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DIY Root Vegetable Washer
I used my sewing machine, but if you don't have one or are using heavier material, waxed dental floss or high-gauge wire makes strong thread. This article originally appeared in the July/August 2014 issue of Hobby Farms.
Pressure Cooker Safety Tips
Watch out for steam. She lives in Fort Valley, Va. Tags cook , safety tips Properly clean your pressure cooker after each use. Be careful with frothy foods. Keep the rubber gasket clean and in good shape.
Pressure Canner Buyer\'s Guide
The twist-on varieties have a heat-activated locking mechanism built into the handles, located on either side of the lid. As the temperature climbs, the locking device expands, and until the canner cools, the lid cannot be removed.
The Basics Of Pressure Canning
Step 12 Start your timer only after the petcock jiggles/dial gauge reaches target temp. The weighted gauge/petcock should jiggle several times per minute. The National Center For Home Food Preservation and your local cooperative extension office are two...
9 FAQs About Pressure Canning
Canning season? Failure to seal means that particular jar will then have to be refrigerated and eaten within days (or frozen) in order to prevent the food from spoiling. Thirty-three canning seasons (and no exploded canners) later, I am happy to offer...
6 Things Not to Do While Pressure Canning
“If you don't get all of the air out of the canner, the steam doesn't reach the proper temperature.” 5. Venting brings the temperature up to the 240-degree-F mark before processing begins, which is critical for safe food preservation.
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
While salvaging old bricks from a long-forgotten pile that had evidently been created decades ago, I elected to use one of my old yard carts to transport the bricks to a better location.
Why Every Farmer Should Keep Drawers of Spare Parts
The repair required a matter of minutes thanks to my spare parts collection, and since then I've put in many more hours of mowing without an issue. My point is that you never know when you might need a relatively obscure item for a simple repair, so the...
6 Simple Steps to Crop Rotation
Stick to the Plan With all of these details plugged into a chart, you now have a rotational plan for your garden. You can be really fancy and put together a whole spreadsheet of your crop, variety, planting date and days to harvest like Parson does or...
Weather for Gardeners - When Water Falls: Air Pressure and Fronts
This difference must be great enough for the humid air mass edge to cool below the dew point of that mass. Clouds, rain or snow will form only if one of the air masses has both sufficient relative humidity and a wide enough temperature difference between...
El Segundo
Graffiti Paint Removal: Tips For Getting Graffiti Off A Tree
These have active ingredients which are completely natural, such as orange oil.For recent graffiti, apply the remover and let it sit on the area for up to an hour before rubbing and rinsing.
Save Time In Your Home Garden With Plasticulture
This summer, I knew that between my two jobs I'd be clocking 60 working hours a week. Lynsey Grosfield This year, I grew all my squash and pumpkins on landscaping fabric, irrigating and fertilizing them with aboveground clay pots, the drainage holes of...
Action On GMO Labeling Is Needed
Frankly, it just won't work. 809) , which was introduced to this session in February. Legislators keep saying this is what they want, and if that's true, they need to get on it. This incongruence would be rather confusing for consumers, too.
Needs For A Farm In The Wilderness
It's hardly a new idea though. Wildlife Corridors Wildlife corridors need to be maintained on wild farms. Pastureland Wilderness farms that contain pastureland and intend to graze animals upon it must ensure that they do not overburden the pasture by...
Treated Wood For Gardening: Is Pressure Treated Lumber Safe For A Garden?
These are basically large container gardens built right on the surface of the yard. Cinder blocks work well, as do bricks and sandbags. If you like the look of lumber on the edge of the beds, look into the new artificial logs made of rubber.If you have...
Let\'s Do Laundry!
As you can see, not one square inch is spared, so having a surface for folding, pre-treating and working on other soon-to-be discovered projects was a must to keep this bustling station in order.
How to Can Food at High Altitudes
Make these simple recipe adjustments to keep your final product safe. The science of preserving food gets tricky when canning at high altitudes. More pressure is also required to reach the correct temperature for food safety.
Why Must The Water Pump Be At The Bottom Of A Deep Well?
Years ago, this was fine for many applications, including drinking water, because shallow groundwater wasn't contaminated. Today, deep wells that deliver potable water are the standard, not only for purity but also for building permits, bank loans and...
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Before revving up your tractor's engine for the workday, use this daily maintenance checklist ensure this important piece of small-farm equipment is running smoothly. It may be necessary to partially drain the tractor's fuel tank to remove excess water.
9 Need-To-Know Tips For Canning Meat
Get more canning advice from 9 Fixes for Canning Problems 8 Natural and Healthy Canning Substitutions 10 Must-Have Items for the Canner's Pantry 6 Things Not to Do While Pressure Canning 10 Tips for Starting a Canned-Food Business Tags...
Washing Goat Fiber
Don't allow the water to cool too much. Using only the spin cycle, spin the water from the fiber. Gently submerge the mohair in the water and let soak for 30 minutes. This will ruin the fiber, causing it to become felt.
Tips To Sterilize Potting Soil, Garden Soil And Soil For Seeds
Put this in the microwave with the top left open for ventilation. Add a few ventilation holes in the lid. Remove from oven and allow to cool, leaving the foil in place until ready to use.Another option to sterilize soil is to use the microwave.
Porch Rehab
They filled the frames with wet concrete and smoothed the top to level. All the poured concrete was covered with plastic for 24 hours. They had to smash up the old walk, steps and porch before they could repoint the bricks and begin to build the new porch.
What Is Tree Sap?
This cycle is continues until the weather stabilizes and is quite normal.Sometimes trees suffer from unnatural blistering or oozing of sap, which may be caused by numerous things such as disease, fungus, or pests.
Preserving the Bounty, a Summary of Food Preservation (Part 1)
The countryside had been stripped of food sources. During the Napoleonic War in the late 1700s, Napoleon's army was malnourished, suffering from scurvy and starvation. This temperature is high enough to kill bacteria, yeasts, and molds that cause food...
El Segundo
How to Operate a Lever-type Cheese Press
About the Author: Tim Belyk uses his central-Canadian farm to learn how our ancestors got by at the turn of the century. These variables will change depending on the type of cheese you are making.) Step 5 Over time, you'll notice the press arm start to...
Canned Garden Vegetables – Canning Vegetables From The Garden
Canning vegetables from the garden is a time honored and rewarding way to preserve your harvest. You need to be especially careful when canning vegetables. That being said, preserving vegetables by canning can be very dangerous if it's not done right.