson says.
Earth Day Projects: Little Things that can Make a Big Difference
We have changed the world once, so we've demonstrated that it can be done. I stand alone and take back something worth remembering."... If we implement these as a united group, it will produce a massive result.
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Drip Irrigation - Save water, save time, save plants!
Your largest plants should be in a group, if possible, and if not, close enough so you can snake your drip line to reach them all. Then your mid-size plants, and finally your seedling trays or other little pots.
El Segundo
Roll out the barrel, the rain barrel that is!
Place this fitting inside the barrel and thread it into the 2 inch female threaded by 2 inch PVC elbow on the outside of the barrel. Many get their olives in barrels that are ideal for converting into R.B.'s.Check with wine or home brewing stores; many...
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7 Fast-Growing Shade Trees For Your Pasture
Culture: Prefer full sun and moist, well-drained soils, but tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. As with willows, its root systems are formidable, so things like pipes and structural foundations will likely lose any battles.
Making a Simple Rain Barrel
Original publication date 1987. The overflow assembly was a 2” PVC male adaptor and a 2” PVE street elbow. Next, drill a hole for the hose bibb (that's the valve with a handle to turn the water on and off, and where your garden hose attaches).
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Turn Your Property Into A Prairie
My first summer in Texas as a park ranger gifted me with one of the most amazing wildflower displays on record. Special steps must be taken to restore native prairie from farmland versus an overgrazed pasture.

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5 Realities of Farmland Restoration
What does your restored farmland vision look, sound and feel like? Short-term should include getting to know your neighbors and finding collaborators, while mid-term plans foresee the next decade and include a succession plan of introducing the right...
5 Planting Mistakes that Lead to Tree Death
Following a few simple tree-care rules when planting and managing trees means we'll all have healthier, happier trees for generations to come. Learn more about growing trees from 10 Reasons to Plant a Farm Tree Growing Nut Trees 7 Common...
The Soil Conservation Service, a Savior to Farmers
In doing so, Congress reaffirmed the federal commitment to the conservation of the nation's soil and water resources.Almost every county in the U.S. has a Soil Conservation District under the auspices of the NRCS.
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Water Conservation Tips for Your Garden
Get to know your plants and how they appear when they are thirsty, since there are no hard and fast rules for all plants. You'll be surprised at how much water you will save.You can conserve water by using plants in your garden that would naturally grow...
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Connecting with Your Local Community Garden
Many community gardens aren't situated in the best part of town. Schools, universities and youth centers are also frequent community garden hosts.Sometimes, folks in a neighborhood will simply take matters into their own hands and create an urban garden...
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What Historical Farm Relics Lurk In A Pile Of Rocks?
Yes, believe it or not, on my farm there is a pile of rocks, of seemingly impossible size, that has all but disappeared under the ground. For many years, a walking path has roughly followed the rock pile, and years of walking have eroded the ground to...
What Does No-Till Actually Mean?
They're also interested in the preservation of topsoil, but they also want to improve the soil structure, increase the biodiversity of fungi and bacteria, and increase water retention.
The Secrets of Silvopasturing
“Integrating silvopastures into our farm has improved the profitability of the land while also providing long-lasting environmental benefits,” Owens says. While searching the internet, he stumbled across silvopastures.
Joyce Kilmer: His \
With the widespread popularity of "Trees" and Kilmer's reputation as a speaker, his death in service with the Allied Forces seemed especially tragic. He wrote while in France and intended to publish a book about his experiences.
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How to Rehab Your Soil After a Flood
The major chore after a flood if trying to reassemble your landscape as close to the original condition as possible. Level the Land Water moves a lot of soil, whether it takes it away completely or deposits it where you don't necessarily want it.
Conserving Water in the garden with Rain Barrels
You need at least two blocksScreen and trash elastics, OR 2 hinges depends on the style of barrel you chooseHosing that corresponds to the size of your overflow or “jump” valve.Make sure you work in an area that can be messy.
El Segundo
Garden Styles: Xeriscape
Drought-resistant plants are usually sun-loving, so they will thrive in that brutally unprotected part of your landscape; most can tolerate some morning shade. Statistics proved it wasn't just our own gardens that were suffering from the lack of rain...
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4 Fungal Tree Diseases You Should Know
Knowing these four are a good start to keeping the trees on your farm healthy. Sycamore, ash oak and evergreen elm trees are particularly prone to anthracnose, though other deciduous and evergreen trees, as well as fruits, vegetables and grasses, can...
Saving the American Chestnut Tree
Trees that were able to fight off the blight, including the Chinese chestnut, did not possess the desired characteristics of the American chestnut, which include tall, straight growth and a high-quality wood.
Got Mulch?
A heavy layer ofmulch drastically reduces the soil's ability to dry out, leading to soggy, water-logged soil around the roots of plants and shrubs. This condition is extremely damaging to azaleas, rhododendrons, most conifers, allMulch piled up against...
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Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
As with many monocultures, the use of such chemicals contributes to the crop's shorter life.Sun farms also lack proper erosion control, proving problematic during periods of rain. Coffee plants that grow amongst diverse vegetation are also less susceptible...
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Grass ~ More Than Just a Summer Chore
It covers one-fourth of Earth's land, feeds millions of animals and birds, and helps stop erosion. More than 9,000 known species of grasses grow throughout the world, including those grown for grains, pasture, and lawns.
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