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Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
If have a 10' or 12' run you can cantilever the end of the beam up to 2' past the pier pad. Not bad for 4 days worth of work. Also keep your eyes open for houses being torn down or moved, I was able to get several hundred sq ft of siding, 2 garage doors...
El Segundo
How to Keep Squirrels Out of Flower Pots
Bury wire mesh or screening about 6 inches below the ground so the squirrels don't simply lift it off as they would with light rocks.Certain ground squirrels eat flowers and plants as well as dig, so you need to prevent them from getting at both the plant...
Santa Monica
Cypress Mulch Vs. Hardwood Mulch
Cypress mulch gives the landscape a vibrant-looking appeal, as the darker hue provides an attractive contrast next to various plants, flowers and shrubbery. Triple-shredded mulch costs more than double-shredded mulch.Hardwood and cypress mulch attracts...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Lantana Topiary
And be sure to loosen the twist ties as the plant stem grows in diameter. Fill the pot about halfway with potting mix, position the rooted lantana cutting in the pot and add more potting mix, pressing down lightly.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Dogwood Trees in a Pot
The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is a small tree with an attractive, rounded shape and a short trunk. Afternoon shade is especially important in hot climates.Water the dogwood tree immediately after planting.
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree Indoors: Can You Eat the Fruit?
Bring the trees back indoors in September, well before nighttime temperatures are 50 degrees F.Repot your avocados every two to three years as soil becomes exhausted and trees outgrow their containers.
Santa Monica
Turning a Trumpet Vine Into a Tree
Planting the vine in a container, and then training it into a tree transforms trumpet vine into a well-behaved plant. Vigorous new shoots will grow from the cut, quickly forming the tree canopy.
Santa Monica
Foxtail Palm Diseases
They are vulnerable to various fungal diseases triggered by over-watering. Native to Australia, this palm is grown around the world in a variety of landscapes. The solution is controlled watering and good drainage.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Gardenias From Seed
Leave the sack in a cool location to let the seeds dry further for about 20 to 30 days.Mix together equal amounts of perlite and peat moss, in a large basin or bucket. Keep the seeds moist and out of direct sunlight.
Santa Monica
Temperatures to Bring in Potted Plants
Don't water them on cloudy or rainy days as the plant won't get sufficient light and air to dry out. If your plants have been in bright outdoor sunlight, put them in a south-facing window or under a grow light.
Santa Monica
What Plants Repel Mosquitoes?
Not all carnivorous plants are effective against mosquitoes, however. In fact, tropical pitcher plants (), adapted to USDA zones 4 through 8, attract and ultimately digest several kinds of insects, but mosquitoes are immune to their digestive enzymes...
Santa Monica
Flowering Trees With Thorns
The flowers on the trees bloom in the summer to decorate the spot with their reddish-yellow blooms. The flowers are naturally arranged in thick clusters on branches with silvery leaves and long, pointed thorns.
Santa Monica
Native Fruit Trees of Texas
This tree colonizes by putting up suckers, so remove them immediately if a thicket is undesirable.Flatwoods plum trees grow 15 feet tall in the true east Texas Pineywoods, according to Texas A&M University.
Santa Monica
The Root System of Plumeria
Use plastic nursery pots as plumeria roots tend to stick to clay pots.Plumerias are often seen in containers, but they will suffer from reduced size and branching if the pots are not large enough.
Santa Monica
The Citronella Mosquito Plant
Other suitable places include window boxes, hanging baskets or grouped in flower gardens.Although this species is referred to as "citronella mosquito plant," it shouldn't be confused with "true" citronella (), a perennial grass in USDA zones 10 through...
Santa Monica
What Trellis Plant Is Not Poisonous to Dogs?
Protect older animals, whose sense of sight and smell has diminished, from plants that produce irritants or are poisonous. This is not a true jasmine but is a valuable evergreen plant with intensely fragrant flowers beginning in spring and continuing...
Santa Monica
The Differences of the Leaves of the Jacaranda & the Poinciana
Each oblong leaflet is less than 2 inches long. The arching trunk has thin, grayish-brown bark that becomes scaly with age. The woody seedpod grows 2 inches wide and 14 to 20 inches long and turns reddish-brown to nearly black when ripe.
Santa Monica
The Growth Rate of Little Gem Magnolias
The Little Gem does suffer from root girdling. The tree prefers acidic soil but withstands only slightly acidic conditions. The Magnolia grandiflora "Little Gem" grows to a height of approximately 35 feet.
Santa Monica
Salvaging House Materials
I've already mentioned that as we're revamping our farmhouse , we're doing our best to salvage and reuse materials, such as wall studs , baseboards and doors , from the original structure whenever possible.
How to Care for a Pindo Palm
Your pindo palm will not shed them naturally. Don't let the mulch touch the palm tree's trunk.Fertilize your pindo palm tree in the spring and again in midsummer, using a slow-release palm fertilizer in a 12-4-2 formulation.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Pot Mums
Once again, give the plant enough water for it to drip out of the bottom drainage holes in the pot. Place them in a protected location outdoors. As the blooms die, pinch or clip them off.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Emerald Green Arborvitae in Pots
Set the shrub where it will receive six to eight hours of direct sunlight throughout the day in cooler climates.Bring Emerald Green in the house in autumn in cold winter climates or place it in a garage or other sheltered location.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Dwarf Japanese Maple Tree
Water requirements vary depending on rain fall and planting location. Fill in around the root ball with the compost and soil mix. Dwarf varieties of Japanese maples take well to container growing, making them a good choice for decks, patios and covered...
Santa Monica
Trees to Plant Near Concrete
Trees add desirable elements such as shade and focal points to a landscape. A good rule of thumb is to determine the eventual mature canopy width of a tree you want to plant and then place that tree where its mature canopy will not extend to a concrete...
Santa Monica
What Products Are Made From Trees?
Sodium lauryl sulfate is a papermaking byproduct used in shampoos and shaving creams as a foaming agent. All parts of the log are used, so there is virtually no waste, and leftover sawdust is used for energy to run the mills.
Santa Monica
Hearts and Flowers Ice Plant Care
Rainfall should be sufficient throughout the spring and fall. The foliage is covered in tiny hairs that cause the sunshine to reflect and give the plant that unique frosty appearance.Hearts and flowers (Aptenia cordifolia) ice plant is a perennial that...
Santa Monica
What Is Organic Material: Examples Of Organic Material For Gardening
Once the ingredients all break down, this additive is dug into the soil and mixed with the garden dirt.Not all composts are made alike, and the value of any particular pile depends on the original materials that were added to it, but in general more variety...