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Attracting and Keeping our Feathered Friends, the Songbirds
Nothing can cheer up a drab winter day as looking out of your window and seeing a parade of brightly colored songbirds at your feeder. This mixture will attract a wider variety of birds than any other seed on the market.To attract specific birds here...
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Incredible Edible Flowers
Edible flowers have been used for hundreds of years as flavoring and garnishes. Just looking for something a little different to dine on? Edible flowers add a unique taste to various dishes.
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Ants On Camellia Flowers: Why Are Camellia Buds Covered With Ants
Ants love sugary sweets and aphids produce a sweet substance calledas they feed, so ants and aphids are perfect companions. Soap sprays are one of the most effective and least toxic insecticides you can use against aphids.
Chicken Disease Prevention, Sans Drugs
Working with industry and international partners and other scientists, Lillehoj has discovered other options to antibiotic use in poultry. Tags alternatives to antibiotic use , antimicrobial proteins , improve chicken immunity , poultry diseases , prevent...
How To Make A DIY Platform Bird Feeder
This will allow collected rainwater to run out of the lid. Jessica Walliser The rope's knot should be on the outside of the lid and it should sit just below where the zip tie arches through the awl holes.
Rose Oil Uses: Learn How To Make Rose Oil At Home
If the scent is too light for you, try making a double or triple infusion wherein the infused oil is used again with fresh roses to re-infuse the oil with scent.Once your oil has been infused, you can use it several ways.
Natural Bird Repellents: Controlling Birds In The Garden
Birds can certainly be beneficial, picking offand other annoying pests, and consuming messy fruits, but some bird species are downright annoying or damaging. When using these scare tactics, remember that birds are smart and will adapt quickly to a single...
Foolproof Tips On How To Keep Squirrels Out Of Birdfeeders
Or mix in some cayenne pepper into the food. So what is a bird lover to do? For a bird lover, one of the most frustrating things that you can experience is to see the bushy tail of a greedy squirrel hanging off the side of your birdfeeders.
Garden Visitor: The Northern Cardinal
Both sexes have a heavy, cone-shaped, bright orange-red bill. Adults may briefly look a bit unkempt in the fall, since they undergo a period of molting from mid-August to September that is completed sometime in October.Northern cardinal pairs may attempt...
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Help! My Chicken Ate Something Terrible
These rocks are stored in the gizzard, where they grind incoming food, breaking it down before it moves along to the bird's stomach. Should you see string dangling from your chicken's vent, do not pull on it.
12 Edible Flowers That Are Pollinator-friendly, Too!
Squash ( Cucurbita pepo ) 9. Again, always consult a knowledgeable source before you dig in. You get great yields for little effort.” Before you start harvesting flowers for the kitchen, keep these safety tips in mind: Ensure the flowers you want to...
5 Creative Uses for Basil
Use a mortar and pestle to pound together 1/4 cup basil leaves and 1/2 cup salt until basil is broken down. It will keep three to five years in a cool, dry area. Applications: Use cinnamon-basil syrup in fruit cups, tea and seltzer; lemon-basil syrup...
7 Tips for Beating the Winter Farm Blahs
To keep from getting overwhelmed, just pick one thing to complete . Renewing the Countryside presents hundreds of engaging profiles of small, diversified farm operations nationwide; search the site geographically or by your area of interest.
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I'm not sure; I have only just begun to browse through the many apps available on my smart phone. I could view PlantFiles on my smarty pants phone, and see if those varieties were anything to go gaga over.
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Hand Lotions and Scrubs for Gardeners
This product comes in a 16 oz. As with most products on this list, they make their products without ever testing on animals and use packaging that is recyclable. Both can be found reasonably priced at drug stores and function as great moisturizers.If...
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House Sparrows: 4 Steps To Safeguard Your Chickens
Remember to provide shade and water for the sparrows trapped inside until you can properly dispatch them . House sparrows are notorious for building nests inside vents and other small cavities.
Invite More Bird Species to Your Feeders
Far more cost-effective is sugar water. Mix 1/4 cup of sugar per cup of water. Chunks of fruit, reconstituted raisins and even a dollop of jelly will attract birds in spring, during the migration and while natural fruit sources are still scarce.
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Winter Survival for Northern Birds
Many of them are deep enough to add a small pump to act as a bubbler. Body oils on feathers also help repel water.— Birds often employ shiver tactics (thermogenesis) to generate heat.
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What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
However, it's important to keep in mind that healthy animals produce healthy meat, and as we saw earlier, ruminants on a grain-based diet are not as healthy as their grassfed counterparts.
The Difference Between Organic and Farm Raised
In general, grassfed animals eat only grass and forages, no grains. According to the Environmental Working Group, beef has more than two times the emissions of pork; nearly four times that of chicken; and more than 13 times that of vegetable proteins,...
Attracting Feathered Friends with Backyard Birdfeeders
Similar resin feeders are available with cavities running entirely through the piece.— For woodpeckers only! This feeder has two pieces of resin which sandwich a layer of suet, simulating natural cavities of trees.
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