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How to Find a Commercial Greenhouse for Rent
Depending on the time of year, these farms may have greenhouses that aren't being used for plants. (See Resource section.) List how much space you want, where you are located and the best way to contact you.
Santa Monica
7 “Value Added” Ideas That Don\'t Require A Commercial Kitchen
Jams, pickles and breads all make great value added farm products, but these ideas will boost your business without an upfront investment. What it means, in essence, is to take a raw ingredient you produce and turn it into something more valuable.
Traveling with Livestock
(Buy old blankets for cheap at a yard sale or thrift store.) If you load the crate in the back of your van, be sure to spread a tarp on the floor to catch spills. If it's cold or wet, wrap the top, front and sides with a plastic tarp; tie it securely...
What Is Horticultural Soap: Information On Commercial and Homemade Soap Spray For Plants
Mix only what is needed for a one-day application.Homemade horticultural sprays can also be made using a natural soap product without synthetic additives or perfumes, which can be found in local natural food stores.Combine one heavy tablespoon of liquid...
Aeroponics Shapes Future of Urban Ag
Tags AeroFarms , aeroponics , commercial farming , growing system , leafy greens , urban farmers Ed Harwood, CEO of AeroFarms, became familiar with aeroponics while researching cutting-edge technologies in agriculture for the Cornell University Cooperative...
Q&A With Lufa Farms
Lufa Farms Lauren Rathmell: Our vision is to grow food closer to where people live and grow it more sustainably. Building on rooftops allows us to utilize lost spaces without taking up new land, as well as save immensely on our energy needs year-round.
Bird Flu Strikes Again
It turns out that avian influenza is just like human influenza—you can get a vaccine that was created with doctors' best guesses as to which flu strain will be active that year, but if their guess is wrong, your vaccine is useless.
Survey: Local Livestock Breeds at Risk
L ocal breeds–nearly 70 percent of which are found in the developing world–are often better suited to their environments than commercially bred animals. Many of the world's indigenous livestock breeds are in danger of dying out as commercial breeds...
Top Tomato Picks for 2012
“There are always new tomatoes to be tested,” Bogash says. Flavor, appearance, disease resistance in a ‘normal' preventative program and marketability,” says Steve Bogash, regional horticulture educator at Penn State, who co-leads the trials.
Geothermal Systems Keep Turkeys Comfy
Geothermal systems use the constant 55 to 65 degrees F of the soil a few feet beneath the surface to regulate the temperature of a liquid flowing through buried tubing. “Similar systems could be installed in other livestock operations,” Xu says.
Poultry Science: Proper Vaccination of Backyard Chickens
Other vaccines that are used in the commercial poultry industry, while efficacious, aren't practical in backyard settings and are not recommended. Because there is no treatment for Marek's, the only way to combat the disease is prevention.
Egg Storage & Sales: The Europeans Know Something Most Americans Don\'t
I marveled at fresh milk, sold on ice in returnable glass bottles; at slaughtered chickens and ducks, hanging unplucked by their legs; at mountains of sugar cubes, weighed on small silver scales, then packed into tiny paper sacks.
Thimbleberry - A Postcard From Summer 1971
(Scaring me silly, I will add.) I remember spending a couple of days at the Grand Canyon and being stopped by "the man" near my parents house in Newport News, Virginia. The Thimbleberry,Because the fruit is so soft, it does not pack or ship well, thimbleberries...
El Segundo
Alpine Goats
Still the most popular breed in France and widespread there, these goats are also known as French Alpines. DeLangle and others imported the first documented herd, consisting of 18 does and 3 bucks, from France.
Phalaenopsis - the Beginner\'s Orchid
Phalaenopsis or moth orchids, are among the easiest and most popular orchids to grow as house plants. Phalaenopsis hybrids growing in a commercial orchid nurseryThe large white and pink hybrids are among the most popularMore exotic are the yellow spotted...
El Segundo
The Best Method of Transportation for Fresh Flowers
Another way to prevent the buckets from tipping is to cluster them close together in the back of the van. Surround the buckets with small sand bags if needed for extra stability. If your journey will take more than two hours, trim off the bottom 2 inches...
Santa Monica
Tree Care - Only you can prevent tree abuse!
While this tree is still surviving, the places where the strapping has cut in are going to be much weaker in storm situations, leading to possibly fatal damage to the tree.All that was required in this situation was for the landscape contract to specify...
El Segundo
Seed Starting 101: Grow the best TOMATOES ever from seed
I used to start sooner, as many people do, ending up with huge plants for my garden. Cover the container with a dome or a plastic bag. The buried part of the stem will grow extra roots.
El Segundo
Foreign Visitors Without Visas: Bugs, Borers, and Beetles
Insect terrorists have again invaded our agricultural balance. The light green eggs are laid in clusters on the undersides of leaves. To learn more about this devastating species, read Paul Rodman's excellent article "The original focus of this article...
El Segundo
How to Reduce Potassium Levels in Soil
Another option is to stop using commercial fertilizers all together and to begin using only organic matter to enrich the soil.Mix crushed eggshells, crushed seashells, wood ash or soft rock phosphate to the soil to add calcium.
Santa Monica
Can you actually buy luscious RIPE tree fruits at the supermarket? Not likely, but you CAN grow your own!
Goumi juice is low in pectin so you will need to use a jelly recipe that adds pectin.Goumi ripen unevenly, when the fruit is soft and easily comes off the stem it is ready for harvest.
El Segundo
Hand Lotions and Scrubs for Gardeners
Hopefully you don't have dry, cracked skin on your hands, but if you do let it be because of beautiful, healthy plants and from hours of enjoyment in your garden. Tub for about $6.Upper Canada Soap & Candle Makers makes both a hand scrub and a hand lotion...
El Segundo
Belgian Bearded d\'Uccle Chickens
Roosters weigh 26 ounces and hens weigh 22 ounces. Special Considerations/Notes: Belgian Bearded d'Uccle chickens are easygoing, sweet birds that bear confinement well, but they're also excellent free-range foragers.
Creasy Greens... Say WHAT??
Then saute the onion, garlic, and red pepper in butter or oil over medium heat until the onions are transparent and the peppers are soft. The creasies will wilt and shrink as they cook).
El Segundo
New Program Prepares Students for Start in Urban Farming
To register, click here . “The local food movement emphasizes the benefits of growing food close to where people live,” says Margaret Morgan-Hubbard, CEO of ECO City Farms. While the U.S. has seen an increase in the demand for locally grown foods...
UC Davis Launches Sustainable Ag Major
Applications for freshmen and transfer students to enter the major will be available in November. Tags food systems , sustainable agriculture , UC Davis , University of California The University of California, Davis, will launch an undergraduate major...
Embden Geese
Eyes are bright blue. Embdens were first imported into the United States from Germany in 1820. They are the primary breed used in commercial goose production in America. The tall, down- and egg-producing Embden has been described as one of the most popular...