This will not work in a dry climate, however. The Chumash Indians would have wanted to know if the weather was favorable for taking their boats on the day-long trip to the Channel Islands.
You can employ specific plants and trees to help with the first three. Other plants can be included in the bed for added landscape interest, but the two palm types are the foundation for slowing the wind as well as for catching windborne debris.
Easy to pull up, thoughI don't know if any of these plants would qualify as really that economically or ecologically damaging, so no one would likely consider them serious invasive species.But someone's invasive weedy succulent is always someone else's...
As mentioned in the article noted above, date palms are dioecious (male and female flowers are on two different plants).Most date farms have one male growing near dozens of females (ratio is usually about fifty to one).Dates are fertilized by wind pollination...
Spend some time and get pieces that you really want to have in your garden. Yes, you can have a stunning rose garden filled with all the glamour and wonder of the formal gardens with thoughtful planning and care.
Just digging a hole slightly larger than the soil ball from the pot is not going to pass muster here! For each tree or plant, you must be sure to dig deep enough to remove any obstructions to strong, solid and deep root growth before backfilling and planting.
Yellow is still symbolic of courage in Japan.In Egypt, yellow is a mourning color, It is symbolic of sadness in Greece and jealousy in France. Yellow vegetables and fruits are tasty and healthful.
I've included a few at the end of this article. You can see more of his work at:The following pictures were available for use on Wikimedia Commons. I picture him bearing the opposite of the Midas touch, instead blackening every leaf and blossom he touches.
White can make a pastel palette look more lively or make dark colors look brighter. In India, white is a funeral color and traditionally widows could only wear white. In reality, white is everything, or at least every color.
Many shrubby selections are evergreen so they will perform best in a sheltered location. These evergreens are very susceptible to winter burn due to the cold, dry, desiccating winds of January and February.
It seems that an early count somewhere in Europe adopted it as a badge and fixed it to his helmet, perhaps so that his troops could easily follow him in battle. Early on it was recommended as a diuretic and as a purgative.
All over the world, the color blue is associated with peace. However, that has not impacted the popularity of blue. Advertising and pop culture tell us that we should want things bigger, stronger, faster, louder, more aggressive, and more extreme.
All Encephalartos sepces are considered endangered (though some are actually not currently threatened) making the struggle of collecting them that much more costly and difficult. Most cycads are excellent landscape and potted plants choices and most tend...
She goes into detail about every step and a glossary of canning terms is included for the newbie. However, the creative and tasty recipes are where this book outshines the rest. Linda's tutorials about basic food safety and sanitation are wonderful.
‘Sprizam' (aka ‘Spring Glory') has a compact habit and notable fall colour.‘Trazam' (aka ‘Tradition') is one of the best for training as a single-stemmed small tree as it will top at 12 m.The best fall colour comes from ‘Autumn Brilliance',...
After a few more successful slides in home, the juicy persimmons began to seep into the seat of my jeans and I was no longer very comfortable. By the time I was pulled from the tub, cleaner, but definitely in pain, I had a sting on my lip, a sting on...
Beali has positively lethal spiny leaves and stems.) I'd give 'Soft Caress' an award for brilliance in naming. What further certification could it need? Evergreens are ever popular in the home landscape.
Cold hardiness is a major deiciding factor, but remember the microclimate effect in your garden. Sadly, this shrub has few other attractive traits. Always consider several traits of the plant under consideration.
Though I never smelled the parent shrub, I did sniff just one bloom on mine last winter. Apparantly, British growers were already actively sharing this deligthful 'new' shrub. The scent was as wonderful as she had claimed it to be.Wintersweet traveled...
It's unbelievable how these small creatures can eat so much! They crawl all over a fruit and start making holes in it. They said the yeast in beer attracts the snails and slugs which come towards it like cats to catnip.
At the time of the Crucifixion, it was said that wood from the Dogwood tree was selected to fashion the cross. The route has evolved into a twelve mile tour that can be enjoyed by walking, bike, car, or city trolley.
The do not require a great deal of water and will grow in either slightly soggy or dry soil.All photos are courtesy of Wikipedia and public domain. When I began researching these plants I was surprised to learn that they are actually members of the spiderwort...
I remember as a child, summertime was the time that we all packed up in the car and headed out to pick blackberries, or muscadines. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to promptly...
Later, weak trees like bradford pears split and tumbled downward. At least eight other plantings are planned; these dates are posted on the city web site.Tulsa residents will receive a "ReGreen Tulsa E-Certificate of Recognition from Mayor Kathy Taylor"...
Food, shelter from the elements and predators as well as fresh water are always avaliable. In the ideal environment the ecosystem supplies eberything an animal may need. You can even go as far as planting some vegetables and fruits here and there! Don't...
There is already a massive wealth of information (almost too much) you ‘ordinary' plant lovers can tap into to help in finding your answers.But for the oddball that likes oddball plants, like I do, then this article is for you.If you are reading this...
However, I never read how one would know Linsey-Woolsey Britches Winter if you lived where there were no dogwoods nor blackberries, except you'd be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licensed under Creative...