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Coleus Plant Facts

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Information About Under The Sea Coleus Collection
Well, if you've read many of my articles or books, then you know I am someone with a curious interest in unusual things – especially in the garden. It's the “wild shapes and colors” found in the various cultivars that make them so alluring.
Indoor Coleus Care: How To Grow A Coleus Houseplant
(Never let the bottom of the pot stand directly in water.)Pinch the tips of the plant frequently to keep it bushy. Look for a spot where the plant gets bright morning sunlight but indirect light during the afternoon.You may need to supplement available...
Coleus Care – Information On Growing Coleus
Container plants also require more frequent watering than those grown in the garden. Coleus also have a wide variety of leaf sizes and overall shapes. Plant coleus close together as bedding plants or tuck them into baskets and containers for a fast growing...
How To Propagate Coleus From Seed Or Cuttings
You will know it is rooted when you see new growth on the coleus cutting.Alternately, another method for how to root coleus cuttings is in water. If needed, use toothpicks of sticks to keep the plastic off the cutting.
Winterizing Coleus: How To Overwinter Coleus
Make sure you get as much of the root system as possible. Simply root three- to four-inch cuttings in late August (or prior to cold weather) by potting them up and moving them indoors.Remove the bottom leaves of each cutting and insert the cut ends into...
Potted Coleus Care: Tips On Growing Coleus In A Pot
Be careful not to over fertilize, though, or your coleus in pots may lose their brilliant color. Is a fantastic plant for adding color to your garden or house. They also work very well in.
Coleus Plant Has Flower Spikes: What To Do With Coleus Blooms
There are few more colorful and diverse plants than not withstand freezing temperatures but cool, shorter days do spur an interesting development in these foliage plants.
Crazy Colorful Coleus for Sun or Shade
Many shade-loving coleus varieties can be grown from seed. A riotous mix of colors adds appeal to an informal container or a cottage style border. They were delivered on one of the hottest days in June, but they were carefully packed and arrived in great...
El Segundo
Crazy For Coleus: History and Care
Coleus purchased at box stores will often only bear the tag name of "Coleus" thus, finding a cultivar name, is left up to the purchaser. Easy to grow and inexpensive,Coleus has become a gardener's highspot!
El Segundo
Joy of Sex-ual Reproduction, or Why Plants Don\'t Look Just Like their Parents
Sexual reproduction (meiosis) is explained in more botanical detailBut what if we want exactly the same plants that we had before? Often they will be easier to grow from seed and will not change if allowed to pollinate in the wild.
El Segundo
Creating a \
Caladiums still look good though. I decided to create my own using my trusty drill and a hole saw bit.Because I'm planting coleus cuttings, the holes don't need to be quite as big as they would have had I been using rooted plants.
El Segundo
Is This Plant the New Hosta?
Please scroll down to the form below. Make sure that you change the water frequently to keep it from getting cloudy. Among these are Christmas Candy, Indian Frills, Rustic Orange, Tilt-a-Whirl (see alphabetized photos in this article),These and all other...
El Segundo
First Flowers
When I presented them to her and she saw what I had done, she gave up a small space at a window where I could continue to fret over them and she would smile, for they never really became hers.My first year of college and my first apartment are synonymous...
El Segundo
Ayurvedic Herb: Coleus forskohlii
I don't grow them...," Rogers replied.and contract farmers, especially in Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with approximately 2,500 tonnes cultivated annually. Rogers said he didn't really have one favorite coleus, but if he had to choose one he said,...
El Segundo
The secret life of plants
Then another one appears out of nowhere and gets repotted into the same pot, and nobody says anything. Then the water bringer passes through, and absentmindedly dumps a bunch of water on all of us, never mind if we need it or not! Well, that always gets...
El Segundo
Are Coleus Plants Perennial Flowers?
When grown as a houseplant, place coleus in a warm location with bright light.Coleus have low fertilizer requirements. Coleus grown in soggy soils have stunted growth and the leaves will turn muddy, scorched-looking and fall off the plant.
Santa Monica
Growing Scaredy Cat Plants: Coleus Canina Plant Repellent
If you have a guest who is sensitive to the smell, or small children who are likely to run over the plants and bruise them, it's a good idea to be able to move them to a more secure location.Scaredy cat plant care is relatively simple, as long as it's...
Newfound Coleus Supplier
I recently wrote an article on coleus for my weekly newspaper column in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and found out about a terrific mail-order company that I had never heard of before.
My Toxic, Painful Garden Revisited: pruning considerations
And though these require pruning, too, I will not even pretend I know how to do it right... This makes for VERY treacherous travel through this area. You get a pretty good amount of levarage with these, but I twist and tweak the single sharp blade and...
El Segundo
Will Palm Trees Grow Back if You Cut Their Trunks?
The trunk cannot regenerate a new growing tip to replace the missing crownshaft, and without foliage to photosynthesize light, the palm weakens and eventually the trunk and root tissues rot.
Santa Monica
How to Ship a Cactus
Close the lid of the box and seal it with packing tape.Write the name and address of the recipient clearly on the top center of the box with a permanent marker. Cacti also require little water, allowing them to survive just fine with low levels of moisture...
Santa Monica
Essential Oil for Roly Poly Pests
Touch a roly-poly bug (Armadillilium vulgare) and you'll know why it's called a roly-poly. For best results, use therapeutic grade oils only.Coconut oil can be used as well on roly-polies.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Aphids Off a Hibiscus Tree Naturally
While there are several toxic chemical pesticides available that kill aphids, there are natural, organic methods available. Discard the mixture and make a new batch each week to continue to attract aphids.Create an aphid-killing spray that is safe for...
Santa Monica
Castor Bean Plant Laws
Section 3-7.06 gives the city's Chief of Police the authority to investigate the violation, notify the offending person and enforce the law. According to the 2002 Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Act, possessing, using or transferring...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Salvia Divinorum
Roughly 1% of all Salvia Divinorum seeds will ever germinate, so don't use seeds. If your Salvia roots are around 1 inch long then you know it's time to get some soil on it. Put your potted Salvia inside in some lightly shaded area, and make sure it gets...
Santa Monica
What Liquids Do Plants Grow Best In?
They both also contain sugars, which will build up in the soil and attract insects and potentially harmful bacteria.Pure and distilled water are the best choices for watering plants.
Santa Monica
Once Corn Tassles, How Long Until the Cobs Are Ripe?
As the starch levels increase within each corn kernel, a dent will appear on the top of each kernel. They benefit from being planted close together to help encourage better fertilization, and thus a more bountiful harvest.
Santa Monica