You can hardly change a television station or open a magazine without seeing a show or article featuring a celebrity chef. Can you grow some? Being directly connected to food production, as farmers, we need to keep an eye on what's happening among foodies...
“Look around the teaching bay at all these perfectly assembled tools and diagnostic equipment,” he said. When I offered my repair services, Zac quickly accepted. Once disassembled, we used the screwdriver to line up holes and pull segments together.
It's almost like journaling, but it's quicker and easier. March is the New Leaves Moon because that's when our trees begin producing leaves. 17, 2011, and Feb. Maybe you'd like to keep one, too?
The scientists also made new findings about alpha-endosulfan and about beta-endosulfan, a less volatile form of endosulfan. Results from other modeling and real-time observations indicate that with the right meteorological conditions, atmospheric levels...
If the soil is too wet when you till, the structure of the soil can collapse. These machines will either remove plugs of soil from the ground or will puncture the ground and give the soil room to decompress.For smaller areas, you can work in organic materials...
What I didn't realize when I bought the loader four years ago was that the pump accounted for roughly 25 percent of the total cost. It seems that 12-volt pumps have a tendency to burn out if heavily used.
Not only will it help with routine maintenance around the property, but owning your own compact backhoe will eliminate the need to outsource projects like tree and stump removal or light excavation.
Plants get about eighteen inches in diameter in any direction, and sucker profusely in the landscape.exceptionally large, older specimens in a botanical garden (left); right is an exceptionally pale specimenAnother show plant (left) and an exceptionally...
“You don't want a soupy mess,” Coffinger says. If you've ever had a conventional compost bucket under the kitchen sink, you know it can become rank after a few days. In order to do this efficiently, you need to create an ideal environment for them...
Gardeners growing squash on trellises orient them north of other vegetables in nearby spaces to avoid the shading effect, suggests University of Minnesota vegetable specialist Vince Fritz.
« More Shop Talk » Hydraulic fluid caused wounds quickly lead to gangrene and amputation. A massive rupture can be messy, but a pinhole leak can be of greater concern. Submit your comments and questions.
Keep them in a waterproof container in an obvious area. Download this list to track your first-aid supplies. Your kit should include the following supplies. Items for the kit can be found at the local drugstore, feed shop or through your veterinarian.
Fortunately, you have an asset that many folks lack: land. Your vision may be to always accommodate trial events. You can also call your state fish and wildlife agency: They often permit these events and may be able to provide the names and potential...
Red Wing Software has been offering agricultural packages they describe as “more than accounting” for more than 30 years. The program is offered in a number of Midwestern states and as far east as New York.
This, in turn, causes shade to move from west to east in a clockwise pattern. When customers come to me for plant suggestions, the first question I ask them is if it will be going in a sunny or shady location.
If you need labels to fasten to a branch or stalk, punch a hole in a section of mini-blind or melt a hole in a plastic tag using a hot nail or old soldering iron.will generally last for several years.
All season long, these plants tickle me to no end. For me, I'll keep my volunteer jewelweeds in a section of the front garden and leave the impatiens at the garden center. My weeds attract the ruby-throated hummingbird.
Before flies start waging war on your goats, stop them in their tracks. Permethrin-based insecticides offer short-term relief for livestock, but other chemical repellents seldom work.
Tags Lists , record-keeping charts This form is also helpful for you to keep track of what you plan to harvest while you're in the field. How much kale did you harvest last month, and who helped you pick it?
Once the top is complete repeat the process along the bottom edge, being sure to pull the fabric taut as you go to avoid puckering of the fabric. Whether you use it to display artwork and family photos or house bills and shopping list this, DIY bulletin...
Officials and avocado growers will also benefit from the researchers' discovery that the beetles prefer freshly cut wood surfaces, a finding that helps growers realize trees are vulnerable to attack during pruning.
According to the Penn State survey, 48.1 percent of horse owners say their animals leave the premises of their farm at least once per year, while 25 percent reported their horses left the premises at least once per month.
Simply cut off any spent blooms to trigger the production of more flowers; and do it continually. Plan on trying a few different varieties every year—you never know when you'll find a hit.
Carbon Is Money We know this, experientially and intuitively. In fact, 50 percent of the weight of wool is pure organic carbon. Comet-Planner then approximates the carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission reductions of the combined data you entered.
Use this bird-sighting chart to document what birds are nesting around your home and when you see them. When your chart is full of feathered creatures, print yourself another page!
Oftentimes, when homes are built, topsoil or fill is brought in to create the yard and landscape beds immediately around the home. These amendments can help loosen up the soil, provide better drainage and add available nutrients for plants.Raised beds...