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Clivia Care

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Clivia Seed Germination: How Do I Germinate Clivia Seeds
They should start producing their own flowers in 3 to 5 years. When a clivia flower is pollinated, it produces large red berries.Leave the berries on the plant for a year to allow them to ripen, then harvest and cut them open.
Outdoor Clivia Lily Care: Learn About Growing Clivia Lilies Outdoors
Be aware that this plant is toxic, though.Outdoor clivia lily care may be a little more involved, but it is also limited. When flowers are spent, trim them off to avoid energy being expended on seed production.
Growing Clivia – Care For Clivia Plant
Following their rest period, you can gradually resume normal watering and feeding practices. (21 C.) or more and no less than 50 F. During this time, withhold water and fertilizer, giving plants just enough to keep their foliage hydrated.
Problems With Clivia
If caught in time, most of these problems can be treated and the clivia will survive. To counteract fungal disease, remove all infected plant parts and spray with a fungicide. According to the Clivia Society, the symptoms begin with a yellowing of one...
Santa Monica
Clivia, A Houseplant Gift from Africa
Bud formation takes place during this resting period. "If you grow clivias from seed, it takes three to five years for them to bloom for the first time," he says. We are always on the quest for ones to add to our collections.Thanks to Dave's Garden contributors...
El Segundo
Why Are My Clivia Leaves Turning Yellow?
Clivias bloom more freely when their roots are crowded, so don't re-pot until the bulb starts to push out of the container.It's not uncommon for older, outside leaves to yellow as new foliage grows up from the center of the plant.
Santa Monica
How to Care for the Clivia Plant
Potted clivia also rarely needs repotting and grows best when root bound. During this dry rest period, keep the temperature below 60 F to further encourage blooms. Clivia grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through...
Santa Monica
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
I am betting that you have new growth on your Clivia by now. Fungus gnats love damp soil and as long as your potting medium remains damp, they'll happily reproduce. Answers: Fungus gnats frustrate gardeners and are sometimes tricky to banish once established.
El Segundo
Two problems, one solution: Houseplants fill your outside containers for summer
The area around the Adenium is filled with a fine bark mulch. Acclimation will help strengthen their stems. Take care with top-heavy, leafy plants which may catch the wind and be blown over.In the fall, be sure to check all "vacationing" tropicals for...
El Segundo
Cacti, Succulents and Tourism
The flowers of the cacti and succulents are nice. This has been a cold winter with a bit of snow. Yummy! I also always manage to find someone else nearby who also likes cactus fruits, so I get to give bags of fruit away (one of my favorite pastimes),...
Announcing the Garden Watchdog Top 5 Awards!
These vendors are hard-working and deserve this annual pat on the back for their attention to detail and customer support. The rankings are based on customer reviews for the past year, so these awards are for feedback posted in 2012.There are 134 specialties...
El Segundo
Ain\'t Spring Great!
The big shady wall on the north side is starting to get covered by the orange and yellow Nasturtiums that are hanging down fifteen feet in some spots already. The little horse bean pods are only about two inches long now, and I'm worried that they won't...
How To Handle Toxic Houseplants
Primulas are not poisonous, however. Everyone will have experienced how painful cactus thorns in the skin can be., have sharp points on their leaves that produce skin abrasions and wounds if you bump into them while repotting.