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5 Reasons Why You Need A Staple Gun On Your Farm
Instead of merely pressing down on the top of the device (as you would with an ordinary stapler), a staple gun has a large lever that amplifies its stapling power. Part of the fun of being a farmer (at least if you're like me) is having a logical excuse—er,...
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
While salvaging old bricks from a long-forgotten pile that had evidently been created decades ago, I elected to use one of my old yard carts to transport the bricks to a better location.
What Is the Difference Between Moss and Mold?
If an area already has some moss, then remove its existing grass, weeds and debris. Mold often has a characteristic musty odor. Weeds can harbor mold spores and spread mold to desirable plants.
Santa Monica
Farm Kids In Business
Evan's mom is in charge of setting prices for the crates at their farmers market venue where they sell them on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Questions To Ask There are some simple questions to ask your children before they get serious about starting a business,...
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
Both incorporate a straight-line prepacker chamber that pre-forms each flake before sweeping it into the bale chamber, thus ensuring consistent bale density and uniform flake size.
22 Foods You Can Store In Root Cellars
If you have room, dig up the plant and repot it, placing it in your cellar and continuing to harvest from it, or hang it upside down from the roots. Beans (dried) Allow beans to mature on the plant until the beans rattle.