Only two left at this price. Heaviest 3Pt. hitch rotary rake on the market- 10 ft working width- 3pt. Can get the 0% financing for 48 months. Hitch full float- Tandem axle.
Unlike other used equipment sellers where the majority of their advertised inventory is on consignment. We also take pride in letting customers know that we own our inventory. With over 81 years in business.Equipment 9355 is a used machinery seller such...
2017 - 25 foot pull-type tedder- 6 basket- 7 arms per rotor- Best tedder on the market- This fluffer has turbo-tine arms, Larger transport tires- The only German fluffer that will not windrow.
0% financing available! New Claas 455 Uniwrap, Bale size: 48" x 53" (1.20 x 1.35 m), wrapping process accelerated on ROLLANT 455 UNIWRAP by over 30%; just 23 seconds for six layers of film.