66 Registered without papers Angus cows All 3-4 years old Weighing between 1200-1400 lbs All A.I. bred with sexed semen to produce Heifers Due to start calving in September 66 Registered without papers Angus cows All 3-4 years old Weighing between 1200-1400...
Will make a great nurse/family cow &/or ET recip. For a jersey/calves or Guernsey/calves. Tested A2A2 by Igenity. We are asking $1600 with delivery We have a registered Guernsey cow bred AI confirmed by vet ultrasound.
Healthy Pure breed Holstein Heifers.We offer pure breed animals All our livestock animals are vet checked, certified and all 100% healthy. Below are more specifications; Weight : 450 to 600 K.G Pregnancy : 6 - 8 months Milking Capacity : 34 and more litres...
She also only receives a small amount of grain with her alfalfa daily at milking. If he does not sell in a few weeks I will steer him. I originally planned to steer Willy, but have gotten behind and haven't gotten the vet out to do it yet.
38 head of cattle. Old cows, heifers and registered British White bull. Herd has been bred for April-June calving. 100% grass fed herd of Angus, Galloway and British White breeding.
Live Dairy Cows and Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cow for Sale Wed are a world wide distributor of live Sheep, Cattle, Lambs, pigs , piglet , goats , of all kinds.Send your email address for
Here we got this cute and outstanding free tea cup yorkie puppies for adoption to a lovely home that is ready to take good care of this puppies, vet check and akc reg love to play with other home pets and animals and love to be held by the hands .
DOB: 05/05/08 Name: CFS Rosie Roan C1 Color: Roan 15/16 Tattoo LE: C1 Sire: K-Kim Tehama 76P ET Dam: GRTK Miss Ruby Red Stuff 7/8 Birth Weight: 72 lbs. AI to: Jakes Proud Jazz Registered Shorthorn Heifer - Placed 1st in Class and Champ in Division at...
Waiting to get your inquiries. Mohammed Abdul Export Manager LIOCAM ENTERPRISE We export high quality boneless beef.Quality Boneless Beef from one of the Best suppliers in Africa.100mt available per week .See our product specifications below: Name: Boneless...
Jersey Heifers, cows and calves Available for sale at very affordable prices. Please contact for more information Jersey Heifers and calves Available for sale at very affordable prices.
American "Kobe Beef" Wagyu Beef Steers ready for processing. Naturally raised organically with no hormones, no antibiotics or steroids. USDA Prime Marbling! We can have it processed for you or purchased on the hoof.
Depending upon your location we may be able to deliver. These bulls\' mothers are gentle, well uddered maternal cows that have been making a living on range conditions raising big calves every year.
Beautiful Foundation Pure Heifer Calf just born 7/25/11 Both parents reg w/ the AMJA&R Calf will be left on mother for 5-7 days and then bottle fed, price includes vet health certificate .
We have cows in bunch and we supply in bulk text Mr James ... We have cows in bunch and we supply in bulk text Mr James on 661 231 7470 for info and details We are supplying healthy Holstein and dairy heifers cows in bunch in farm now .
Beta Casein: A1/A1 Asking: $1500.00 Gentle, red polled bull calf from Sire Windfalls Bet On Red (023140) and Dam Mornstar Kyli Flann (023235). Animal Name: PKB Third Circle Will-o-wisp Animal ADCA Number: 040765 Description: Red polled heifer Description:...
So distances should not be a problem Just call or text us. Thanks delivery is available in to all states . Jersey milk cow A2/A2 for sale with calves text or call us on (518)512-9567 serous buyers only please we are asking $1500 for her and $300 for calves...
All the animals must have id number and must be free of all known disease. And for the further specifications please contact us. Especialy Holstains,Simmental or Montofon. Which is a well known company in Turkey about live stock business and health care...
1 bull registered, 4 years old 1 Cow registered, 6 years old (bred with bull, due March/April 1 Steer, born April 2010, product of above 100% grass fed, wormed, vaccinated. Great tasting meat or great pets.
The heifers are mostly 1 year of age and are out of a Geronimo son..McMullen\'s Geronimo Hotline and are all quality heifers. Two of the calves are heifers and 1 is a bull calf. The Brangus cows on the pairs listing are 5-8 years of age and have been...
Selling a pregnant jersey cow she is beached need to get rid of her can\'t afford her no more. She is 7months pregnant don\'t have papers for the cow I wont deliver must come and pick her up email if interested
We have a large herd of cattle for sale .205 at this time available . You can visit our farm or PM for detailed informations .-503-506-7826 Thanks Jeery and July All cattle are registered and have individual health records .
$950 price includes vaccinations and birth registration with AMJA. His dam is Tanglewood Mint Chip and his sire is Riverview's Son of Fat Louie. He is polled, mulberry colored and will be dam raised.
"Triskelion's Irene," Mini-Jersey Heifer born 9/1/11. Please contact us with any additional questions. AMJA Foundation Pure, sired by Riverview Baby LP and dam is Tanglewood Cookie Dough.
We love the genetics on this cow and cannot wait to see what she will produce. She is A2/A2 beta casein and her dam had a high cream content in her milk. Lucy is an outstanding addition to the herd.
All Grass fed born on our farm in Tennessee. Call for info ,Bill @ 731-926-4903.Delivery Available call for details and costs. We have non registered Highland Cattle for Sale in South Central Tennessee, born on our farm in tennessee