Even though my Thimbleberry didn't set fruit last year, I enjoyed the blooms and the memories of a summer spent with friends and the days of gas at 3 gallons for a dollar.Thimbleberry jam is easily made by combining equal volumes of berries and sugar...
They're strong fliers and require tall fencing when kept in pens. Poultry historians believe Van Gelder crossed another Belgian chicken breed, the rose-combed Antwerp Bearded Bantam, with a single-combed Dutch Sabelpoots Bantam to produce a compact, booted...
The Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems integrates several subjects to provide students with a thorough understanding of the many issues facing modern farming and food systems, including production, processing, distribution,...
Schuenemann and the Schooner Rouse SimmonsWisconsin Historical Society: New Findings on the Fate of the Christmas Tree Ship Around the turn of the 20th century, the majority of Chicago's Christmas trees arrived not overland but by water.
Trish Jenkins: We're excited about bicycles as transportation and smart, efficient tools for small scale farms— they're also irresistibly fun, engaging and offer a great way to interact with your community, neighborhood or city.
Think of them as red Baby's Breath.Almost as important to me as the unusual leaves is the fact that they emerge later in the spring than those of most perennials. They make interesting fillers in flower arrangements.
Warning: Be sure to remove any locking/latching hardware on old refrigerators. Bag vegetables separately (in perforated plastic) for storage. Here are six options to consider: Clamps are holes that have been dug below frost level, about 1 square yard.
I'm not sure about you, but I can see a large fencing trailer or seed distribution set up being pulled across the land fairly easily. After Work Can-Am I would venture to say that if you run a working hobby farm, then you'll want to get away at some point...
Now, if you're like me, you might be wondering if a vehicle this small is good for anything but a trail ride. I could go on about the other specs, but you can check those out for yourself on the Honda Powersports website ).
Place the tree in the center of the hole. Keep the mulch from touching the tree trunk.Continue training the cherries in the modified leader style--the preferred pruning approach for cherries--in early spring, when trees are dormant.
To the left, an unknown pink trailing Diascia, and to the right, courtesy of Ball Horticultural Co., 'Romeo White' ('Balwinwite' PP17,176), a brand-new trailing Diascia, image property of Ball Hort.
Once you have settled on an idea, everything else will come naturally.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The easiest way to devise a concept is to think about what you enjoy – like a.
Later, when religion dominated, the rose made its appearance in paintings of angels and saints, including paintings of the Virgin. This is a brief journey through time while we look at roses in the work of artists through the ages.The first known painting...
Bojan Rantasa/Flickr If collecting leaves and deadheads is a necessary part of your autumnal routine, consider fermenting them into leaf mold on-site instead of trucking them off in clear plastic bags.
Conformation: The Booted Bantam chicken breed has a compact build, feathered legs and unique feather hocks, and long feathers that stick out from the lower back-thigh area. It was admitted to the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in...
Despite project costs and interest, the college estimates that, by eliminating its electricity bill, getting paid for excess electricity production and avoiding future electricity rate increases, it will save between $50 million and $75 million over a...
Being the first grid-positive community college in the country demonstrates our commitment to the sustainable practices we're modeling for our students and our communities.” The new 15,000 solar panels will be mounted on the ground, placed on rooftops...
Prickly pears have been imported all over the world for food and horticulture. It has been in use for around 2000 years. Various predator insects have been imported to control the cactus and a species of cochineal insect has resulted in effective control...
Spitting means, “I don't like what you're doing!” or “Get away, and leave me alone!” Lamas warn each other before they spit by raising their chins and laying back their ears.
Fishnets and open hammocks are also created with palm leaf cords, while heavier cords act as climbing ropes that are used to scale trees during palm leaf harvesting. Palm leaflets make excellent partitions and terraces.
My cousin sold me her old trailer a few months ago, but since I don't have truck for towing, it has just been sitting in the lot. Milagro was a champ, behaving like a gentleman at the vet checks and obeying my various requests along the way.
Hydro-cooling is the act of dunking produce in cool, clean water to cool it down. Because most beginning farmers don't have luxuries like walk-in coolers to cool veggies rapidly, Eric Wooldridge from Bells Bend Farm in Nashville, recommends a handy device...
In an article on The Guardian , the FAO's senior policy officer Harry van der Wulp said “the latest analysis was the most comprehensive yet, but probably not the final word on the subject”: “These conclusions relate to exposure through the diet—that...
In addition to Stella, Black Gold and North Star sweet cherries are self-pollinating. Pollinating a cherry tree in the sweet category with the same cultivar will not result in fruit.Natural reproductive systems are often described using the birds and...
Keep parent plants in a sunny window; water when the soil surface is dry.Although geranium fanciers might grow plants from seed,– if you can get your citrosa to flower. Cuttings can be taken from plantsbeginning in fall, throughout the winter and even...
When you go to a garden center, you tell yourself that you will buy "just one plant," but then come out of a daze some time later, wondering how all the dozens of potted plants came home with you.7. You justify pinching and pilfering cuttings from plants...
The T2334 and T2734 subcompact tractors, for example, come with standard HST (hydrostatic transmission) and a hydraulic system that offers maximum ease and efficiency when you need to hook up attachments like aerators, mowers or even a backhoe.