The bark has been made into baskets. Libocedrus decurrens Torr.) is a species of conifer native to western North America , with the bulk of the range in the United States , from central western Oregon through most of California and the extreme west of...
* Trunks of mature trees in groves are generally free of branches to a height of 20–50 m, but solitary trees will retain low branches. The blue-green needles are up to 1/2" and it produces 1 1/2 - 3" cones.
* The Sierra Nevada White Fir sources have greener needles and are not as cold hardy or heat tolerant as the inland strains. * It is popular as an ornamental landscaping tree and as a Christmas Tree.
* It is a large evergreen coniferous tree growing to 60 m tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 2 m. * Fir native to the mountains south and east of the Black Sea, in Turkey, Georgia, Russian Caucasus and northern parts of Armenia.
Glauca) spruce. It is a large evergreen tree growing to 30-45 m tall (exceptionally to 57 m), and with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m (exceptionally up to 4 m). * Dark green shiny needles, shortest of any spruce at 1/4-1/2"; in habit, a dense, narrow...
* Pseudotsuga menziesii is one of the world's most important timber trees, valued in both the Old and New worlds * This is the largest member of the Pinaceae (the second largest, Picea sitchensis, grows with P.
* The specific epithet, menziesii, is after Archibald Menzies, a Scottish physician and rival naturalist to David Douglas. * Douglas fir seeds are an extremely important food for small mammals.
Plants are very shade tolerant, especially when young, but growth is slower in dense shade. Grows well in heavy clay soils. * Prefers a good moist but not water-logged soil. * The first "discovery" by a European was by Carl Friedrich Schmidt (1811 –...
It is found in cold but humid temperate rain forests , and nowhere does its range extend more than 400 km from the Pacific Ocean . It is native to northeast Asia , from the mountains of central Japan and the Changbai Mountains on the China - North Korea...
Our mission is to provide quality products and services in the most efficient and responsible manner to generate the most value for our customers while remaining committed to the principles of sustainability.
I have 10 acres of blue spruce , looking for sale as christmas trees or as landscape trees Am looking for a buyer for blue spruce trees ranging from eight to about sixteen feet in height, for sale as cut or balled
* Nordmann Fir ( Abies nordmanniana ) is a fir native to the mountains south and east of the Black Sea , in Turkey , Georgia , Russian Caucasus and northern parts of Armenia. * Ambrolauri source is the most popular for Christmas tree production.
* The Colorado sources of Abies concolor are the hardiest that we sell. * It is popular as an ornamental landscaping tree and as a Christmas Tree. Thus it can be used for making tubs for storing food items.
I have 4ooo to 5ooo Christmas trees for sale mostly Nobel Fir but have some Grand fir as well all sizes Trees have been well taken care of trim every year and tops staked . I have 4ooo to 5ooo Christmas trees for sale mostly Nobel Fir but have some Grand...
* Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products. * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600.
* The specific epithet, menziesii, is after Archibald Menzies, a Scottish physician and rival naturalist to David Douglas. * Douglas fir seeds are an extremely important food for small mammals.
The Fresh Douglas Fir Christmas Tree offers all of the best qualities of the Fir tree family to those who crave a big, full, and easy to care for tree. With many stands, there can still be water in the stand even though the base of the tree is no longer...
* Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products. * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600.
* Most garden specimens are of the hybrid between the two species, Laburnum × watereri (Voss's laburnum), which combines the longer racemes of L. Anagyroides; it also has the benefit of low seed production.
It is mostly a high altitude mountain tree, growing at 900-3650 m altitude, rarely lower in the northwest of the range; in many areas it reaches the alpine tree line . Abies, Norway spruce; native to mountains of western North America.
In a clinical trial involving 119 people, 46% of those treated with the herb showed a significant reduction in blood pressure. Nice for lawns, parks and golf courses or commercial grounds.
It makes an attractive specimen tree in parks and open spaces. * The Nootka Cypress is used extensively by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, along with another cypress, Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar).
* It is the state tree of Idaho, and is sometimes known as the Idaho pine. * Narrower and more symmetrical in habit than P. * The roasted young cones can be eaten. Strobus; "makes a beautiful specimen" (Wyman).
Contorta and Pinus contorta subsp. Murrayana for use in traditional and wildlife gardens, and as smaller selections of the native plant for natural landscaping. Contorta) smaller varieties and cultivars are also used in container gardening, including...
* Needles to 10", cones to 3 1/2"; native to Yunnan, China. It is found only in China ( Yunnan ). * Yunnan Pine ( Pinus yunnanensis ) is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family.